Chapter XIV

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I'd come back for you, back some day for you. I'd give anything to be with you, it's so damn true.

The plan was simple.

Go to ship.
Get Adam out of ship.
Bring Adam home.

How badly could they mess this up?
Well, they could mess everything up. But Shiro was trying to be optimistic.
The point was, the Paladins where going to save Adam. No matter how many tries it took.

The Paladins and Rebel's, or at least one rebel, disposed themselves into Pidge's lion and Matt's ship, since their ships where the only one's with stealth mode.
Matt and Shiro went into his ship and Matt took his place on the control desk.
Shiro stood next to him, Adam's weapon clenched tightly in his hand.
"Hey, Shiro?" Matt said.
"I was just wondering... are you and Adam...back together?"
Shiro didn't know what to say. He didn't even know if they where back together. Even if they where, would Adam want Matt to know that?
Shiro decided on what to say.
"No, we're not."
Matt looked embarrassed if anything, but slightly disappointed.
Did he want them back together?
"Sorry, I shouldn't of asked."
"It's fine."
Matt nodded.
Then, Lance crawled into the ship, followed by Keith.
"You guys ready?" Lance asked.
Everyone nodded. Then, the ship took off.


Let's just say Team Voltron didn't exactly make it to the Galra ship unnoticed.
The green lion's paws where full with shooting down Galra ships.
The team agreed that Matt, Shiro, Keith and Lance should be the ones to get Adam since they where the closest to him.
The team snuck into the ship.
"HEY YOU!" A Galra solider yelled.
"Shit." Keith mumbled.
Well fuck. Shiro thought.
Keith summoned his bayard as well as the Lance. Matt drew his stake and Shiro's hand lit up.
The Galra charged, Shiro sliced the first one, Keith decapitated the second one. Matt stabbed the third one. And Lance shot the last one. They took off near the holding cells.
Lance looked at the names on the device on the first cell, he shook his head. Next cell, same thing. Then the next, then the next one, and then the one after that. Still nothing.
"Well look who it is."
Shiro turned around to see none other than mother fucking Sendak standing in front on the hallway, blocking there path out.
"Shiro, you find Adam. We'll take him." Keith demanded. Shiro nodded.
Keith, Lance, and Matt charged at Sendak. Shiro quickly checked the next cell, no Adam.
Shiro continued the routine.
Still nothing.
He heard his teammates struggling with Sendak.
"Hurry Shiro!" Lance yelled.
Shiro looked at the last cell.

HERE HOLDS: Adam Woodland

Shiro's eyes widened.
Without hesitation Shiro broke the lock with his robot hand. He pushed the door open and ran to his teammate. Adam was unconscious and bleeding everywhere. Shiro checked his pulse. It was slow but it was there. Adam's glasses had a small crack on the left lenses. He has a gash on his shoulder which was leaking blood.
Shiro couldn't help himself from touching Adam's cheek. The warmth in his body reminded Shiro that he was still here, Adam was still with him.
"Adam...I'm so sorry." Shiro whispered. If Shiro wasn't such a fucking idiot Adam wouldn't be here. Is Shiro never left Adam would still be okay.
The sound of the fighting stopped. Shiro's heart dropped.
Shiro slung Adam's arms over his shoulder and picked him up. Adam head dropped backwards. His glasses slid up his nose. Shiro ran out of the cell, Adam held tightly in his arms.
The team had been knocked out by Sendak, who was currently gloating.
"Come for more?" Sendak asked Shiro, his back still facing him. Shiro put Adam on the floor, using the wall to prop his back up.
"You wish." 
Shiro's hand lit up.
Sendak laughed and charged at Shiro. Shiro blocked the first hit and struck his in the back. Sendak yelled and used this staff to hit Shiro in the side. Shiro cursed under his breath as he fell to the side. He regained his balance.
"You can't defeat me." Sendak taunted.
"Fuck you." Shiro charged at Sendak.
Shiro grabbed Sendak's staff but was forced to the floor. Shiro's arms became weak as he tried to stop the weapon from collapsing on his neck.
"Ahhhh!" Shiro yelled.
Adam weapon slid across the floor to Adam. Shiro was getting tired, Sendak was to strong.
Sendak fell to the floor unconscious.
Shiro looked up to see Adam's weapon with no other than Adam Woodland welding it. Adam fell to the floor exhausted. Shiro caught his friend in his arms.
"Adam?!" Shiro yelled. Adam's weak state caused him to wince at the pain he was feeling.
He was struggling to breath.
"It's okay, I'm here." Shiro whispered.
"Takashi..." Adam struggled out.
"It's okay Adam, we're here."
"Why did you come back?"
A thousand reasons.
"Because I love you."
Adam fell silent.
"Thank you." Adam said before falling back into unconsciousness.
A small feeling of satisfactory came to Shiro.
It wasn't because he has saved Adam.
It wasn't because he had Adam back.
It was because Adam had technically-even though the time was really unfortunate- fallen asleep in Shiro's arms.
"Did we win?" Lance asked groggily.
"God, I hope we did." Matt added.
"Ugh, my head." Keith said.
"Yea we won." Shiro assured them.
Lance looked at Adam.
"He's okay?" He asked.
"Yea, he's okay." Shiro said.
"Who's in a favor of getting him home?" Matt raised his hand.
They all nodded.
Lance helped Shiro take Adam to Matt's ship. Shiro didn't leave Adam's side until he was put into the healing capsule, which he would have to stay in for a few days.

Shiro walked into the room Adam was in. Shiro stares at the man in the capsule. He watched him chest rise and fall. Shiro placed Adam's weapon on the small table next to him. He wrote a short note and placed it under his weapon.

Hey Adam,
I hope your feeling better. I guess I fulfilled my promise. I'll hand it to you you seem to be advanced with this thing. Anyway, please come talk to me when you see this.
   - Takashi

Shiro took one last look at Adam. And he would be lying if he said he wasn't enjoying the view.

"I love you, Adam, don't forget that."

Oki so this is really random but would anyone want to see the adashi or klance version of  Love, Simon? I think it would be fun to write. Let me know. Have a good day!

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