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Lisa Pov.

The tears keep falling while I hug my knees.

Why? Why Jennie married him? How did it happen? Could it be that she was already with him even being with me?

No, no, no, she could not have done it, could she?

I feel a pair of arms around me, I looked up and it was Jisoo. I completely forgot that I was going to have lunch with her.

"Hey Lisa, what's the matter? Why are you letting the rain get you wet?" She says as she looks at me worriedly.

I hug her around her waist and bury my face in her stomach as I cry like a little girl. I feel her hands rubbing my back.

Why does it hurt so much after all these years? Why do I still feel my heart beating like the first time I saw her?

"Jennie," I say softly.

I feel the hand on my back stops.

"What's wrong with her?" She asks me questionably.

I look up and see sadness in her eyes.

"S-She's here." I say feeling more pain in my heart as I let out more tears.

"What do you mean?" She asks me as she sits in front of me.

If people passed, they would laugh at us. Two adults sitting on the sidewalk while the rain is falling y we are just like nothing.

I look down while I play with the rings of my fingers.

"Jennie is here in Japan, she's still so beautiful, she looks so mature, she still has her baby cheeks and her hair is a bit longer now, it looks great on her ..."

"Lisa ..." i cut her before she could continue speaking.

"She is married and has a son, he's a cute and very kind boy, he must not be more than 10 years old, he's name is Sehun... Her husband is Kai Kim. "I say while I feel my tears on my lips.

"Kai, the idiot that went with us in school, that idiot Kai?" She asks me, surprised.

I laughed a little while listening to her.

"That same one, Kai turned out to be the other architect with whom Seulgi and I will be working with." I explain.

"But he's an idiot, how did he become an architect? Plus, Jennie hated him for being an idiot."

"Well, I don't think she hated him because he is now her husband and has a son with him." I say, feeling disappointed.

there was a few minutes of silence and Jisoo decided to speak.

"When we arrived in Japan, the next day I went out to walk in the morning and I found Rose." She says as she looks up at the sky letting raindrops run down her face.

I looked at her surprised, now I understand why she had been behaving so strange these last days and I can't blame her, Rose is still the person who Jisoo loves even though she says no, Rose is still in her mind and in her heart.

She turns her gaze to me and I see that she is suffering as well as I am.

"She hates me, she told me to stay away from her, that she does not want to breathe the same air as me." Jisoo lets out a small laugh.

"If Jennie is married and with a son, I do not even want to know if Rose is in the same situation, that would be my shot of grace." She says as her voice breaks but she doesn't let out any tears. She's a strong person.

"We're really fucked up." I say as a sad smile comes from me.

She does not say anything and hugs me.

"Was she already with him when she was with me? Did I not give her everything of me?" Was I not it enough? "I say between tears and anger.

"Lisa it doesn't matter anymore, you are the best person that I know and if Jennie was unfaithful, fate will take care of her, and you have a new life that you will soon start, you already have a life like me and in our lives there should not be either Rosé or Jennie, now they will only be our memory." She says with a sad smile.

She is right, none of this is due to me anymore, Jennie is part of my past and I do not have to care who she is with now.

Jennie is not mine anymore.

Jennie is just a memory now.

I got up from the floor while cleaning my tears and opened the umbrella that Sana had given me.

I no longer felt the rain on me, now I only felt a piece of me empty, Jisoo got up after me.

"Lisa ..." I cut her before she continued speaking.

I turned to see her, she looked worried.

"You're right Jisoo from now on, Jennie Kim does not deserve any kind of feeling from me towards her, Jennie Kim to me no longer exists," I tell her with some anger.

"Lisa, I didn't mean you have to hate her." she says as she shakes her head in disapproval.

I gave her a smile as I put my arm around her shoulders.

"Let's go home and change, Seulgi will hate me for not going to the meeting" I say as we begin to walk.

She lets out a sigh as she looks down at the floor.

She's thinking about Rosé, I know.

"Everything will be fine, my friend." I say giving her a squeeze on her shoulder.

"I hope so" she replies with a half smile.

Everything will be fine, I don't know if I try to convince her or myself.

I knew that coming to this place was going to bring consequences.

We arrived home and everyone went to there room, we both needed time to think and to take a shower after the rain we were carrying.

After taking a bath, I watched the rain fall through the window, with my phone in my hand.

I let out a sigh and started typing a number on my phone.

I need her.


"Lisa, my love. I didn't expect your call, I thought you had a meeting, you okay honey?" She asks me worried.

"Hi, I'm fine, I just want to see you and be with me." I say trying to sound calmly.

"Okay babe, I miss you, I'll take the first flight to Japan. I love you Lisa."

You couldn't answer because she hung up.

I really need her, I think her company will do me good and remind me what my life is now.

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