Chapter VIII

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The first two days after the attack where kinda...sorta... terrible for Shiro.
Well, and for everyone else, but also Shiro.
The team had forbidden Adam to do any training until his concussion was gone, and he hasn't came out of his room since.
Shiro hadn't eaten much either, he was worried about his friend and couldn't seem to keep anything down.

While walking to the training deck, Shiro happened to run into Hunk.
"Hey, Shiro! What are you up to?" Hunk asked.
"I was heading to the training deck, you?"
"I was just bringing Adam food, I don't think he's eaten much." Hunk gestured to a plate off muffins in his hand.
Shiro nodded.
"Well, I'll see you later." Shiro said as he continued to walk to the training deck.
"Wait, Shiro."
Shiro turned to face Hunk.
"Theres actually something I want to ask you."
"Go for it."
Hunk hesitated but finally spoke.
"Is Adam okay? I mean, like emotionally."
How do I explain this? Shit.
"Well, he's been struggling with depression ever since he was thirteen, but he'll be fine. He's actually been doing better."
Hunk nodded.
"Okay, thanks." Hunk walked to Adam's room, not saying anything else.
Shiro never thought he would have to think about that ever again.


Shiro was waiting in the Garrison train station for his team, and more importantly, his boyfriend.
Shiro searches the crowd for Adam. The couple hasn't seen each other since when they first became official the year before. And now, for the trio's third year at the Garrison, Shiro was finally not going to be single for the year.
"Hey, Shiro!" Annabeth called as she suddenly appeared from behind him.
"Oh, hey Annabeth."
Annabeth pulled Shiro into a tight hug.
When she let go, and when Shiro could breath again, she immediately gave Shiro the look.
"Did you see Adam again yet? Are you planning your wedding?!"
"Annabeth, calm down." Shiro told his friend.
"Right, sorry."
Shiro sighed.
"Hey, guys." Adam called as he walked over to his friend and boyfriend.
"Hey, Adam." Shiro said as he picked up his boyfriends bag for him.
"Hey, Shiro. Thanks." Adam said before kissing his boyfriend lightly on the lips.
"I ship that." Annabeth said.
"Thanks for ruining the moment." Adam joked as he walked over to give his friend a hug.
Annabeth excepted without hesitation.
"Third years! Follow me!" Sanda yelled as she waved her hand in the air.
"You guys ready?" Annabeth asked the trio. The couple nodded and walked over to Sanda.

The trio spent the first week catching up. Nothing was really that exciting however.
Shiro and Adam took all of the alone time they could get.
Currently, they were going over the new textbooks for the third years, or at least trying to.
"I'm sorry but that consolation definitely looks like a penis." Adam pointed out.
"Are you kidding me?!" Shiro laughed.
"Come on! I can't be the only one that sees it."
"You are though."
Adam fell into Shiro's shoulder as the two burst out laughing. Yea, it was immature but they were teenagers so what do you expect?
Shiro's laughter stopped almost immediately however.
"What is it, Shiro?" Adam asked, concerned for his partner.
Then he looked down and understood, Shiro had seen his cutting scars.

End of flashback...

Shiro ran the rest of the way to the training deck, as if he was running away from his thoughts.
Shiro pushes open the training deck doors to see Adam training with a weapon similar to Matt's besides for he sharp silver blades on the end of Adam's.
"Takashi? Are you okay?" Adam said as he walked over to his friend.
"Yea, I'm fine. I just had something on my mind." Shiro told the brunette.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"Oh, no. It's fine. What are you doing out here anyway? Your supposed to be resting."
"All I have is a small headache, it's waste of time to just sit and do nothing." Adam said like it was a fact.
"Fine, but if you start feeling sick I will make you sit down." Shiro told his friend.
Shiro felt satisfied that for the first time in weeks Adam had actually listened to him.
"I should probably thank you for saving us back there." Shiro said.
"Oh, you really don't have to. I'm sure anyone here would have don't the same." Adam pointed out.
"I know but-" Shiro's sentence was cut short by Lance bursting through the training deck doors.
"OHMYGODGUYS!" Lance yelled, almost startling poor Adam to death.
"Lance, try not to scream." Adam said as he put a hand to his forehead, probably hoping to ease his headache a little.
"Sorry, but I have big news!" Lance exclaimed.
"What?" Shiro asked.
"Okay, so tonight Allura and Coran and going to the space mall and leaving us here so I talked with Pidge, Hunk, and Keith and they agreed to have a sleepover in the break room. You guys in?"
"Do we have a choice?" Shiro asked.
"No, not really." Lance said, "Adam, what about you?"
"Can I get out of this if I say I still have a concussion?" Adam asked desperately.
"Your training so you obviously don't. Come on, it'll be fun!" Lance told him.
"Fine, but I'm leaving if things get weird." Adam agreed.
"Good! It starts after dinner." Lance ran out of the training room and almost knocked over Hunk, who still has the plate of food from earlier clutched in his hands. Or, at least what's left of it.
"Hey, Adam. I was bringing food to your room but you weren't there so I just let other people have some, I left you one though." Hunk said as he handed Adam a muffin.
"Thanks." Adam said as he took it.
"Sure, I'll see you guys later then." Hunk waved goodbye and joined Lance out in the hallway.
"This is going to be terrible." Shiro said once it was just him and Adam.
"It won't be that bad. As long as I don't have to sleep near you." Adam joked.
Shiro laughed as his friend left the training deck and headed of to his room.
The feeling cane back, Shiro hated being in a one-sided love.

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