Chapter V

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Part 2 of the team bonding.

Shiro was surprised at what Lance told him.
Adam thought about him?
Adam thought about him.
Adam thought about him!
It was the next day.
Pidge had stolen Matt so Shiro was talking with Keith.
"You thinking about him?" Keith asked, knocking Shiro out of his train of thought.
"What? No." He answered immediately.
"Sure." Keith agreed sarcastically.
"Are you thinking about him." Shiro teased.
Keith's face turned a shade of bright red.
"No." He lied.
"Sure." Shiro said sarcastically.
Shiro knew Keith has liked Lance since he was still in the Garrison.
Shiro thought it was cute.
He was pretty sure he remembered Adam saying the same thing. Maybe he did...
Thinking about Adam still made him feel weird.
Shiro didn't want him back, but he did in a way.
Shiro didn't exactly want to be with him. But he wanted to be around him.
Shiro admits he had developed a mini-crush on Adam again.
Or more  accurately called 'shit, this again.'
"Paladins! Report to the break room immediately!" Allura announced.
Shiro and Keith half-ran there, hoping nothing was wrong.
When they got there Allura and Matt where standing side by side, Matt having something clenched in his fist. Both of them clearly not under any stress.
Suddenly Adam and Lance, the bi duo, burst through the doors of the break room, appearing behind Shiro and Keith.
"Who died?! Was it Takashi?!" Adam yelled.
Shiro gave Adam a glare of annoyance.
"Oh." Adam said, acting disappointed.
Shiro roller his eyes and turned back to Allura.
"What's the problem?" Shiro asked, trying to sound polite.
"There's no problem. Matt and I have planned a bonding exercise you everyone!" Allura explained.
Shiro was slightly annoyed but didn't show it. He was having a rather good time fantasizing about Adam.
"So, here's the plan." Allura said, like she had planned a mission against the Galra.
"Matt has made a variety of lie-detectors. We have made pairing of people we want you to bond with, each of you will find a private part of the castle. Then, each partner will put the lie detector on and the other will have the ability to ask questions. You of course have the right to not answer if your not comfortable with it. Does everyone understand?"
There was a hum of agreement from everyone in the room.
Matt then listed the pairings.
Hunk and Matt
Pidge and Allura
Lance and Keith-obviously
And, because the world is so fucking fucked up, Adam and Shiro.
Everyone and there pairings spreader throughout the castle to find an unoccupied spot.
Hunk and Matt went to the kitchen.
Pidge and Allura went to the control room.
Lance and Keith stayed in the break room.
And finally, Adam and Shiro went to Shiro's room.
"Do you what to go first or..." Shiro asked awkwardly.
"You can go first." Adam said bluntly.
Shiro wrapped the small lie detector around him wrist. It was slightly uncomfortable but he didn't argue
Once it was set up Adam didn't hesitate to ask the first question.
"I only have three." He told him.
"Do you regret leaving?" Adam asked bluntly.
Shiro was taken back. He looked at his prosthetic arm.
"Every day." He answered.
Shiro expected, hoped even, that Adam would say something like Takashi, you should of stayed, stayed with me.
But he didn't.
He didn't even say anything.
He just sighed and moved on.
"Why did you have to leave?" Adam said, with more emotion this time.
Shiro thought for a second. He knew exactly why he had to leave, but the truth was painful. Shiro has already hurt Adam enough. But, he couldn't exactly lie. He had the ability to not answer, but Shiro knew Adam deserved the 0
"If I never left Voltron wouldn't have been reformed, innocent lives would still be being torchered." Shiro admitted.
"Is that really what you believe?"
Adam was disappointed, Shiro knew that wasn't the answer he was looking for. But atlas, it was the only one he gave.
"Yes." Shiro stated.
Adam checked the lie detector and frowned, Shiro was telling the utter and complete truth.
"Last question, do you have any idea what you put me through. The brunette put stress on the work 'idea'.
Once again, Shiro told the truth.
"I don't know. I'll never fully understand the pain I put you through, but I'm so sorry."
That was the truth.
Adam didn't make eye contact with Shiro.
"Tell me, Adam. Tell me what happened."
Adam looked up, he looked like he was holding back tears.
"I can't." Adam whispered.
"Adam, just-" Shiro touches his ex's wrist but was cut of by his vision blurring.
When everything came back into focus Shiro was no longer in his room in the castle of lions, but rather, in he and Adam's apartment.
Shiro watched his fiancée walk into the big room with a letter in his hand.
Shiro suddenly realized he was seeing exactly what happened, exactly what he put the man he loved through.
Suddenly he was back in his room with Adam.
Adam slapped Shiro's hand away.
"What the fuck was that?!" Adam said, Shiro recognized pure fear in his voice.
Tears where now forming in Adam's eyes.
"I-I don't know." Shiro admitted.
"I have to go." Adam said as he stood up and tried to walk out.
"Adam, wait-" Shiro tried to reach for him as he to stood up. Adam dodged his hand.
"Takashi please!"
Shiro didn't argue, he just watched his former lover run to his room, breaking apart more and more after ever step, until his door was closed shut, and Shiro could no longer here his cries.
Shiro toor the stupid lie detector of of his wrist.
How could he put Adam through that?
Adam's screams where permanently engraved into his mind. It was terrible.

Shiro realized two things that night.
One, Shiro was never, in no way, ever going to win Adam back.
And two, Adam was different, a lot different, but that didn't change that, although he had no right to, Takashi Shirogane was still uncontrollably in love with Adam Woodland.

So I know I said updates where on Wednesdays and Saturdays but I just finished writing the last chapter so I'm going to try to post everyday. Also the explanation for the voodoo memory shit that just happened will be explained in future story's.
Have a good day!

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