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Bakugou POV

I sped home, tears leaking from my eyes. My heart felt like it was ripping from my chest. I rushed into my house, gasping for breath, tears leaving tracks down my face.

"The hell Kat-!"

My mother took one look at my face and rushed to me. She wrapped her arms around me and I buried my face in her neck, sobbing. I'd never felt such pain and I couldn't control myself. I felt so weak, crying to my mother. But she was all I had. I never allowed anyone else to see how weak I was.

She began rubbing circles on my back, trying to soothe me. I pressed tighter against her, trying to banish the pain.

"What happened baby boy?"

"It wasn't real! He was just using me. He was only getting close to me because his father ordered him to."

My mother pulled away from me with a growl. She turned and began stalking towards the door. Rage seeped from every pore and her hands began to crackle ominously.


As much as my hurt mind wanted it, my heart couldn't allow it. Yes he'd betrayed me, but he was still my soulmate. The thought of him dead hurt even more than his betrayal. And my stupid heart still held love for the lying bastard. I quickly grabbed my mother's arm to stop her.

"Mother don't! Please don't kill him."

"So you're going to forgive him then?"

"I-I don't know."

I looked down and shrugged. I honestly didn't know if I would ever forgive him. My heart was torn in two. Part of me wanted to run back to him immediately and tell him that it was ok. That I forgave him. Another part of me wanted to cut him into tiny pieces. He'd hurt me and I wanted to hurt him back.

I sighed wearily. I didn't know what to do, but I was done thinking about it for now. I needed something to take my mind off this. My mother patted me on the back, giving me a considering look.

"How about we go out to Togas?"

Togas was a club that asked no questions. They supplied you with whatever you wanted, no questions asked, as long as you had the money. They helped hide bodies, aided in kidnapping, sometimes even protection, all for a price. It was the perfect place to let off steam.

The fact that my mother even suggested it let me know how awful I looked. Togas was not a place for respectable vampires and any humans who went were either groupies or wanting to die. We Bakugous didn't have a good reputation anyway, so a trip to Togas wouldn't surprise anyone.

"Let mw take a quick shower. I need to get rid of this scent."

My mother nodded at me and i hurried up the stairs for a quick shower. When I could no longer smell Shoto on my skin, I got out and threw on my customary leather pants. I pulled on a black mesh shirt and my black combat boots. I lined my eyes with black kohl and gave myself a once-over in the mirror.

I looked fuckable even if my eyes were devoid of emotion. I guess that was as good as it was going to get. I'd just had my heart broken, I couldn't expect to look happy. I smashed my fist into the glass, shattering it. If only my heart and mind were as empty as my eyes. I turned away and made my way downstairs, ignoring my mother's raised eyebrow. She simply shook her head and followed me out the door.


We arrived at Togas without another word between us. Togas was an old one-story brick building in the seedy downtown district. The buildings around it were crumbling and unoccupied. You could hear the rukus from outside. Heavy rock music could be heard as well as screaming.

I threw open the doors and took in the sight before me. There were humans and vampires spread out throughout the room. It was crowded with people drinking and fighting and fucking. There was even a body being carried out by one of the workers.

My mother disppeared into the crowd as I walked up to the bar. I'd only just taken a seat when Himiko Toga herself walked over. Her blonde hair was up in double buns and she was wearing her normal school girl outfit. She gave me a mischievous smile before placing a hand on my arm.

"You look like trouble tonight Bakugou. Let me know if I'm going to be hiding more bodies."

She smirked at me before turning away. Toga was one if the vampires who frequently got caught up in bloodlust. She loved the hunt and spilling blood made her happy. She killed humans and vampires both, whomever she took a fancy too. You didn't want to catch her eye, she was relentless.

I felt a slight vibration and pulled my phone from my pocket.

Kiri: Bro! Where you at? Let's Party!

I rolled my eyes. I didn't feel like being around Kiri right now. I was hurt and angry and I didn't want to hurt him. It wasnt his fault Shoto was an asshole. But it wouldn't hurt to tell him. Togas wasnt his scene. He was too pure for a place like this.

Me: I'm at Togas. NOW FUCK OFF!

There, now I wouldn't have to deal with him for awhile. Someone sat next me and leaned over, invading my personal space.  I got ready to blast them, then noticed it was just Shinso. He was a regular here. His face was kind of plain but he had a nice body.

"Hey Bakugou, what brings you here."

"Just wanted to blow off some steam."

I watched him smirk as he ran a hand through his purple hair. That smirk made me nervous. What trick did he have up his sleeve?

"Come here."

He patted his lap with a smile. I started to scoff at him, but realized my body was moving. Fuck! I'd forgotten. I hadn't prepared myself and now I had been caught under his spell. Shinos power was that he could influence a person to do things, even if it wasn't something they'd normally do. Older vampires, had built in shields to protect them from such tricks. But younger vampires like myself, had to actively keep him out. I'd forgotten that and now I couldn't break free.

I could feel my body moving without my consent. I straddled his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands moved down my sides to cradle my ass and pull me harder against him. I could feel his erection pressed against me. I was screaming internally but there was nothing I could do. Someone help me!

"There, that's better. You know Bakugou, I never thought I'd see the day where I could trap a mind as strong as yours. I've always thought you were so sexy, but you never even looked at me. But that's ok. Now I have you all to myself."

He proceeded to place open mouthed kisses along my collar bone and up my throat. He licked a trail up to my ear and nipped my ear lobe. I wanted him to stop. It felt wrong. My body felt contaminated by his touch.

"Moan for me!"

I was helpless to obey. I began to moan as he rocked my hips against him and sucked on my throat. A lone tear trailed from the corner of my eye and down my cheek. Someone Help!

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