Ch1 Glitches

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Error gripped his head in pain as he screamed. Blackened blood was leaking from his wounds that the others had given him. Ink had a idea and had created a new type of paint from random materials and had rallied all the sans to attack error. They had splashed him with the ink but instead of it hurting him it had changed him. He now sat before them with a totally different appearance. His bones had turned white and his tear marks had turned gold. His jacket had become a brown and green sweater and green pants. He covered his face and wept before putting them on the ground and simply falling backwards and losing counciousness. Ink looked at memoir(my own boy) and memoir nodded. They needed to know why this happened. And where better to get the info than from errors own head.

Time skip

Error slowly woke up in a place he didn't recognize. He looked around and slowly stood up. He walked to a mirror and saw his reflection. He rubbed his hand on his cheek before clenching it and going to the door. He opened the door to the room and walked out. He came out into a long hallway. After walking down it for a little bit he was suddenly grabbed from behind by a crying ink. Ink then teleported to a room and error looked up to see he was in a meeting room filled with sans' and papyrus's. Most of them had tears in their eyes already and soms burst out crying seeing him. Ink simply held him in his lap and hugged him like a plush toy.
Error looked at blue who smiled at him.

"We uh memoir went into your memories and showed us. We saw what happened to you and uh. We wanted to apologize. We didn't see everything though. We couldn't stomach it after your first time getting....getting torn apart. And we..and we." Blue eyes were progressively filling with tears as he talked until at the end he started bawling. He was hugged by his papyrus, stretch, who looked at error with tears in his eyes. Error looked at him in confusion before he papyrus spoke to him.

"We uh....We decided if you wanted to we would like it if you stayed with us in our au since you have nowhere to go." Error looked at him confused.

"But i do have somewhere to go. My home is the antivoid." Error said back. Feeling weird his voice changed from glitched to normal but slightly squeaky. He made a actual squeaking noise when a slam hit the table.

"YOU ARE NOT GOING BACK THERE!" Edge yelled before sitting down and clearing his throat. "I aologize. I did not mean to yell. You will not be going back there. The voices will most likely make you go insane. If underswap is not to your likeing you may choose any other au." He said calmly. Error felt the arms around his body tighten and wetness on the top of his head.

"Please don't go back there. I won't let you go back no matter what. You can't go back." Ink said sobbing almost incoherently as he hugged him tighter. Error simply sat ther quietly as he looked at stretch.

"Ok then. I guess i'll stay with ya stretch." Error said as everyone let out a breath of relief at the same time.

"Then i think we should go. I feel like we can meet tommorow maybe but for now we all need some rest." Stretch said as he walked over to ink. Ink stood up and held error to his chest.

"I'll carry him." Ink said with a slight growl. Stretch stepped back with his hands up in the universal sign of 'sorry bro'. By now everyone was leaving. Dream made them a portal and they went through into underswap. They walked through and the portal closed. Error grew annoyed by now and looked up at ink angrily.

"I can walk you know. Let me go." Error said up to ink. Ink looked conflicted before letting error down to walk on his own. They walked inside and blue picked error up and ran ito the kitchen as ink and stretch dat on the couch tired. Blue set error down into a chair and sat down across from him.

"Ummm. D-do you want something to eat?" Blue asked him. Error nodded at this. Blue stood up and grabbed some taco supplies before thinking about how now error may have tastebuds and he didn't want his first meal si ce being turned back to be his normal tacos. So he decided to put the taco's away and started grabbing some peices of bread and some sandwich supplies. He placed it in front of error and error bit into it. He chewed a little bit before throwing the whole sandwich into his mouth and swallowing the rest. He then smiled at blue and thanked him as blue nodded and took the plate to the sink. Error yawned then looked confused. Why was he so tired? Maybe it was his body attempting to fix his sleep schedule since he hadnt slept in about 10 years. So error stood up and asked blue where he would sleep. Blue guided him upstairs to his room. Error looked at blue confused and bluw told him that he didn't need to go to sleep right now. Error slowly nodded then layed on the bed. Blue smiled at him from the door before leaving as error drifted to sleep.

Authors note

Error is about half the size of ink in this. Since in the cannon ink is pretty short i made him almost as tall as a papyrus and error about normal sans size. So he is about half ink's size so ink will be like his papyrus and will carry him around a lot. I haven't decided on who i should ship error with. Also ink can feel emotion in this due to resaons that will be explained later. Also fresh can feel emotions for the same reasons. And i will be putting my own aus in. If you would to give me an au to put in please tell me about it and how the characters would act and about the au and i may be able to add them.

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