Forgiven not Forgotten

285 18 3

Bakugou POV

As happy as I was to see him, I didn't know if I had forgiven him yet. Yes, I realized I was helpless to do anything other than love this fucker, but I was still hurt. Now that he had explained what was going on, I understood. But what hurt more than anything, was that he hadn't thought to tell me any of this. If he'd just told me from the start we wouldn't be in this mess.

I slid off his lap with a sigh. My emotions were all over the place. I wanted to just forget this had ever happened so I could let him hold me. I really needed him to hold me after the night I'd just had. I turned away, wrapping my arms around myself. The incident with Shinso was unsettling. I thought of myself as I strong person, but he'd trapped me so easily. And if Shoto hadn't arrived when he did, I knew it would have been much worse for me.

I felt Shoto's arms wrap around me and he placed his head in the crook of my neck. I froze before I let myself relax into him. I could be mad at him later, but right now I really needed him. I uncrossed my arms and placed my hands over his, where they rested on my waist.

"I'm so sorry Kat. I should have chased you. Then he never would have...."

It was like he couldn't make himself finish the sentence. I felt a tear leak from the corner of my eye and hastily wiped it away. I couldn't let this break me. I wasn't weak damnit! The tears started flowing faster, unbidden. Fuck! Shoto turned me in his arms and I buried my face in his chest, unable to hold back the sobs. The adrenaline from seeing him was wearing off, and I was left with fear and anguish.

He rubbed my back soothingly until my tears were spent. When I finally had myself under control I pulled away from him.

"This doesn't make me weak!"

"I didn't think it did."

"And just so we're clear, don't ever pull shit like this again!"

"I swear to you, Kat! I'll never lie to you again."

Shoto rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly before looking away.

"You don't have to worry about my father either. He kind of disowned me."

That fucking bastard! How could he disown his son just for being gay? I was grateful my own parents were very understanding. Not that I had ever tried to hide it. I didn't give a fuck what people thought about me. I grabbed him by the hand and began tugging him behind me.

"Lets find my mother and go home."

He smiled and happily followed behind me.


Once we were back at my house I took him upstairs to my room. I grabbed a pair of sweats and gave him a considering look. He was taller than me so we'd definitely have to go shopping for clothes if he was going to be here permanently. The thought was actually a pleasant one. I wouldn't mind if he was a permanent part of my life.

"I'm gonna take a shower. You can borrow some clothes for the night and we'll go out tomorrow and get you some new stuff."

I headed for the bathroom, needing to scrub my skin raw. I could still feel Shinso's touch and I hated it. I turned the knobs so the water was set to scorching and stepped underneath the spray. I let the water wash away the feeling of his touch and began to scrub at my skin until is was pink. The shower door opened, and all of a sudden Shoto was invading my space. I roughly pushed him against the wall of the shower and flashed my fangs.

"Just because you make my cock hard doesn't mean I wont kill you."

He grabbed my shoulders and turned, pressing me against the wall. He took my wrists in one hand and pinned them against the wall, sliding a thigh in between my legs.

"You're so damn hot when you threaten me!"

Once again, he was proving he was perfect for me. He knew when I needed comfort or when I needed to let off steam. Shoto pressed his body flush against mine, pressing me back into the tiles. He kissed along my throat to my collar bone and sucked the flesh, making me moan. I arched against him, feeling his erection against my stomach.

He brought his lips back to mine, and we met in a clash of tongue and fangs. I sucked on his tongue and brought a leg up over his hip. I rolled my hips against him, sliding our cocks together. Shoto let out a moan and dropped my hands to grip my ass. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs tightly around his hips.

"You little tease!"

I rolled my hips again, clutching at his shoulders. Pleasure zipped along my spine as he dragged his fangs up my throat. His hand snaked around to my entrance and thrust forward. I moaned as he added another finger and began to stretch me. Shoto took my lips in a brutal kiss that had me panting and wanting more.

"Fuck! I need more!"

He pulled his fingers from my ass and gripped the flesh tighter. He teased his cock along the crack of my ass, making me moan and arch against him. Then he was plunging into me. I let out a scream of pleasure at the forceful thrust.

I clutched at his back as he powered into me. A slight shift of his hips had him hitting my prostate and I let out a gasping moan. I felt heat coil in my stomach. I wasn't going to last much longer.

"Fuck! Shoto! Harder!"

He buried his face in my neck and slammed into me. Every thrust had him hitting my prostate. The pleasure was so intense, it was painful. I leaned my head back against the tile as my balls drew up tight. The pain of him biting into my neck sent me over the edge and I came with scream.

A few more hard thrusts and I could feel the rush of heat as he came. He licked the bite wound and rested his forehead against mine, panting. He gently kissed my lips and pulled out. I released my legs from around his hips, and nearly fell when they buckled. Shoto tightened his grip so I wouldn't fall, then lovingly cleaned me up. When I could stand again we dried each other off and slipped into some sweat pants. We laid down in my bed and I cuddled against him, head on his chest. He kissed the top of my head and pulled me closer against him.

"I love you Katsuki."

I smiled against his chest as I drifted off to sleep.

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