Chapter XI

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Adam was officially rid of his concussion. He had never been more happy.
Okay, well he hadn't been that happy in a while, he wasn't even that happy, just relived.
Anyway, Adam had heard Allura whispering to Coran a lot. He had heard a few words, things like 'mission' and 'dangerous'. Adam would be lying if he said he wasn't terrified. Then, one morning at breakfast, his suspicions where confirmed.
Allura walked in while the paladin's and rebel's where cleaning up.
"Team, there's something I need to tell all of you." Allura announced.
This can't be good, Adam thought.
Team Voltron finished cleaning up and met Allura in the break room as she instructed.
"I guess I should start explaining then. Coran and I have planned a mission for everyone, rebel's included. There is a hard drive of valuable information about us on three Galra ships. We have to go in the ship and retrieve it before they get the change to look at it. We have divided the teams into two's and three's. Each team will tasked care of one ship, the hard drive is location in the control room of each ship. Your goal is to retrieve the hard drive and make it out safely. We have sent the instructions for each team on your devices and Paladin suit. The teams are Hunk, Pidge, and Matt. Lance and Keith. And finally Adam and Shiro. We highly advise you all to use tonight to train, since we leave tomorrow morning. And rebel's, please meet me in the launch room for a tick." Allura walked off to the Launch room, leaving the rest of the team speechless.
A mission? With Takashi? In a Galra ship? What the fuck?
Adam and Matt half-ran to the launch room. Neither of the men knew what was happening. If you knew Adam you would know he hated the feeling of the unknown.
"Princess?" Matt said to Allura.
The Altean princess turned around to face the duo.
"Hello, please follow me." Allura said as she gestured to a table with what looked like armor.
Adam and Matt exchanged looks but followed Allura quickly.
"I have prepared battle armor your you both, I realized you probably need it considering what happened last time." Allura glanced at Adam who just looked down awkwardly.
"Anyway, I'll leave you both to try them on. Let me know if there are any problems." Allura gracefully walked away. Adam wondered if she was just like that naturally or if she had had practice.
Matt immediately began taking his clothes of and began putting the suit and armor on.
Adam turned away.
"You think you could give a warning the next time you do that?" Adam judged.
"Why does it matter, where both guys?" Matt stated.
Yea, but one of us is really self conscious about himself asshat. If I might add queer.
Adam covered his mouth before he could say that.
"Damn, this thing is cool!" Matt exclaimed.
Please tell me he's talking about the armor.
"Do you have you clothes back on yet?" Adam asked.
"No, but I have the armor on so it's cool." Matt said.
Adam turned around to see Matt stretching in his new brown and white suit.
"You trying on yours now?" Matt asked.
"Why are we doing this in the launch room?" Adam complained.
"Dude chill, give me five minutes to change back into my clothes and I'll give you privacy."
Adam turned away again so Matt could change.
"Kay, done. I'll give you a few." Matt said as he ran out of the launch room.
Adam hesitated but quickly awkwardly got changed into the armor.
He still didn't understand why Allura would make him change in a large room. This was basically his worst nightmare.
The purple and white armor where surprisingly not that uncomfortable. It made Adam feel confident, which was pretty rare.

 It made Adam feel confident, which was pretty rare

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Now Imagine that but with a stake.

Adam quickly got changed into his regular clothes. The confidence went away and Adam was now just Adam.
He male walked out into the hallway and ran into Shiro.
"Oh, hey Adam. I was looking for you." Shiro said.
"Oh, what's up?" Adam asked.
"I just wanted to let you know we have the training deck from seven to eight."
"Okay, I'll be there."
"Good, I should get going now."
"Okay, see you later."
"See you later."


Adam met his ex at the training deck at seven liked planned.
Shiro wasn't there yet so Adam decided to grab his weapon and start.
The young male took hold of his staff with blades on the ends and spinner it around, getting a feel for it.
"Hey, Adam. Sorry I'm late, I guess I lost track of time." Shiro said as he walked into the weapon room. Adan was startled and ended up almost hitting Adam with the stake.
Shiro jumped back.
"Sorry!" Adam apologized.
"It's fine. I'm used to almost killing you with my bad cooking skills so I guess we're even."
Adam chuckled.


  It was February 14, to most people, it was Valentine's Day, but to Shiro and Annabeth, it was Adam's birthday.
"We're going to mess this up so badly." Annabeth stated.
"It's a cake, Annabeth. What could go wrong?" Shiro said.
"We could light your kitchen on fire, again." Annabeth stressed on the word 'again'.
Shiro didn't need more reminders if the latest incident with a metal bowl with ramen in the microwave. That one was fun to explain to the Garrison.
"We'll be fine. At least I have you here to nitpick everything I do." Shiro joked. It was true though, Annabeth was great at this stuff. That's why Shiro brought her along.
"What ever you have to tell your self, Shiro. Just please don't kill my best friend with actual trash." Annabeth said jokingly.
Shiro rolled his eyes, he wasn't sure if that was on purpose or accident.
"Let's get stared I guess."

Time skip of about an hour...

"He's going to actually fucking kill us." Shiro panicked at the mess that is he and Adam's kitchen. Flour and other ingredients spilled out on the floor and the batter was tipped over. It was an actual fucking mess.
"Wrong, he's going to kill you. I'm out." Annabeth walked out of the kitchen, cake ingredients covering her body.
Shiro sighed.
"Jackass." He told Annabeth, he didn't actually mean it but he was pretty pissed she was just walking out like that.
"Just fuck him, that makes up for everything." Annabeth yelled before shutting the door.
Shiro sighed.
He was going to kill him. Unless... no. He wasn't going to have sex with him. Well, at least not for this.
"Hey, Takashi! I was wondering if-" Adam stopped when he saw the mess in their kitchen.
"Takashi, Love, What the fuck is this?" Adam examines Shiro, who was covered in baking flour and other various ingredients.
"Happy birthday...?"
Adam sighed.
"Get this cleaned up, and take a shower, we have dinner at seven." Adam instructed.
"Okay, and I'm sorry by the way. I was just trying to do something special since it was your first birthday that we had our own place." Shiro said.
"I know, this is exactly why I love you. But for future notice have Annabeth help you if you ever want to do this again. I'll help you clean up in a second." Adam kissed Shiro's cheek before going into there room.
Bitch, she did.
Shiro decided to leave that part out.
He honestly didn't deserve him.

End of flashback...

I decided to give some pre-Kerberos fluff before the angst comes next chapter.

"Okay, you ready." Shiro asked. Adam nodded and Shiro turned the robot on at the hardest level.
It began to count down.
Adam planted his feet ready to jump.
Shiro's hand lit up.
The two partners charged at the bot with all there will power.
Two minutes in Adam was exhausted. He let his guard down for a second and the bot had appeared behind him.
Adam quickly grabbed the things wrist and trough it over his head. The robot shut of after its defeat.
"How did you learn how to do that?" Shiro asked.
"Experience." Adam said.
Adam knew Shiro was probably weirded out but he just moved on.

"You ready to try again?" Shiro asked.
"Hell yea." Adam said.
Shiro turned the thing on.
They both charged.

So on a more serious note at the moment my story is dying. I've written story's on here before but is there anything you want me to fix or any improvements you want to see? I am in no way complaining, any support means the world to me and I'm extremely great full to anyone who reads every chapter and votes. BTW the next chapter is the most one if the most important so please read it! It's also kinda angsty.
Have a good day!

What Used To Be Mine | Adashiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें