Chapter I

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If you were to ask Takashi Shirogane what he missed about earth he would probably say something like his job, or pizza (which he loved), but it was actually his ex-fiancé. Shiro knew it sounded sad, it was. Shiro didn't just want to see Adam again, he wanted to apologize for being so stupid. A little over a year and a half ago Adam had ended the engagement, Shiro wanted to think it was Adam's fault, but he knew it was his own. Shiro missed the sarcastic but kind, unable to control his language, sweet but strong Adam Woodland. Adam was one of those people who had a hard shelll but once you break through it he's hard to get rid of. Shiro never forgot about him, not even once.

If Shiro did one thing, it definitely wasn't sleep. Ever since he was a prisoner at the Galra the most sleep he's gotten each night was only about five hours, if he's lucky.

Shiro lay awake in his room in the Castle Of Lions, he heard a sound coming from the control room. Being unable to fall back asleep, he decided to check it out. He quickly got dressed in his normal clothes and glanced over at the time, it was equivalent to about 5:30 if they were on earth. Shiro was one of the only paladins who could read Altean clocks, Lance said he had 'cooler things to do', Hunk tried but got hungry and gave up, Keith had a watch so he said there's no point, Pidge was still learning but at least trying. Shiro liked that about Pidge, she always tried. Pidge's brother Matt-who had also been on the Kerberos mission- had recently left to the rebel's again. Pidge had been kind of gloomy since then, he knew she missed him.

Shiro walked into the control room to see Allura cleaning up a plate of space goo she dropped.

"Princess?" Shiro asked whole kneeling down to help her, "Here, let me help."

"Oh, hello Shiro." Allura said after realizing who he was, "It's okay, I've got it."

"No, I'll help."

"I suppose, thank you."

"Of course." Shiro said as he finished scooping the space goo into the plate and walked into the kitchen to throw it away. Shiro heard Allura walking to the kitchen before there was a ring in the control room signalizing an incoming message.

"One tick!" Allura yelled as she turned the other way towards where the message was coming from. He heard talking but he couldn't make out what they were saying, then he heard a familiar voice, Matt. He was about to see what was going on but when he opened the door the message ended. Allura turned around looking exited. This should be good, Shiro thought to himself.

"We have good news, paladins!" Allura exclaimed after she called Hunk, Pidge, Keith, Lance, and Coran to the control room.

"Your the only good news I see~" Lance said in a flirty tone while giving Allura a wink, which made Keith roll his eyes and everyone else cringe. Keith seemed just as annoyed as Allura at Lance's awkward flirting failure, Shiro wondered why.

"As I was saying," Allura started once again, "I just got word from the rebles that they are sending us some much needed assistance." She eyed Lance and Keith. In the last mission Lance and Keith were sent together to get some info from a galra ship and nearly lost both of there lions.

"Anyways, Matt and one other reble will be joining us in the castle and will be going on missions, and so on." Alllura explained.

"Who's the other person?" Hunk asked Allura.

"They didn't say, I belive they are also from Earth however."

Earth? How's that even possible? Shiro thought to himself.

"Hopefully some hot girl~" Lance said with a smirk.

"Okay, that's enough Lance." Shiro said starting to get annoyed.

"Do you think it could be my Dad?" Pidge asked. Everyone went silent. Sam Holt- Pidge's Dad- was also with Shiro on Kerberos when they were captured but they haven't seen him since. Lance put his hand on they're shoulder.

"There's a chance." Lance said. She nodded her head nodded her head.

"They're arriving in a few days we have to stay in this galaxy so they can find us. In the meantime we will carry on with our normal routine." Allura explained.


Alone time was something Shiro savored because he knows it doesn't last long. Shiro was sitting down in the break room- alone- when he took his wedding ring out of his pocket. He stared at it, he knew not to wear it since he and Adam were no longer engaged but... he missed him.

"Don't expect me to be here for you when you get back." Those words never left his mind. Shiro would do anything to turn back the clock and fix things between them, he needed one more chance.

"Hello, Shiro." Allura said as she walked in the break room. Shiro quickly closed his hand so she couldn't see the ring.

"Oh, hello princess." Shiro said trying to sound like his normal self.

"Shiro, are you okay?"

"Of course." Allura definitely didn't believe him. "Shiro, there's actually been something I've wanted to ask you."

"What is it?" She took a seat next to Shiro and looked down.

"You've lost so much, your home, and your arm, how do you not just break down, end it all." At that moment Shiro realized Allura had no idea how much he had lost, but this wasn't the moment to criticize, she needed to hear something.

"It's because I have to. I never told anyone this but I have had moments when I did want to end it all, but I kept going because I knew if I did I would be risking losing to the Galra." Allura looked stunned.

"I'm sorry, Shiro. I didn't realize you were going through that."

"It's okay, its not your responsibility."

"Just, know your not alone."

"Neither are you."

"Thank you." Allura pulled Shiro into a tight hug, he hugged her back.

The next few days were full of two things, training, and preparation. The paladins had to prepare they're rooms and make the castle look expectable. There was also talk about who the other rebel would be. Lance, unfortunately, was still hoping it was some girl, Pidge still hoped it was they're dad, Keith didn't say anything, Hunk hoped they could cook, and Shiro hoped they would at least be a good leader since he had a lot on his hands, he didn't tell anyone that though. Shiro didn't know this at the time, but the other person would make everything easier, but also a lot harder. The paladins where in the break room when an announcement came from Allura.

"Paladins! The rebels will be here in about one varga so we have to stay in the atmosphere, make sure you look presentable!" Allura announced, clearly exited, probably to see Matt. This should be interesting, Shiro thought to himself as he made his way to his room.

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