Ch6 never jump through random portals

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Error sat up and held his head in mild pain. He looked around confused and heard the portal close behind him. He stands up and can instanly feel he is in another multiverse. How? Cuz he no longer feels the balance weighing his soul. He makes a portal and decides to go to the one au he knows is the same in every multiverse. He jumps through and come out in underswap. Well. This multiverses underswap. He cracks his spine and begins heading towards the underswap version of snowdin. He can never remember its name. He sighs in relief when he reaches it. First things first. Find the egg. He looked around for a bitg but soon found a small egg laying on tyhe ground. Next step. He chucks the egg at muffets window and runs like hell. He looks back for a sec and feels himself run into someone. He looks up and blinks in suprise. Standing above him was a skeleton with Pale blue eyelights, a pastel purple beanie, a Very pale blue t shirt, a light blue hoodie with pale purple fluff in the hood ztied around her(?) Waist, some normal bluejeans, a pair of deep blue high tops, and a light brown scarf that has splatter of paint on it in several different colors. Error stared up at her in silence then stood up.

"H-hey. Are you alright?" She asks and error slowly nods.

".....Welp. This multiverse is weirder than mine." He accidentally says then covers his mouth. Luckily she seemed to have mistaken multiverse for universe.

"Oh so your not from this au? Whats your name?" She asks and error tarts to think. He thinks and thinks but he can't come up with a reasonable nickname. So he does the next best thing. He turns and runs like hell....

Sorry its so short. just wanted to start the new adventure in another multiverse. And don't worry fatal will soon be joinin him. We will have more of the new skele next chapter and who knows maybe error could also meet a new human with the new skele \_('_')_/

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