Chapter IV

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  Everyone had someone they spent their free time with in the castle.
For Pidge, it was Hunk.
For Keith, it was Shiro.
For Shiro, it was Keith and Matt.
For Allura, it was the mice and Coran.
And for Adam, it was no other that Lance McClain.
Shiro was glad Adam found someone to bond with, but why Lance?
Don't get him wrong, he didn't have anything against Lance, but Shiro in no way was willing to let Adam start doing finger guns and flirting with Allura, like Lance spent his time doing.
Adam hadn't even been here a full day but he and Lance where already pretty close. Apparently they spent the morning talking with one another.
Well, they did have a lot in common.
Lance read the Percy Jackson books, Adam read the Percy Jackson books.
Adam listened to Pentatonix, Lance listener to Pentatonix.
Lance was Bisexual, Adam was Bisexual.
That one kind of bothered him.
Why did Adam have to also like girls?
Shiro would be lying if he said he didn't wish he could blast the straight part out of Adam.
Well, he obviously wouldn't hurt Adam.
Maybe just poke him with a needle and take out the straight.
Okay, this was ridiculous but you get the point.
"Shiro, please don't tell me your thinking about de-straightening Adam again." Matt said as he studied Shiro's spaced-out expression.
Reality came back into focus.
"Of course I wasn't." Shiro lied.
"What ever you say." Matt sighed and returned his attention to the book in his hand.
"I wasn't." Shiro said again.
"Sure." Matt said.
Shiro had the urge to say it again but realized he wasn't winning this fight.
A few seconds later the paladins shuffled into the break room along with Allura, Coran, and Adam.
"Paladins, and rebels," Allura eyed Matt and Adam, "Today we'll be focusing on getting to know each other, specifically our newest additions to the team."
Everyone found a seat on the couch, Shiro noticed Adam sat especially far from him.
"So, first things first, we'll be preforming the invisible maze we did when the team was first formed." Allura continued, "Lance, you'll be in the maze first."
Lance huffed.
"No arguments." Allura added.

Lance was led by Matt, and he did a fairly good job.
With Matt's guidance Lance only ran into the wall once.
Next, it was Shiro's turn.
Shiro was ready on the floor, his paladin armor on.
He didn't know yet who would be leading him through this, hopefully not Coran.
Then, a familiar voice gave him his first instruction.
"Take a step to the left." Adam ordered.
Damn it.
Shiro did as he was told but immediately felt a shock of electricity run down his bones. Shiro steppes back only to be met with the same shock.
Not even a minute in and he already had hit the invisible wall twice.
Adam had to hold back laughter.
Did he mean to do this?
That bastard.
"Sorry, T'Kashi." Adam apologized.
Maybe it was a mistake.
"Take three steps to the right." Adam instructed.
Shiro did as he was told once more, this time he wasn't shocked by the wall.
During the invisible wall drill, Shiro was electrocuted by the wall a total of five times.
He was almost certain Adam did most of them on purpose.
Did he really hate him that much?
Adam didn't necessarily electrocute Shiro on purpose, it just kind of happened.
He and Lance laughed about it afterwards.
Adam felt guilty about it though.
He knew if he tried harder Shiro wouldn't have been hurt.
Well, he wasn't really hurt, he brushed the shock of after a few seconds.
"Adam, bro it wasn't your fault." Lance reminded him.
Adam was knocked out of him trance.
"Huh?" Adam said.
"You make that spaced out face when your thinking about Shiro." Lance stated.
"I don't know what your talking about."
"You do know what I'm talking about. What happened with you guys anyway?" He asked.
Fuck, how do I say this.
"Nothing happened." Adam answered.
"That not true and you know it." Lance added. "What actually happened?"
Adam hesitated.
"We just had a disagreement." Adam said.
It was technically true, it just wasn't the full truth.
"Well if I where you I'd get over it. I've heard Shiro talking about you to Matt and Keith, you should talk to him about it." Lance suggested.
"Is that Lance McClain... giving good advice?"
Adam was honestly surprised.
"Stop acting so surprised."
"Oh, I'm not acting."
They both chuckled and Lance took a sip out of his water-box-space-thing.
"So, you and Keith, huh?"
Lance spat the water on Adam.
"What the shit, Lance!" Adam yelled as he tried to brush the water off of him.
"Of course I'm not with Keith! That man and his stupid mullet." Lance yelled.
"Okay, sorry." Adam said.
"No, I'm sorry. It's just..."
"Just what?"
"Nothing. Let's go, it's almost time for dinner." Lance stood up and walked out.
He definitely likes him. Adam thought.
He eventually got the water off and went for dinner.
When he walked in he spotted Lance talking to Shiro.
Shiro looked taken back, and then looked in Adam's direction.
Adam decided this could mean a few things.
One, Lance just confessed his undying love for Shiro but he was still in love with Adam. That one seemed very unlikely.
Or two, he was telling him about they're recent conversation.
God. Jesus. Fucking. Christ. Lance.
I'm going to kill that bitch. Adam said internally.
He wasn't actually going to say anything about it to him but I brought him comfort to think it.
He couldn't count all of the times he said that about Shiro.
And about Annabeth.
God, he missed her.


Adam had gotten used to the schedule.
Wake up, class, study, sleep.
He would eventually hang out with the group.
Adam had grown close with Annabeth and Shiro over the past year.
He and Annabeth had bonded over talking about the constellations.
He and Shiro had grown close by looking at the stars.
But it was different with him.
He made his brain go fuzzy and his heart leap.
He had developed what he liked to call a 'this bullshit again.'
He liked him.
So what?
He didn't even think he liked guys at all before he met Shiro.
He didn't even know if Shiro liked guys.
So, of course, Adam did the 'smart thing' and decided to go to Annabeth for advice.
"Hey, Taylor?" Adam said as he used his pointer and middle finger to knock and Annabeth's door.
"Come in, Woodland." Annabeth yelled.
They weren't in first name basis yet, Adam wasn't completely sure why.
He walked in.
Annabeth still had her nose in "Trials Of Apollo: The Hidden Oracle."
A book Adam had suggested.
"Can I ask you something?" Adam asked as he sat down on one of the chairs in her neatly-organized room.
"One second, it's a Will and Nico scene, you know I love these." Annabeth told him.
You see, Annabeth was fan girl...for gay ships.
Adam wasn't completely sure what a 'ship' meant but decided not to ask.
"Okay, what's up?" Annabeth put her book down and  turned her attention to the brunette in front of her.
"Well, let's say I like someone. How would I, you say,  figure... things out ....with them?" Adam asked.
Annabeth's face lit up.
"OHMYGOSH! Who is it?! Is it Veronica?! I hope it's Veronica." Annabeth exclaimed.
"What? No. It's no Veronica." Adam confirmed.
"Oh, who is she then?"
Adam hesitated.
"It's not a she."
Annabeth's eyes became wide.
"Oh my god."
Adam gave her a smile of embarrassment.
"Your gay." Annabeth thought aloud.
"Questioning." He corrected the red head.
"Is it Matt?"
"Hell no."
"Ew, no."
Annabeth thought for a few seconds.
"Is it Shiro?"
Adam froze.
"It is Shiro. I totally ship that."
"Don't tell anybody." Adam begged.
"Ugh, fine."
"What do I do?"
"Hm, let's see. You should wait a little bit, be sure you like him, and things will play out on its own. You'll have a hot boyfriend soon enough. Invite me to the wedding."
"Yes, I know these things. I am the love guru of the Garrison."
"The fuck?"
"Fuck you. Or rather, let Shiro do that."
"Taylor! I'm thirteen!"
"I don't mean now."
Adam sighed.
"Well, thank you for this."Adam said sarcastically, "but I'll be going now."
"No problem, Adam"
Adam froze.
"Did you just call me by my first name?"
"Yes. Yes I did. Now don't tell Shiro, I don't know how to pronounce his first name."
Adam sighed.
"It's Takashi."
"Never mind."
Adam closed the door to Annabeth's room.
He was definitely not going to use any of that.

Hello my dudes,
A quick PSA, updates are now on Wednesday's and Sunday's.
I'll do my best to post then.
Have a good day!

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