Ch12 Number 1 and 2

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Nightmare walks through the dusty au and comes across the grillbys there. He opens it and sees a sans sitting at the bar.

"Who's there?" He questions and nightmare grins.

"Your boss." His grin gets bigger as dust turns to look at him in shock revealing its dust. Although he looks more tired that usual.

"N-nightmare?!" He asks in shock. Nightmare nods. Dust jumps up and walks up to him. "W-where the heck have you been? So much has happened. Error...Oh god you don't know about error. Ok so it turns out error wasn't evil like us bu-" He gets a tentacles around his skull silencing him.

"Dust. I already know about that stuff. Unlike you four i have always known error wasn't truly evil. But he is mine. As you are. Once you make me your king i don't stop being it till i'm dead. Now then." He drops dust down. "How is everyone else? I want my team back after all. I need to understand their situation. Make it quick." He orders. Dust nods in response.

"We all went back to our aus after you left. I went back here and have slept this whole time. Same with killer. Horror went back to his au and had been getting food from cross and cross is....somewhere. Haven't seen him around in a bit. But horror Isn't dead so thats something at least. Error is staying with blue also." He explains. Nightmare grins at him.

"Just as i told you to do." Nightmare grins and picks him up with his tentacle. "Come along. Let's go pick them up." He walks out of the grillbys and opens a portal. He walks through it to the underswap au. He walks up to the door and knocks on it. Blue opens the door and stares up at nightmare in shock and awe.

"N-n-nightmare?!" He asks in shock. Dust's head pops up over nightmares shoulder. "And dust?! What are you guys doing here?!" Blue asks/yells.

".....Hello blue. Why must you yell? It's so annoying. You hurt your kings ears." Nightmare says in annoyance. Without waiting for blue to respond he picks blue up and walks inside. He whistles and walks into the living room where ink and error are talking. They both look over at him in suprise as he looks at them.

"Well well well. How are you? Your one and only king has arrived." He says grinning at them.

In most of the stories i see nightmare in he either cares alot about his gang or not at all. So while he is gonna have a attitude that just screams "i am superior to you" he is also gonna care about his gang.

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