Chapter X

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"Okay, team! Our next game is called Knowledge. Basically one person will whisper a question, something like "Who is the most annoying?" The person who the question was asked to had to announce the answer to the whole group without telling them what the question was, the person next to the person who answered will decide whether they have to say what the question was or move on and ask the next question. The questioner can choose who they want. Can I please just ask that we not piss of our space dad more than we already have." Lance told the group.
Everyone nodded in agreement and the game started. Adam won the pick-a-number-in between-one-and-ten game to he asked the first question.

He choose to ask Lance.

"Who's the hottest person in the room, you can't pick yourself." Adam whispered into Lance's ear.
Lance gasped.
"Adam what the hell?" Lance whispered.
"Shiro." He announced to the group.
Adam choose Lance because Pidge was sitting next to him, this bitch was so ready to expose him.
"Okay, Pidge. Move on or expose?" Matt asked.
"Expose, Adam, give us the truth." Pidge answered with an evil grin on her face.
Lance looked at Adam and mouth Please no.
"Sorry, bud. The question was who is the hottest person in the room, he wasn't allowed to pick himself.
Lance dace looked like a tomato as he hid it in his hands.
The room erupted with laughter as Shiro face palmed.
"Adam, kill me please." Lance mumbled.
Adam patted his friend on the back.
"Sorry bro." Was all he said.
"Well, Hunk is next to Pidge to you can go next." Matt said once the laughter was at ease.
"Okay!" Hunk then whispered something into Keith's ear.
Keith sighed and answered, "Adam or Pidge."
"Okay, Shiro, expose or let go?" Lance asked.
"Expose." Shiro said.
"Okay, Hunk, what was the question?" Lance turned to his friend.
"Who's the smartest in the room." Hunk answered.
Adam decided he liked this game.
"I would like to point out that those are the only people here with glasses." Matt said.
There was a small moment of laughter in the group.
"Matt's the only one who hasn't either asked or answered something so he should go next." Lance said.
"Okay. Hmm..." Matt walked over to Shiro and whispered something into his ear.
"Are you kidding me?" Shiro said.
"Nope." Matt plopped back down on his spot on the couch.
"Adam." Shiro said.
What could this be?
"Okay, Adam, expose or let go?" Lance asked.
"I've got to know what this is about." Adam said.
Shiro sighed with disappointment.
"Hell yes, the question was who is most likely to grow up to be an alcoholic." Matt said.
Adam gave Shiro his death glare.
"Are you fucking kidding me, Takashi?"
Adam shook his head.
"Hey, guys. It's almost two, we should probably get some sleep." Matt told the group.
Everyone agreed, since they were all actually exhausted but didn't admit it.
Adam later down on the blanket in the floor he was supposed to sleep on, it didn't help that he was over heating in his thick sweatshirt, this was going to be a difficult night.

*. *. *. *. *

Luckily, Shiro had fallen asleep fairly quickly.
But unfortunately, he woke up in the middle of the night.
Shiro used his left arm as a pillow because for some reason a single pillow didn't satisfy his head.
Shiro looked at the man next to him to see if he was having any luck sleeping. And if course, Adam was out cold. Shiro was used to being the only one awake, but it was slightly awkward when everyone was in the same room.
Shiro stared at the way Adam's chest would rise and fall every few seconds.
Shiro remembered doing the exact same thing at his and Adam's bed in there apartment, except back then Shiro would usually have Adam tightly in his arms and playing with his untidy hair.
Shiro missed the way things used to be.
He missed the way every Saturday when he woke up Adam and Annabeth had already been up for hours talking.
He missed he and Adam's late night movies and snuggles on the couch.
He missed the feeling of joy he would get when Adam fell asleep in his arms.
He missed waking up early to surprise Adam with breakfast, although he had almost burnt the apartment down so many times that he was banned from the stove.
He missed Adam bringing him coffee when he was doing paperwork past midnight.
Shiro missed Adam being his and his only, when nobody no matter who the hell they where could fracture their love for each other.
Shiro missed when Adam loved him.
Shiro knew he was lucky that Adam even spoke to him, much less call him his friend.
Even though he knew he would never win Adam back, that was enough.
No matter what happened, Shiro promised to himself that we wouldn't lose Adam again, even if it caused Shiro everything he had. Because Adam was everything.
Yeet the cliche!
Sorry for the short ass chapter, I didn't know what else to put.
I know this chapter was shorter but I'll do my best to post twice this week to make up for it. Have a good day'

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