Ch13 Callbacks

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Just as ink had started interogating error nightmare had suddenly shown up.

"Did you miss me? I know someone had to have missed me." Nightmare walks up to them. Ink looks at nightmare with half lidded eyes.

"Miss you? I'm just surprised and slightly Disappointed that your alive." Ink retorts scratching his jaw.

"Hey! Don't talk to nightmare like that!" Error starts to defend error.

"Sorry shortstuff. The adult are talking." Ink stands and walks up to nightmare. "What'ya doin here nightmare?" Ink asks him as he stands in front of nightmare.

"Ink! You seem....rather upset....a-are you ok?" Nightmare seems genuinely suprised by inks annoyance.

"Oh right." Ink says as he pulls up his top revealing his beating soul before dropping it down again. "Y'know. If i was a asshole i would say something like 'New soul. Who dis?' But fortunately i'm not. Now...answer my question." Ink growls out. Nightmare seems shocked for a moment before regaining his composure.

"I need error. I intend get the gang back together. Something's gonna happen. Soon. And you alone aren't enough." Nightmare tells ink. Ink turns and stares down at nightmare in silence before turning away.

"Take him. The way he is now he's useless to me." Ink begins heading out the room.

"Ink!" Error call's out to him. Ink turns to him. "Don't do something that would get you killed. Ok?" Error asks ink. Ink scoffs and walks out. He reaches the door and walks out before blue stops him.

"Did you find out whats wrong with error?" Blue asks seeming fearful.

"....Seems like something fused with his soul (...gaster)....and is sleeping. Doesn't affect his mind so no idea what's happening there. Maybe he's just being moody. It does however explain the eyes." Ink turns back away.

"Can we help him?!" Blue asks.

"...No. Not at this moment. Just don't have him do anything to crazy for now. Go with nightmare. Watch him." And with that ink leaves through a portal. When he reemerges he is in the doodlesphere base. He waves his hand causing the portal to close. He then walks into the middle and floats.

".......Seems shit is starting to go down. Error was warned of this danger though. Why he is ignoring the warning is beyond me. But someone did warn him." He looks up. "Isn't that right fresh sans the parasite? Someone warned him. They just lied about who is evil and who is good." Above him stuck to the ceiling of the doodlesphere is a pink parasite held there by a pencil. It hisses at ink as ink chuckles. "Yeah i'm right. Ah well. Not much you can do anymore. Now shut up and let me sleep." He leans back and closes his eyes.

Ok so this doodlesphere used to be a star sans base. It has a ceiling and it's more like a base then a dimenstion. While the actual doodlesphere where all of creation is held is a seperate dimension only ink and error can truly access.

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