Early Years

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200 years ago

It was a cold misty evening in the old country. Clouds darkened the sky, threatening rain, as the sun finally set. A contingent of horses led a fine carriage as it made its way down the road. Anyone looking upon the group would know that someone of wealth and privilege was passing.

The contigent arrived at a large castle surrounded by a huge wall and a moat. The drawbridge lowered and the group made its way across. They stopped next to the entrance of the castle and were met by the matriarch of the Todoroki clan. She was slim of build with a head of long silver hair and eyes of ice. Her face was serene as she watched their approach.

A servant rushed to open the carriage and help his lady down. The lady in question hopped down and smacked away the helping hand of the servant.

"I don't need your bloody help you wretch." She hissed at him. She flicked her golden hair over her shoulder and narrowed her crimson eyes at him. He cowered away from her, bowing low.

"Forgive me, Lady Bakugou."

She sneered at him before turning to the lady of the keep.

"Lady Todoroki." She nodded her head to the other woman.

"Lady Bakugou. Well, come inside." Lady Todoroki turned and walked into the castle. Lady Bakugou followed behind her at a slower pace, taking in the grand entrance. The walked across the grand entry room and took a corridor until they came to a sitting room.

Lady Todoroki seated herself on the overstuffed couch and neatly pulled her skirt about her legs and folded her hands gracefully in her lap. She watched calmly as the Lady Bakugou threw herself onto a chair opposite and flung her arm over the back of it. The Lady Bakugou was beautiful, but she possessed a fearsome temper and blood lust.

Their two clans had been at war for thousands of years, and the time had come to end it. Both had lost countless people to this war as well as their husbands. Humans were getting smarter and more advanced, and it was becoming difficult to hide their existence. It was time to put an end to this nonsense.

"Well, whats with the meeting?" Lady Bakugou asked with a sneer.

Lady Todoroki gave a small sigh before giving her a condescending smile.

"I've called you here to discuss a peace treaty. I'm tired of this war. I don't want to lose any more people."

Lady Bakugou bared a fang in anger and narrowed her red eyes. "Why should I agree to that? We are winning most of the battles."

It was true. The Bakugous were the more gifted of the vampire race. They held the stronger powers and currently had more land. The Todorokis were powerful but their numbers were dwindling from the many battles.

"The humans are getting smarter. If we don't come to an agreement now, it may be too late. The humans could turn on us and then we'd be fighting them as well as each other."

Lady Todoroki waited with baited breath while Lady Bakugou thought it over. While vampires were obviously stronger and lived nearly immortal lives, humans bred like vermin. They had the far superior number and bred easily. The number of births of pureblood vampires was dwindling on both sides.

"Fine. I agree to stop the fighting. However, this doesn't mean we will be friends. You stay out of my way, and I'll stay out of yours." Lady Bakugou hissed. And with that, she rose from her seat and left.

Lady Todoroki sighed in relief. One never knew how the Lady Bakugou would react. She finally had peace and could finally remarry and bare more children without fear of the Bakugous. Lady Bakugou had agreed to peace, but only time would tell if the peace would hold.

50 years ago

Rei Todoroki stood beside her husband, Enji, as they waited for the press conference to begin. She meekly clasped her hands in front of her and bowed her head. They had been chosen by the vampire council to lead the conference as they were well known and liked by the community. The vampire council had decided it was time for the humans to learn of their existence. They could no longer hide it. The council was made up of the five leading families, each seat taken by either the king or queen of that family.

Lightbulbs flashed as their picture was taken. It was time to begin. Enji walked to the podium, and calmly gripped the sides. He smiled charmingly at the gathered crowd of reporters.

"Ladies and gentleman, we've asked you here today to share some exciting news with you. You know that we are active members of the community. We give huge donations to charity every year and help out in the community. What you do not know, is that we are vampires."

A chuckle rang thoughout the crowd. They assumed it was a joke. Enji bared his fangs in a hiss and used his power to form fire in his hands.

"We have walked among you for eons. And it was time you know the truth."

The crowd of people scrambled back, clutching each other in fear.

"You need not worry. We wish for there to be no secrets between our two species. We only wish for peace and harmony with you." Enji clenched his fists and put out the fire showing empty hands to the crowd.

One reporter slowly moved forward. "How can we know what you say is true?"

"You can't. We are asking for your trust. We are all around you. If we had wanted you dead, you would be."

There were gasps in the crowd and then quiet mummering.

"While we know that this is hard to understand, we hope that there will be a day when both humans and vampires can live together without fear. We will show you that you can trust us."

The general populace was divided on vampires. There were those who thought the entire race should be exterminated. And there were those who only saw the good they had done. Both sides agreed that if left unchecked, vampires would rule them. So they developed a system. The vampire council worked with the human government to maintain order. Vampire hunters worked with the council enforcers to deal with rogue vampires. It would be many years before actual peace existed between the two species, but for now there was an uneasy truce.

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