Chapter VI

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Adam didn't know how he had gotten any sleep after what had happened earlier.
What did happen earlier?
What happened was Shiro saw what happened the night he found out about the Kerberos mission failing and his presumed death.
He was embarrassed so say the least.
Not only because his ex saw his crying his head off, but also because Adam pushed him away.
He made Shiro think he was scared of him.
And he felt terrible.
Thinking about that night made Adam think of Annabeth.
Annabeth didn't even know he and Shiro were alive.
Adam felt guilty for leaving her the way Shiro left him, she must think she was the only one left.
Adam knew what happened, but how? Adam didn't think sharing memories was possible, but then again, he also didn't think flying space lions where real so where was he to judge?
That wasn't the only thing that happened that night.
Shiro comforted Adam, or at least tried to.
Adam wasn't sure how he felt about it.
He didn't have the same feelings for Shiro he had, let's say, two years ago.
Or, at least he didn't think he did.
Adam knew he had to apologize for acting the way he did.
Adam sat up from his bed. How he wanted to just lay back down and forget about the whole thing, but he couldn't.
The twenty four year old swung his legs over the side of his bed and stood up.
He brushed his hair of places his hair in the normal tuff on his nose and the rest behind his ears. Like usual, some hair fell out from behind his ear and took its spot where ever the fuck it wanted on the male's face.
Adam glances as his jacket hanging over the side of his bed and then at what he currently had on.
A black tank top and the jeans he somehow had fell asleep in. The looked at the scar that traced his shoulder to his collar bone. He hated it. It made him look like a freak.
He was a freak.
When Adam couldn't look at the monster staring back at him in the mirror, he quickly grabbed his jacket and put it on. It covered the scar, which made him feel better.  The leather was warm and made his sweat but he never took it of. He didn't want anyone else to see the disaster that was under it.
Adam's thoughts drifted back to Shiro.
"I'm a fucking mess." Adam mumbled to himself as he walked out the door.
"Everyone! Quickly! To your Lions! The Galra are attacking! Rebel's, meet me in the control room!" Allura announced, while in the process scaring the life out of Adam.
He knew this would happen, but he was in no way ready.
Shiro ran out of his room, stopping himself before he ran into the completely frozen man in front of him.
"Adam, come on we gotta go!" Shiro yelled. The younger male was immediately knocked out of his trance.
"Are you okay?" Shiro asked in a worried tone.
Well, Takashi. What do you expect after scarring the living shit out of me yesterday?
Before Adam could say that he just responded, "I'm fine." And took of to the control room.
Adam burst through the doors in a panic to see Matt and Allura waiting for him.
"Sorry!" He yelled.
"Okay! This is probably not a great time for this but we have prepared ships for you guys to use along side the Voltron lions. You don't have any training but the ships are made similarly to the lions. So if where lucky it will responder you. There in the launch room. Good luck!" Allura yelled and ran off to help Coran.
"Bitch what?!" Adam yelled, some to them but mostly for himself.
"You heard the women! Let's go!" Matt yelled as he dragged Adam to the launch room.
They rushed to find the find the door to the launch room.
They burst through the doors to see the lions have already taken off and where now destroyed Galran ships.
Immediately, two medium sized ships caught Adam's eye.
The one on the left had a dark purple and black color while the one on he left was tan and black.
The one on the left seemed to be calling him. So without hesitation, even though he was freaked out and very much confused, Adam ran to it. Matt did the same but with the ship on the right.
Adam sat down on the chair placed in front of the control desk.
He grasped the control bars on either side of him and gave a sigh of relief. He felt the ships energy run up his body as he turned the first lever. The ship immediately took off into the black surroundings known as space.
His worries went away quickly as the ship seemed to be rather easy to control.
An image of Matt appeared on the screen in front of Adam.
"You doing okay, bro?" Matt asked.
"Yea, I'm good." Adam answered, this time feeling confident in himself.
"Good, let's just hope you know how to shoot."
Adam didn't have time to ask what he meant because when Matt's image disappeared Adam's ship was face to face with a Galran ship.
In a panic, Adam took the handle he felt was used for shooting, aimed the blaster at the Galran ship, and blasted.
The ship on front of Adam erupted into flames and died.
Adam didn't have time to feel guilty however because he quickly added to repeat the process to another ship coming for him.

After ten minutes of the same process, Adam was to late to shoot the ship down.
As the blue blinding light was rushing in the direction if his ship, Adam tried to dodge it but he was frozen.
When death was to feet away from the man who was to young to die he off instinct lifted his arms in hope to shield the light.
Then all of a sudden Adam was through to the side by no other than the black lion.
Adam fell off of his chair just in time to see the black lion destroy the ship that almost took his life.
Adam's head made harsh contact with the metal floor of his ship.
His vision blurred as the world slowly faded away.

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