Chapter XIII

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   Shiro flew to the planet the castle was at in Adam's ship. He didn't deserve this.
Adam should be the one piloting this.
Adam should be here.
But he wasn't.
What where they going to think about him?
Would they call him a failure?
What would Lance say?
Shiro tried to think about something else, but Adam was forever in his thoughts.
Did Adam mean what he said?
Or was he just taking pity on Shiro?
Shiro pulled himself together.
No, they wouldn't judge him.
The planet the castle was on came into view.
Shiro inhaled as he landed the ship.
In front of him he saw Lance run up, hoping to see Adam. This is to painful.


Lance ran up to his best friend's ship as it was landing.
He was anxious to see if everything was okay and hear about the struggles they faced.
Lance waited by the door to the ship.
The door lifted to show Shiro, but no Adam.
"Hey, Shiro! Where's Adam?" Lance asked.
He didn't answer, just looked at the ground.
"I'm sorry Lance." Shiro said.
Then Lance saw it, Adam's weapon in Shiro's hand.
"Is he...dead?"
"No, he's not dead. Just captured."
Thank you god.
"I can't believe it." Lance confessed.
"Then let's go get him."
Lance was surprised.
Was the leader of Voltron really ready to risk everything for someone he cared about?
He was, and so was Lance.
"Let's go talk to the other, I'm guessing we'll need all the help we can get." Shiro said.
"Yea, let's go."
The two walked into the castle. Lance was horrified that his friend was left behind.
"How did it happen?" Lance asked.
"He sacrificed himself so I could escape. I tried to change his mind." Shiro told Lance.
"That definitely sounds like him." Lance admitted.
Shiro nodded.
Matt and the rest of the Paladins then ran over to meet with them.
"Hey guys! Where's Adam?" Matt asked.
Shiro looked at the ground.
"He sacrificed himself for Shiro, he's being held captive by the Galra and we have to go get him." Lance said. Shiro was proud of his teammate and how mature he was taking this.
"I don't know Lance, we would be risking a lot." Allura cut in.
"Guys, this is Adam we're talking about. I know damn well he would do the same for any of us. He's not just our teammate, but our friend." Shiro said. Everyone went silent.
"That was the first time I've heard you swear, I'm shook." Pidge said.
"Not the time, Pidge." Lance said. "Look, guys, I've only known Adam for a few days, but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in the room and then myself."
"I agree with Shiro. He's our friend. I'm not leaving him." Matt said.
"Yea, guys think about if it was one of us. We can't just leave him there." Hunk added.
"Adam is a great role model, teammate, and friend. "I'm with you guys, let's get him back." Pidge said.
"We can't afford the price of his loss." Coran butted in.
Everyone looked to Allura.
"Let's get our friend back."
Allura spoke this time.
Everyone nodded.
Adam had stood by Lance, now it was his turn to stand by Adam.


Lance woke up gasping for air, with Adam by his side.
"Lance? Are you okay?" Adam whispered while rubbing Lance's back.
"Y-Yea. I-I'm fine." Lance stuttered.
"Hey, it's okay." Adam pulled his friend into a warm embrace as Lance cried.
"I'm sorry!" He cried.
"It's okay, Lance. I went through the same thing." Adam whispered.
"When?" Lance asked trough sobs.
"It stared when I was thirteen. I had it for a few years." Adam explained.
"How did you get better?"
"I met someone who helped me."
"Thank you." Lance hugged his friend tightly.
"Yea, and Lance,"
Lance looked up.
"If you ever need to talk I'm here, as well as the other members of the team." Adam assured him. Lance nodded.
"Yea, and thank, again." He said.
"Are you okay now?" Adam asked. He nodded. Adam walked out of the room and shut the door. Lance fell back into bed.
Words can't say how grateful he was that night.

End of flashback...

"Lance? Are you okay?" Shiro asked.
Lance was sitting alone in the control room, alone.
"Yeah, I'm fine." He lied.
Shiro's eyes became filled with sympathy.
"We'll get him back Lance."
Lance pulled Shiro into a warm embrace.
"It's not your fault, you know that right?" Lance told him.
"I know. It just feels like it is." Shiro confessed.
"I'm sure he's proud of us." Lance said.
Shiro nodded.
"I'm sure he is."

Oki so I have a quick question.
Which sounds better,
Runnin' Home To You
Back To You
It may or may not be for a future story.
Have a good day!

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