Chapter II

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      The paladins, Allura, and Coran made the final adjustments to the castle, the rebels were supposed to be there any dobash. Pidge seemed extra excited, it had been a while until they had seen Matt considering that could understand any of the high tech stuff they where talking about.

  "Paladins the rebels will meet us on the next planet so get to the exit when we land." Allura  announced.

       "I should go make sure I look my best, see you guys soon." Lance said in a flirty tone as he began to walk to his room, Keith rolled his eyes.

     After everyone went to get ready they landed on the planet Iida. Everyone came out of the castle into an open field while they waited. The field was full of what looked like grass but it was yellow, it almost reminded Shiro of Earth, which reminded him of Adam.

"Look!" Pidge yelled as they jumped up pointing to a ship in the air.

  "They're here." Shiro whispered to himself.

    The ship a few meters away from the paladins, Pidge was the first to run to the door.   The doors opened and Matt stepped out.

"Matt!" Pidge yelled while she wrapped they're arms around they're brother.

"Pidge!" Matt exclaimed as he held on to his sibling.

"Wait, where's the other one?" Lance asked.

"Oh, he's in another ship, he'll be here in a few minutes." Matt explained. Lance  frowned, Shiro guessed he was still hoping it was a girl.

"It 'dobash'." Pidge corrected with a smirk on they're face. Once Matt saw Shiro his happy expression changed, into what looked like guilt. He approached Shiro as if he was going to rip his arm off.

"Matt, are you okay?" Shiro asked as his close friend reached him.

"Oh, yea. It's just...uhm, You know the person who's also coming." Matt said sort of quietly as he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. I know them? Is that even possible?  Shiro thought to himself

"Who is it?" Shiro asked Matt as he fidgeted with his hands.

"It's... uh..." Matt's voice was cut off by the sound of another ship landing a few feet away from them. "I guess you'll see." Matt walked back towards Pidge.

Who could it be?  Why was Matt worried? Calm down Shiro, it's fine.

Everyone seemed eager to meet the other person, or in Shiro's case, see them again. The door began to open and everyone turned they're pull attention to the door. When the door opened Shiro recognized the face immediately, it was Adam.


Shiro couldn't believe it. He had made it to the Galaxy Garrison, only the best piloting school in the world. He scanned the sheet hung up in the hallway to find his co pilots. Shiro secretly hoped one would be cute. He ran his finger down the paper until he found his name, Takashi Shirogane: Fighter Pilot. Next to his name where his team, Annabeth Taylor: Mathematic Calculator,  and Adam Woodland: Engineer. As Shiro wrote down the names of his team he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Hey, sorry to bother you but you covering the sheet." The person said. Shiro turned around to see a boy, about the same age as him, with a cadet suit on. He had ashy brown hair with glasses covering his brown eyes. Shiro's face turned slightly pink, partly because he was embarrassed, partly because the boy was the cutest person he had ever seen.

"Oh, sorry." Shiro said as he stepped out of the way.

"Your good. I'm Adam, by the way." The boy said as he himself tried to find his name on the paper. This is just a coincidence, that can't be that Adam. Shiro thought to himself. Surely enough, Adam's eyes stopped at his name, Adam Woodland: Engineer.  Oh, great.

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