Chapter VII

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Adam are you okay?!" Shiro called.
Dead silence.
Shiro's heart raced as the image of the inside of Adam ship appeared in front of him.
Shiro immediately realized Adam wasn't in his seat.
Shiro tried to find him but the floor, where Shiro guessed Adam was, was out of frame.
"Adam!" Shiro yelled once more.
He guessed Adam was out cold.
The sounds of the lions dodging and taking out Galran ships brought him back to reality.
He had to do something quickly.
Shiro flew his lion to Adam's ship.
"Guys! Watch black!" Shiro instructed before leaving the lion and entering Adam's ship.
Shiro locked around to see a jacketed figure with tan skin and light brown hair. Shiro ran to the younger male and turned him on his back.
Adam was unconscious and had a cut on his forehead that was oozing blood.
Shiro used his metal hand to cover the cut hoping to stop the bleeding.
He checked Adam's pulse, it was slow but there.
All of a sudden the ship Shiro and Adam where in was hit. The ship flied to the side, Shiro pulled Adam's head to his chest so it wasn't hurt more.
Shiro was knocked to the ground but kept Adam stable.
Shiro knew Adam needed help. Shiro put his paladin helmet on his ex's head and picked him up with his arms.
Adam's dumb sleeping self nuzzled his head into Shiro's chest. Shiro's face went red but he didn't dare wake him up.
"Come on." Shiro whispered, mostly just to himself.
Shiro jet packed into the Black Lion, holding Adam tightly in his arms.
Shiro entered the Black Lion's cockpit and laid Adam down on the floor.
Shiro checked his pulse again, better, but still slow.
Then, he realized something under Adam's jacket. A dark line near his collarbone. Shiro knew he shouldn't have, but Shiro lifted the jacket off of where the scar followed. Shiro gasped when he saw the whole thing, that must of been so painful.
Shiro knew Adam was in situation because of him, if he had never left Adam wouldn't have gone on the rescue mission. Then, he wouldn't have gotten that.
Shiro stopped thinking about that, his top priority was saving Adam now.
Shiro put the jacket back on and succored Adam to the floor.
Shiro took one last look at Adam, and then took a seat at the control board.
"Paladins, change of plans. Adam was seriously injured and I'm taking him to the castle. I'll try to be quick but we'll have to wait on forming Voltron for a few minutes." Shiro told the Paladins.
"Is he okay?" Lance asked.
"He'll be fine, but we have to hurry." Shiro told him.
Shiro flew to the castle of lions as fast as he could.
"Just keep holding on, Adam." Shiro kept saying. It was somewhat to Adam, even though Shiro was certain he couldn't hear him, but mostly to remind himself that Adam was going to be okay. He had to be okay.

I write a lot of cliche, I know.

Adam opened his eyes to a dark room he soon realized was his bedroom.
He wanted to close his eyes and drift on to sleep once more but then his memory's came back to him.
The castle was under attack.
Adam quickly got out of bed, grabbed his jacket-which apparently had been taken off-and ran out in the hallway.
His head throbbed and it hurt to think but that didn't stop Adam from running to his ship, or at least trying to.
"Adam? What are you doing?" Allura asked. Adam opened his mouth to answer but he was cut off by the sound of the blue lion getting hit by a Galran ship.
"I have to get out there." He said.
"You are in no condition to fight. Go rest." Allura commanded.
Adam considered this for a second, but the thought was silence by the sound of shooting coming from outside.
"I'm sorry." Adam took off to the launch room, leaving the yelling Allura of Altea behind.
Adam rushed into his ship and eventually into his seat, he wasn't completely sure how it wasn't destroyed but he wasn't complaining.
The twenty four year old male took of into space, his head spinning but his hopes high.
Then, it came into view.
It was a robeast, a big one.
Adam's biggest fears where in front if him.
Or rather, he was in the back of it.
Adam spotted Voltron in front of him, as well as Matt's ship.
If Adam got this right he could make a clear shot at the robeast's head. But then again, he had a concussion and would be risking shooting one of his friends.
The robeast was advancing on Voltron, he had to decide now.
So, although Adam had never been more terrified, he took the shot. The streak of light impales the beast right in the head. It's lights when out and the arms fell to its side.
"Wait the quiznak?!" Lance yelled. "Who the f-"
"Language, Lance." Adam interrupted.
"Adam? I thought you where out!" Lance yelled.
"I'm fine now." Adam assured him.
"Adam, you shouldn't be here." Shiro said.
"Like I said, I'm fine. Is that the only one?"
"Yea, there gone." Keith answered.
"Let's go back to the castle team." Shiro told everyone. There was a hum of agreement and the Paladins and the rebels made there way back to the castle.

Adam didn't join the team in the dinner to celebrate their victory. His head felt terrible and he couldn't eat anything. He just sat on his bed.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.
Adam stood up, he immediately regretted that decision.
"Come in." Adam told the unknown knocker.
The door opened reveling Shiro with a plate of food in his hands.
"Hey, I thought you might want some." Shiro offered Adam the plate of food. He took it, not wanting to seem rude.
"Thanks." He mumbled.
"Sure, Adam maybe we should talk." Shiro said.
"Okay, What is it?" Adam put the plate of food on his bedside table.
"I...I'm sorry for what happened last night."
"What? No, don't apologize. I just over reacted, that's all."
"It's not just that though, I guess I didn't realize that my supposed 'death' would affect you that much. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm sorry for everything."
Adam was slightly taken back.
"I appreciate that, thank you." Adam said bluntly.
He did appreciate what Shiro said, but was he ready to forgive him?
He was ready.
"And it's okay, it's in the past now. I'm not mad anymore, I even have started to consider you a friend." Adam confessed.
A small smile formed on Shiro's lips.
"Friends, I would like that." Shiro admitted.
Relief washed over Adam.
He was half expecting Shiro to kiss him, but atlas, he didn't.
"I'll leave you now." Shiro said breaking the silence.
"Oh, yea. Bye, I guess." Adam said awkwardly.
"Yea, bye." Shiro walked out of the door leaving Adam alone.
Although it hurt Adam's head to think, one thought came to his mind.
Shit, this again.


  Adam, Shiro, And Annabeth's second year at the Garrison was coming to an end. Over the past two years, they had not only learned so much, but they had found a new family.
For Shiro, he had found people to support him in not only his career, but also his sexuality.
For Adam, he had found people to comfort him when he felt like he didn't deserve anything. And a person to love, although they didn't know about his feelings toward them yet.
For Annabeth, she had found people to share her interests with and a shoulder to cry on.
Then, before the trip was ready, it was time to leave.
The trio waited in the Garrison train station for there parents to come get them, since they weren't old enough to drive yet.
"Annabeth! Over here!" A red haired lady that looked like she was in her late thirties or early forties waved over to to her.
"Well, that's the mother." Annabeth said, she gave her close friends a bone crushing hug and told them not to die before school started again.
The trio laughed one last time together before Annabeth took off.
Then there where two.
"Adam, there's something we should probably talk about." Shiro said to the fourteen year old.
"What is it?" Adam asked.
Shiro took a deep breath.
"Well, Annabeth told me you felt."
Adam froze.
That mother fucking fucker.
"Oh." Was all Adam could manage to say.
Now Shiro had to let him down, Adam knew this would happen but why now?
"Adam, I-"
"You don't have to say it." Adam interrupted the fifteenth year old in front if him.
"Your going to let me down, I know. I get it, you don't have to say it. I'm sorry she told you."
"What? No. I'm actually glad she told me."
"How could you be glad she told you?"
"Because now," Shiro cupped Adam's chin with his thumb, pointer, and middle finger, "I can do this."
Shiro kissed Adam deeply on the lips. Shiro's kiss was exactly how Adam had imagined, soft and passionate. After Adam had processed what was happening he kissed the older male back. In those ten seconds Adam's life changed forever.
When Shiro pulled back he examined Adam's red flustered face.
He chuckled.
"You okay?" He asked the younger male.
"I'm fine. But, does this mean that you..."
"Yea, I like you to."
Adam smiled and planted a soft peck on Shiro's lips.
It just felt right.
"Does this mean your my boyfriend?" Adam asked.
"I guess it does."
The new couple shared those few moments they had left with each other before Adam's family arrived.
"I guess I'll see you next year. Text me?" Shiro said.
"You got it." Adam assured his boyfriend.
The couple embraced one last time.
Adam savored this moment, knowing he won't have it again until next year.
For the first time in a while, Adam knew everything was going to be okay.

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