Ch15 Haha funny ink go "Paint"

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Ink sighed in annoyance. He had been tricked into making food for the swap bros household.

"Whats wrong ink? You sound depressed." Ink whips his head around glaring at alice.

"I AM NOT DEPRESSED!" His chef hat droops and his apron whirls from how fast he turned. He realizes the food is done and turns the stove off.

"Well thats exactly how a depressed person would react." Alice says back. Ink scoffs in annoyance. He takes off the hat and apron and sets them on the counter.

"Your foods done." He says to blue before turning back to alice. "Stop thinking just cuz someone is sad they are depressed

He leaves through a portal and comes out in the doodlesphere. He sighs in annoyance and feels a hand on his shoulder. He freezes up

"Heya ink-broski." A voice fills his ears. He spins around, jumping back, and his eyes widen. In front of him was....a adult frisk? But she was dressed like fresh sans. Even had the shades.

"Who are you?!" Ink holds his paintbrush ready to attack. The frisk scoffs.

"So just because i'm in another type of body you don't recognize me?" She tilts her head at him. His eyes widen and she grins. "There ya go. Your getting it."

"....Fresh?" Fresh nods at him. "But how?! I thought you could only possess sans's?!"

"And when did i say that? I just prefer to get sans. Its easier." She grins cheekily at ink. "Although this body will definitely be more helpful. Especially with all this determination."

Ink's eyes widen and he steps back fearfully. "D-determination?!" He asks in shock. Fresh give him a confused look. "Yeah broski. Thats what i said. Determination.

Ink stares in fear at the parasite as it looks at him in fear. Fresh stepped forward and ink fell back and hit hid head, rendering him unconcious.


Ink woke up and looked around. This is not his sphere. He was in nightmare's throne room. He stands up and notices nightmare just sitting on his throne.

"And so it begins." Nightmare states chillingly. He looks at the main door ignoring ink. Ink looks up at him in confusion. He walks up and waved his hand in front of nightmare's face. While normal nightmare would have reacted negatively he doesn't react at all now. Ink turns to the door as he hears a banging on it. The door is knocked open revealing a skeleton wielding strings,.....dream? In some odd clothes, and.....himself?! The other him wears his jacket, the one he always wears around his waist, as well as his old costume. Ink stares in confusion as the dream points his wand at nightmare. "It ends now! You will dissapear tonight!" He yells angrily. He runs forward. Straight at ink. Ink panicks and blocks with his paintbrush but dream simply runs through him. He begins to think he can't affect these skeletons at all when he sees it. A bit of purple paint on dream. He points his paintbrush at dream and says "Chains" and dream is bound in purple chains. Everyone looks at him in shock and looks at the other ink. "It wasn't me!" He yells to them all. He looks at the string wielding sans. "You believe me right blue?!" He asks. The skeleton nods before adjusting his glasses. "There's no way ink could have done it. None of us have moved." Ink wonders why that skeleton sounds so familiar when he realizes. His paint can directly interact with them. He can think later. Right now he has to save nightmare. He splashes some white paint towards the other him and the other him jumps back. "What the hell's going on?!" The other him asks before he is impaled from a bone-like structure stabbing him from the paint. The other skeletons eyes widen and the blue one looks towards dream. He begins to run towards dream getting ready to free him but doesn't make it as ink takes his head off with another white paint bone. Ink walks Slowly up to dream. He draws some white paint over dream. Dream begs to be spared before ink snaps his fingers killing him. Ink looks nightmares shocked face in the eyes....then blacks out.


Ink wakes up and looks around. He's...he's in the doodlesphere. He sighs in relief before laying back. That was enough for him for one day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2020 ⏰

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