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Todoroki POV

Katsuki reared back from me falling over the edge of the bed in a tangle of sheets. He leapt up, blanket still wrapped around his leg, pointing a finger at me. I was momentarily distracted looking at his naked body. All those rippling muscles. Those defined pecs and those clear cut abs. The sharp v of his hip bones. I licked my lips. I hadn't taken enough time that first round. I needed to properly worship his body. Katsuki snapped his fingers in my face. Apparently he'd been trying to talk to me.

"The fuck do you mean by mates, IcyHot?"

Katsuki looked at me in confusion. But once again, I had trouble concentrating. Because I was still laying down, and he was standing next to the bed, I was eye level with his dick. I leaned back with a sigh and threw an arm across my eyes. If I wanted to concentrate, I'd have to hide his glorious body from my view. Who could focus with that magnificent dick swinging in their face? I sure couldn't.

"You know... Soulmates? That thing that most vampires long for without ever hoping to actually get?"

Did he really not know? While soulmates were something of a legend, all vampires at least knew about it. There was obviously some truth to the legend. I didn't personally know any vampires who had true mates, but someone must have found theirs for the legends to be known.

"Well, how do you know?"

Was he serious? I moved my arm from my face and glanced at him. He had his hands shoved in his hair and was biting his lip. I wanted to suck that lip between my teeth and bite him. Then gently soothe away the sting with my tongue. I nearly moaned. Damnit! I didn't have time for this. Forget hiding the fact we'd had sex. How would I be able to hide having a soulmate from my father?

"So its a regular occurance for you to know what your partner is feeling during sex?" I arched a brow at him.

A slight blush rose across his cheeks. I, Shoto Todoroki, had made the hot headed Katsuki Bakugou blush. It was an exhilarating feeling. I knew he could be sexy but cute was new. It made me want to ravage him. Not again! Concentrate Shoto!

"Fuck you!" He bared his fangs at me and hissed. Which, freak that I am, turned me on.

"We've been over this before. You're the one who gets fucked, not me." I smirked at him as his blush got deeper.

He acted as if he were going to throw a punch so I grabbed his wrist and yanked him back on the bed, rolling him beneath me. I moved between the cradle of his thighs as I grabbed both of his wrists and pinned them to the bed. I leaned down and placed my lips against his. Gently molding our mouths together. He opened his mouth with a moan. The gentle glide of our tongues as they dueled had me slowly thrusting against him. I pulled back with a sigh.

His crimson gaze was heavy lidded with desire and I couldn't help but kiss him again. He just tasted so good. I pulled away, slowly swiping my tongue across his bottom lip.

"We really need to figure out what we are going to do about this."

"What we need to do about what?"

"My father doesn't even know I'm gay. He expects me to get married and continue our pure blooded line. So now we have to figure out how we are going to hide this."

Katsuki glared at me. He must not have liked what I had to say. That was proven when he suddenly shoved me off him, rolling off the bed. He started grabbing his clothes and jerking them on. He was mad enough that he was losing control of his power. Little puffs of smoke were leaving his hands as he pulled on his clothes.

"I refuse to be some dirty little secret, daddy's boy! Thanks for the fuck."

And with that, he turned and slammed out of the room. I was momentarily shocked. Who knew he'd be so upset? I yanked on my clothes and left the room at a more sedate pace. Kirishima and Kaminari were still sitting on the couch. They looked up at me with shocked expressions.

"Dude! What did you do? I've never seem Bakugou so pissed." Kirishima asked.

I shook my head at him and continued towards the exit. I had way too much on my mind. I mean granted, we'd just discovered we were soulmates, but Katsuki didn't strike me as the relationship type. What was he so upset about?

I continued trying to puzzle my way through the mine field that was currently my life. I heaved another heavy sigh as they brought my Ferrari around. I thanked the attendee before getting in the car and driving back home. I had too much to think about.

Hopefully my father would have already left. He wasn't usually in our main residence, preferring to stay in the council building. He liked to be on hand when the others were coming up with new rules or regulations. As the head councilman, he had more say and he liked being in control.

Luckily, when I pulled into our driveway, his car was gone. I silently gave thanks that I'd have more time to figure out a plan. Katsuki obviously wasn't going to help me. I don't know where I went wrong there. I would have thought he'd want to keep it a secret. His family and mine didn't exactly get along. And as he wasn't the most emotional guy, having a soulmate probably wasn't something he wanted.

Unless... Was that a secret wish of his? Had I hurt him by suggesting we keep quiet? I felt a pang of sadness in my chest at the thought. I didn't want to hurt him. This soulmate thing would take some getting used to. We had gone from not speaking to sex to being emotionally attached all in the same day. My mind could barely understand what was happening.

I went up to my room to shower. I'd at least wash his scent off of me. Then maybe I'd be able to think more clearly. Thoughts of Katsuki plagued me as I showered, so I washed as quickly as possible and hurriedly dressed. I tucked my hard shaft into my boxers with a sigh. Was this going to be a regular occurrence? Now that I'd found my soulmate I was doomed to be consumed by thoughts of them? Damn! Well I wasn't going to figure it out tonight. I resolved to do some research on soulmates the next day. I really needed to know if I'd be able to pull this off. I had to pretend like nothing had happened between us.

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