ch5 active healer

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Error sat on the bench in silence. Why is it he felt angry to be exploring aus? Is it cuz he can't destroy anymore? Must be that. He sighs to himself as he waits. Suddenly a scream rings through the air.

"MY CHILD!!" A voice yells in shock. Error, being the healer he is, instantly heads in that direction to see sans, toriel, and papyrus of this au looking down at a bleeding frisk who was just clearly attacked by something. Error growls as he walks. Soon he reaches them and without thinking much about it he takes some strings out and wraps them around the injured areas which are the chest, left arm, and rights leg. Then he breathes out as he begins to manipulate magic. People question him but he ignores them as frisks body begins to glow. Everyone sheilds their eyes and when the glow dies they see frisk sitting up in shock. Sans and papyrus stare in shock while toriel scoops frisk up and hugs them. Error chuckles to himself as he stands up and turns to walk away.

'Still got it.' He thinks as he is suddenly grabbed from behind.

"Thank you." The sans says. Error turns back to look at him and papyrus and from the looks of happiness on their faces he deduces in this au frisk can't reset. He sighs and nods. He notices toriel crying while cradling frisk.

" she gonna be ok?" He asks. Sans looks at toriel and nods.

"She's just happy frisk is ok. Those are tears of joy." Sans says. Error is gonan say something when he is suddenly pulled into a hug by papyrus. He gets set back down and he looks at papyrus.

"Apologies. I am simply very happy." Papyrus tells him. He nods as papyrus and sans hug frisk when toriel lets her go while toriel tells her freinds at home what happened with some tears still flowing.  Error heads back to his bench and smiles to himself. Not bad....

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