Chapter IX

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Adam Woodland had a few regrets.
1. Letting Shiro leave for the Kerberos mission
2. Leaving Annabeth for the Kerberos rescue mission
3. Agreeing to the Paladin sleepover
But there he was, sitting on the break room couch after dinner with the rest off his team.
"Welcome all to the first ("And last."-Keith) official paladin and rebel sleepover." Lance announced in his best sports announcer voice.
"Remind me why I agreed to this." Adam whispered to Shiro, who happened to be assigned the sleeping area next to him.
"I know right." Shiro sighed.
"Okay, first order of business!" Lance clapped his hands together.
"We're doing lie detectors!" Lance lifted up a small lie detector the team had used recently.
"Here are the rules!"
Basically each person will put the lie detector on and each of there teammates get to ask one question, but if you answer untruthfully every person who hasn't asked yet gets one more question.
"Who wants to go first?" Lance asked cheerfully.
"Let's just get this over with." Keith said as he extended his wrist, Lance strapped the lie detector on and the game started.

Pidge: "Who's your favorite teammate?"

Keith: "Shiro, he's a good friend."

Hunk: "If you had to which teammate would you be handcuffed to for a day?"

Keith: "Anyone but Lance, but Pidge I guess."

Lance: "Jerk!"

Keith then gave him the middle finger.

Shiro: "Is it true your the reason Iverson lost his eye?"

Keith shamefully answered: "Yes."

Adam and Lance snickered in he background.

Lance: "Why do you hate me?"

Keith: "I don't hate you your just annoying."

Lance: "Aww, thanks man!"

Matt: "Are you a virgin?"

Shiro: "Matt what the hell?"

Pidge: "That's the closest I've ever came to hearing Shiro swear."

Keith: "Yes, I'm a virgin."

Adam: "Which one of us would you rather lick honey off of?"

Lance: "Wow, I was not expecting that."

Keith: "Adam, he probably wouldn't judge me that badly."

Adam: "Thats what you think."

Lance: "Who's next?"

Pidge: "Let's do this bitches."

Shiro: "Language, Pidge."

Pidge: "Just get the damm thing on me."

Lance strapped the lie detector on Pidge.

Matt: "I'm first! Pidge, what's the worst thing you've done at the Garrison."

Pidge: "That one's easy, lie about my gender and identity."

Lance: "You do realize you have two Garrison teachers in the room right?"

Pidge: "Shiro already knew and I doubt Adam will rat me out."

Lance: "Fair point."

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