Chapter VX

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The world came into focus as Adam fell forward. He caught himself just in time. He pushed his glasses up his nose.
Where the-
Oh right. He was in space.
Adam looked to the side to see his stake and a note.
Adam picked the piece of paper up and read it closely. A smile came to his lips.
The memories of the previous day, or maybe it was, Adam honestly wasn't sure how long he had been out.
"Adam?" Adam heard a familiar voice say. Adam looked up at Lance.
"Adam!" Lance pulled his friend into a tight bone crushing hug.
"Hey Lance." Adam hugged his friend back.
When Lance finally let go the rest of the team burst through the doors.
"Adam! You're alive!" Matt yelled.
"Mentally I could argue but yeah, I'm alive." Adam said. The team laughed at Adam's dark humor, but then Adam saw him.
"It's good to see you, Adam." Shiro told him. Adam nodded.
"It's good to see you to." He told the older male.
"Guys, that's pretty gay." Pidge joked. Hunk nudged her in the shoulder.
"Let them have their moment, Pidge." He whispered.
The team laughed and walked off to the break room.

The team spent the afternoon talking about what had happened. Adam didn't remember it but as it turns out he knocked Sendak out with his stake. Adam secretly wished he remembered that part. On the other hand, there was a specific thing he did remember.
Shiro loved Adam, and with no doubt, Adam loved Shiro. Of course, Adam knew this, since he had said it before. It was just nice to hear it again.
Adam walked to Shiro's bedroom, the note clenched tightly in his hand.
I guess I'm doing this now.


Adam stared at his sleeping boyfriend, processing what had just happened.
Shiro had collapsed in front of him.
The doctors had told them he had a decease.
The worst part is Shiro had already known, he had for years.
Adam knew something like this was bound to happen, he had seen Shiro wince at the pain in his arm multiple times. But why didn't he tell him? Adam thought Shiro would never keep something this big from him.
Adam knew Shiro would die from this. In thirteen years to be exact.
Shiro would be twenty nine when he was going to die.
Not even thirty.
That was to young.
Adam had thought they would have there whole lives together, not thirteen more years. They had been together for only over a year, Adam should have savored every moment.
Tears glimmered in Adam's eyes. He hid his head in Shiro's side as he sobbed.
"Takashi, I'm so sorry! I should have known!" He cried.
"Adam, I'm so sorry." A familiar voice whispered. Adam looked up at Shiro, his eyes just barley open.
"Takashi! Thank god!" Adam cried.
"I'm so sorry!" Shiro sobbed.
Adam pulled his boyfriend close to his chest.
"It's okay, I'm here, you're okay." He whispered.
Shiro cried became softer to the point where he was just sniffling.
"Takashi, sweetie, why didn't you tell me?" Adam asked as he ran his fingers through Shiro's hair.
"I was scared you would leave me, or it would change things." Shiro confessed.
Adam kissed Shiro's forhead.
"I love you, Takashi. I always will. And I'm not going anywhere." Adam said.
"I love you to. I always have."

End of flashback...

Adam knocked on Shiro's door.
"Yea-" Shiro stopped talking when he saw Adam.
"Can we talk?" Adam asked.
"Yea, come in." Shiro invited Adam into his room. Adam walked in and sat on Shiro's bed. Shiro closed the door and sat next to him.
"I saw the note. Takashi...what are we?" Adam asked.
"What do you want to be?"
Adam wanted to be so many things, but mostly, he wanted Shiro.
"I want to be yours." Adam confessed.
"I would like that." Shiro said.
Adam smiled. Shiro used his warm, metal hand to cup Adam's cheek.
"I love you, more than anything." Shiro whispered.
"I love you to."
Adam kissed Shiro once more, but this time it wasn't surprised. Or rushed. This time Adam used his whole body during the kiss. And he meant it.
Shiro kissed him back deeply. He ran his hand over Adam's waist, using his gasp as an opportunity to slip his tongue into Adam's mouth. They absorbed each other for a few seconds. Shiro loved everything about Adam, his flaws, his scars, his touch.

Adam's soft breaths warmed Shiro's neck as the brunette slept peacefully on top of Shiro, not in a sexual way, if he might add. The feeling of accomplishment came back to Shiro. Adam's eyelashes fell perfectly under his eyes. That what Shiro likes about Adam taking off his glasses. His eyes where actually beautiful under his glasses, they where also beautiful under his glasses, you just saw it more without them. Or maybe Shiro was just kind of biased about Adam's eyes. It hit the black and white haired man that Adam was his again. He was no longer mad at him, he was no longer just his teammate, he was no longer just his friend, he was his lover. His one and only. His soulmate.
Love works in a funny way. At the Garrison it showed up where Adam and Shiro least expected it. It led to the best years of their lives. Then there was Lance and Keith, they didn't even want it right now, it just happened with no warning. Lance and Keith didn't even love each other, but they could one day. One day, in the far future, Lance could make a terrible joke and Keith would laugh, then they would both realize they wanted that to happen for the rest of there lives. Or maybe it would happen completely differently. Maybe Lance would be injured and Keith would realize he couldn't lose him, and then confess his feelings when Lance was better. And then there was now. When Shiro had fallen in love with Adam once more. At first Shiro hated himself for loving him again. But now he couldn't of been more happy he loved Adam, much less Adam loved him back. Shiro had no right to love Adam after what he did. But here he was, the love of his life asleep in his chest. Or maybe he did deserve this. But honestly, Shiro didn't give a fuck if he deserved Adam. He was just scared he would blink and it would all be gone. He was scared he would lose Adam once more. But Shiro couldn't lose Adam, he was with him even when he wasn't in sight. Adam was Shiro's, only Shiro's. Before falling asleep along with Adam, Shiro whispered something to Adam.

"You're mine."

"Don't forget that."

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