ch9 Meanwhile with zodiac

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Zodiac panted tiredly as she stood on a cliff top. She looks around to make sure no one is around then attempts to open a portal. It however doesn't work. She looks at her hand in confusion.

"Why isn't this working?" She asks herself and tries again. She tries again and again but never once does a portal open. She growls in anger when she feels a hand on her shoulder. She spins around and sees a skeletal woman in Royal guard armor with golden eyelights with a build similar to her grinning at her.

"Hello zodiac. How are you my dear?" The woman asks her and zodiac looks at her cautiously.

"Who are you!" She asks as she steps back.

"Oh dear! I haven't introduced myself. My name is Aurora. A pleasure to meet you again." She does a little bow as zodiac simply stares at her.

"How do you know my name? And what do you mean by meet me again?" She questions Aurora who simply smiles at her.

"That isn't important now my dear. I noticed you can't open any portals. Would you like me to help you?" Aurora asks and zodiac looks at her blankly.

"And why should I trust you? I don't need you. I just need error!" She turns away and tries again. Aurora giggles and walks up. She grips zodiac's wrist and a portal opens. She then let's go and it closes. Zodiac turns to her in surprise and Aurora holds a hand out to her.

"I ask again my dear. Do you want my help?" Aurora asks. Zodiac looks at her in silence then turns and looks off in the distance. For a split second she thinks she can hear error.

"Do- Trust- Aurora- Danger!!" She looks around in confusion before looking down. Was that just error? Was he saying to trust Aurora and that there was danger? She needed to find him! She turns to Aurora in silence.

"Fine. So how are you gonna help me?" She asks. Aurora giggles and holds her hand out.

"Simply take my hand and I'll make all your worries dissapear." She says with a smile. Zodiac steps forward and takes her hand in silence. Aurora's grin gets bigger as a bright light fills the area. Zodiac eyes widen as she loses consciousness.


Zodiac stirs from her sleep. She yawns and scratches her neck. She opens her eyes to reveal golden eye sockets. She looks at her hands in silence before a large grin forms on her face. She stands up and giggles. She turns and sees dust where aurora was. She grins and walks over taking the armor that was left and puts it on. She stretches after putting it on. She puts her watch on and looks off into the distance.

"I must thank you zodiac. This body and soul are quite powerful. I'll take over for you. No one will take error away from us." She opens a portal. "That I promise." She steps through with a smile....

"Error....It's so cold.....Help me error.....I don't wanna die."

I wish I could draw. I wanna draw zodiac and small error. And the scene where "zodiac" Wakes up.

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