Chapter III

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Shiro still couldn't believe it. It was Adam. Adam Woodland. Mechanical engineer/fiancé Adam Woodland. Adam Woodland who he's been longing to see for at least a year.

"Where are you from, Adam?" Pidge asked after the team had sat down for dinner.

"Brazil" He answered, the same heritage pride in his voice from the first time Shiro had heard him say it, "What about you guys?"

"Altea." Allura and Coran answer at the same time.

"Cuba." Lance reply's.

"I'm Samoan." Hunk says cheerfully.

"We're Italians." Matt reply's for both him and Pidge.

"Texas." Keith says stubbornly.

"Yee-Haw" Lance adds. Everyone joins in a cheerful laughter (Except Allura and Coran, who didn't get the joke). Keith rolled his eyes and everyone turned they're attention to Shiro.

"Well you already know we're I'm from, but Japan." Shiro replied.

"Wait, you where born in Japan?" Lance asked.

"Really Lance? Everyone knows that." Pidge rolled her eyes.

"Sorry." Lance said.

After everyone had finished eating and the tabled was cleared everyone hung in the break room exchanging in a conversation. Shiro looked and realized Adam wasn't there.

"I'll be right back." Shiro said before walking off to find him.

Shiro turned a corner to see Adam through the glass. He was outside leaning on the castle railing staring at the stars.


It was Friday after the first week of Shiro's first year at the Garrison. He didn't know how to describe the place other than... giant, and overwhelming. As much as Shiro loved it, he was honestly just exited for Saturday, which is the only day the cadets have off.

Shiro rounded the corner, he was craving fresh air as he opened the lock door the trio had found a few days ago. He saw the expected, a beautiful view of the stars and the desert, what he didn't expect was to see Adam up there also. Adam didn't notice Shiro at first, only when he closed the door quietly he looked at him.

"Oh, hey Shiro." Adam said as he turned his attentions back to the stars. He looked so interested and involved in the stars, without realizing it Shiro was staring.

"Hey, Adam." He knocked himself out of his trance and sat down next to the brunette.

"Its a great view isn't it?" Adam said, his attention slowly shifting to his teammate.

"Yea, it's beautiful. I hope I'll be up there one day." Shiro said as the two continued to admire the view.

After a few seconds Shiro broke the silence, "I've always loved the stars, I don't necessarily know why." He said.

"Same, I used to spend hours looking at the consolations and reading about them." Adam replied.

Shiro wasn't completely sure what there was to read about them but decided not to ask. Instead, he found himself staring at the way the stars reflected on Adam's glasses covering his shiny dark brown eyes. He noticed the way his hair was untidy but still looked good. And the way his glasses rested on the tip of his nose and he would occasionally use his index finger to push them up. In that moment Shiro realized two things. One: He should probably look away before it gets creepy. And two: Oh crap, he's hot.

End of flashback...
"Adam?" Shiro said without thinking. Adam turned around, surprised to see Shiro.
"Oh, hey Takashi." Adam said as he turned back around.
Shiro didn't know what to say.
How about, Hey, sorry for leaving you for space and making you think I was, you know, dead.
He shook that out of his head, Shiro knew what he wanted to hear.
"Adam, I was wrong. I should of listened to you. I'm sorry."
Adam turned around.
Before Shiro could react Adam's lips where on his.
Or, that's what Shiro wishes had happened.
Instead, Adam just said...
"I know."
I know???
What the hell does that mean.
"Look, Takashi, I'll work with you. I'll even maybe be your friend, but I can't forgive you. I don't expect you to understand that but it's true."
"I understand." Shiro told him.
Adam looked surprised.
"Hell, I haven't even forgiven myself."
Shiro confessed.
"Thank you, Takashi."
Shiro didn't know what to do, so he just nodded.
Takashi, what the fuck stop looking at his collar bone. Shiro internally yelled to himself.
Of course, his ex had gotten hot.
Well, Shiro always thought Adam was hot, but he guessed he just realized it more now.
Wait, did Adam have... muscles?
Yea, he did.
He didn't have as many as Shiro but that didn't hide the fact that they where there.
"We should probably go back." Adam said breaking the awkward silence.
"Oh, yea, probably." Shiro agreed.
He turned around to walk out the door.
"Wait, Takashi." Adam said.
Shiro eagerly turned around.
"Yea?" He asked.
"You didn't...tell them about...our past, did you?"
"Oh, no, I didn't. They know I'm gay but that's it." Shiro explained.

As fate has it, Adam got the room across from Shiro's. There where two rooms each hallway and of course, Shiro had to share with Adam.
He didn't really mind but he was pretty sure Adam did.
What, was sharing a hallway with you ex-fiancé who you left you for space that bad?
Yea, it was.
Look, Adam didn't not like Shiro. It's just that he was still bitter about the Kerberos mission.
Adam knew he should of stayed, and look at Shiro now.
Part of his hair was white and he had a fucking robot arm.
Like made of actual metal.
Shiro was definitely not getting any high-fives from Adam any time soon.

Adam sat on his new bed of this castle he now lived in. It didn't feel right. He wasn't this person.
He glanced at the golden ring on his bed-side table Shiro had given him two years ago.
It was now scratched and burnt but Adam didn't get rid of it, it reminded him of what he had to do.
Adam didn't want Shiro back.
Or at least not now.
He still felt like what happened to Shiro was his fault.
He could of made him stay.
If he just tried.
They where in love once, but that was behind them now.
This was a new beginning, that just happened to involve Shiro.

AN: I just finished Dirty Laundry which is a really good Klance fic and I definitely recommend.
One more thing: ABULA IS COMING
(Dirty Laundry fans will understand)

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