Ch3 Oops...

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Error stared in silence. Geno(?) stared back with a annoyed expression.

"Well? Do you know where error in this multiverse or not? I gotta talk to him!" Geno(?) says frustrated and error sighs.

"Ok. Its clear you aren't from my multiverse obviously. But....Your error aren't you." Geno(?) cuts him off and error sighs.

"Yes...i am error." Error tells him. Geno stares down at him in silence.

".....oh my god...." He brings his hand forward and pats it on errors head and smiles.

"You are so tiny! Its adorable!" He yells and error bats his hand away.

"That isn't important. What do you want with me?" Error asks and geno(?) sighs.

"Oh yeah...can i crash in your multiverse? Mine kinda died..." He tells error and error stares at him in silence.

".......uhhhh. Ok? I guess you can....don't know why you asked me...but your gonna need a new name." Error tells him.

"Nah. I got one. Call me fatal. Short for fatal error." Fatal tells him and error sighs.

"Weird name but whatever.

2 days later

Error grabbed the soul and held it in his hands in silence. He tried but no matter how much effort he put in his string couldn't hurt it. The soul was instead getting healed. And that was pissing error off. He was losing the power of destruction. He growled and made a portal after letting the frisk go and jumped through coming out in underswap. Something else that was pissing him off was that he has lost access to the anti void. Fate and destiny cut him off from it and won't answer him. He tried everything but they are ignoring him. And it was pissing. him. off. He sighs and feels himself get lifted off the ground.

"BROTHER! I FOUND ERROR!" Blue yells as he carries error back to their house to errors anger. When he had come back with fatal they had been mad at him. So to punish him they had put water in a spray bottle and had sprayed him with it. He had hissed at them and ran into his room. Fatal now slept on the floor in the living room. Speaking of which.

"So where were ya? Trying to kill someone with healing magic again?" Fatal asked and error growled. Stretch chuckled on the couch and error wiggled outta blues grip.

"I swear to god this killed people before!!" Error yells and fatal chuckles.

"I know error DESTROYER OF WORLDS strings killed people, but sadly error SMALL SKELE'S strings don't." He tells error who growls before sighing and sitting down.

"You wouldn't be saying this if i was still a destroyer." Error says and fatal laughs.

"Error. If you were still a destroyer i would not be here. I woulda already been out the back door." Fatal tells him and error sighs.

".......So....anyone seen ink recently?" Error asks.

"Bro i haven't met him at all/ain't seen him since you kicked his and dreams ass at the same time/I HAVEN'T SEEN HIM IN A WHILE EITHER." Error sighs and begins to stand up.

"God it wasn't this complicated when all i had to do was listen to fate and destiny or get tortured...i'm going to bed." Error tells them and heads to his room. He lays on his bed and falls asleep not soon after. And someone would be visiting his dreams that night...

A error killer has arrived. But he seems alright. Can he really be so bad?

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