Chapter XII

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It was five in the morning. Because for some stupid ass reason Allura said to meet here in the control room after already being fully ready and dressed in the Paladin and Rebel armor.
Shiro was of course the first one there other than the princess.
"Good morning Shiro. Are you ready?" Allura asked.
"I think so." Shiro answered truthfully.
Allura nodded.
A few seconds later everyone else began to arrive.
"Please remind me why where doing this at five in the morning." Keith said.
Allura sighed.
"Okay team, I have given your personal directions in each of your armor so you should be fine. If there are any problems you have contact with us."
Coran stepped up, "Yes, and please do try not to die."
Gee, thanks Coran. No pressure.
"Good luck, everyone. You can all do this."
Then, Adam and Shiro where in Adam's ship going to the Galra ship they where assigned to. Shiro studied the frightened look on his friend's face.
"Are you okay, Adam?"
Adam looked up from the control bar.
"Oh, yea I'm fine. Just nervous, I guess."
"You'll be fine." Shiro put his prosthetic arm on Adam's shoulder.
"Yea, thanks."

"I guess we're here." Adam said as he paused in front of a large grey and purple ship.
"Yea. You ready?" Shiro asked.
"No, but let's go." Adam put the ship into stealth mode.
The duo climbed out of the ship and used jet packs to get to the ship two meters away.
Once they where inside Adam pulled up the tracking device.
"It looks like where almost there, this way." Adam led Shiro into a thin passage way.
"Up here." Adam whispered as he pointed to a latter.
Shiro followed Adam as they climbed up.
The latter led to a vent overlooking the control room.
"That's it." Adam pointed to a small grey hard drive sitting on a control desk.
"How do we get in there?" Shiro whispered.
"I've got this."
Adam extended his out out to the side, in his hand was a handle of his stake. He pressed the button and the hard sides flew out of it.
He cut open the vent and jumped through.
"Adam what the hell?"
The Galra immediately charged at the male. He took the first few out easily but he seemed to be struggling after that.
I have to get down there.
Shiro jumped through the vent and began fighting alongside his friend.
Once they where all gone Adam rushed over and grabbed the hard drive.
"Got it." He yelled.
"Come on, we've got to get to the escape pods." Shiro called. The younger male nodded and ran towards the door.
"Wait." Shiro put an arm in front of Adam.
Then he heard it, the sound of Galra footsteps getting louder.
"Over here." Shiro led Adam to the side of the door. The planted there backs against the wall when the door opened.
The two slip out behind the confused Galra and ran for the launch room.
But as fate has it, the men ran into a group of Galra soldiers.
"Fuck." Adam whispered under his breath.
The Galra took after the Voltron teammates as they ran the other direction.
"Quickly this way!" Adam pulled Shiro into a doorway.
Adam broke the hand lock and the doors opened.
Adam quickly shut the door and turned the settings to locked.
Shiro opened the escape pod and waited near the door.
"Adam! Come on we have to go!"
Adam didn't move.
"Adam, what are you doing we have the chip, we have to get out of here."
Adam turned around, Shiro swore he saw tears forming in his eyes.
" have to go without me."
Shiro froze.
"Adam, what are you talking about?"
"Takashi, I'll take care of them while you escape. It's the only way."
"No." Shiro demanded.
"Please just go. Defend the universe."
"I'm not leaving you again."
"Why not?!"
"Because I love you!"
Adam froze, tears streamed down his face.
"Look, Adam I know you don't feel the same way. I know you still are mad at me. But I will not leave you."
Adam stepped forward so he sand Shiro where only inches apart.
"I'm not losing you again, Adam." Shiro's voice was weak. Tears formed in his eyes.
"Please do-"
Shiro's sentence was cut short.
Adam's kiss was short but passionate.
Adam's hands cupped Shiro's face softly. Adam's fingerless gloves caused slight discomfort but Shiro didn't have a fuck, he needed this.
Shiro savored this moment, he wrapped his arms around Adam.
Adam placed his forehead on Shiro's.
"Takashi, you'll never lose me." Adam opened Shiro's hand and put the hard drive and his weapon, that was now once again just the handle.
"Return this to me when we see each other again." Adam wipes the tears off of his love's face.
"It's okay." He whispered.
The doors to the room rumbled, they were about to open.
"I love you Takashi, don't forget that." Adam pushed Shiro closer to the door.
"Adam, no."
Adam used all of his strength to push Shiro in, Shiro was knocked over. The door closed.
"I'm sorry." Adam whispered.
The ship slowly began to take off.
Shiro did everything to stop it but nothing was working.
Shiro was a few meters away when the Galra burst through the doors.
"No!" Shiro yelled.
Adam didn't stop them from grabbing him. He screamed as they hit him.
He was pushed down onto his knees.
Adam was slowly getting away from Shiro's line of vision. The last thing he saw was a Galra solider hitting Adam on the head, painfully knocking him out.
Shiro sunk to the floor.
"Adam, I'm sorry."
Shiro was broken.
He had let him down.
He couldn't save him.
He had failed.
Shiro stood up, Adam's stake head tightly in his hand.
Shiro was going to return it to him.
Takashi Shirogane was going to save him.
I promise, I'll take back what used to be mine.

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