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Todoroki POV

It had been a week since Katsuki stormed off. I couldn't get him out of my mind. His face flashed in my head every waking moment. Those sexy moans he made. That creamy skin flushed with arousal. I groaned in frustration. I felt like I was losing my mind. I shoved a hand through my hair and sat on my bed eying the erection in my pants with a sigh.

I didn't have time to take care of it and it never seemed to help anyway. Any thoughts of Katsuki and I was hard again. Damnit! I sighed again. I could only hope he wasn't at the charity ball tonight. As princes, we were supposed to make an appearance, but he almost never followed the rules.

I took a quick shower and got dressed for the ball. I ran a brush through my hair and gave myself a once over in the mirror. I wore a white button up shirt with a white overcoat that had a red collar. Both the shirt and the coat were perfectly tailored to fit my tall frame and broad shoulders. I adjusted my red tie and made sure that my white slacks didn't have a single wrinkle. White loafers completed my look.

Good enough. I would much rather be in something a little less fancy, but my father would have a fit. If I showed up to the ball looking less than princely, it would ruin our reputation. Better get this over with. I only had to get through a few hours of pointless socializing.

I knew how to make polite chatter and smile. Everyone thought I was so calm and collected. They always remarked on how cool I was and assumed nothing ever bothered me. They had no clue how wrong they were. I hated socializing with the snobs at these events. I knew they secretly talked about me.

About my scarred face. I hated my scar. Hated how humiliated it made me feel to have people gawking at me. One of the only scarred vampires. How they mocked me when they thought I couldn't hear them. Oh that poor prince. His beauty forever ruined by such an unsightly scar. And on his face no less. I didn't need their pity. I turned away from the mirror. I couldn't stand to look at my reflection any longer.


I drove my Ferrari though the gates of the mayors house. It was a huge mansion with ostentatious décor. These humans! Always trying to show how powerful they were. It was ridiculous how they tried to compete with us. I handed my keys to the waiting valet and made my way inside. I was greeted by a butler at the door and escorted to the ballroom. The room was already full of men and women dressed to impress. I could spot designer clothes on most of them.

This was a wealthy crowd after all. There were a few vampires mingling amongst the humans. I thought I spotted a familiar head of blonde hair through the crowd, but when I looked again it was gone. I saw Kirishima wave at me and made my way over, grabbing a flute of champagne on my way.

"Hey man!" He greeted me as I walked up to him.

I sometimes forgot that Kirishima was a prince. His family was distantly related to the Bakugous and they had grown up together. That was probably why they were so close. His family was definitely more relaxed than either of ours. They didn't have such rigid rules they had to follow. They were more free spirited.

"Where's your other half?"

I'd never seen Kirishima without Kaminari with him. The red headed prince had fallen hard for the blonde half breed and they spent most of their time together. Kirishima pouted.

"His family didn't get invited. They aren't considered rich enough for this kind of thing. We're not even rich enough for this. I'm a plus one."

"Who brought you?"

At that moment Katuski walked up and laid his head on Kirishimas shoulder. He looked at me from beneath heavy lids as he wrapped his arms around Kirishimas waist.

"I did."

I momentarily froze. I was overcome with unreasonable jealousy. I was the one who decided we couldn't have a relationship. How could I be jealous? And of Kirishima! I knew he loved Kaminari. But my logic was overridden by intense emotion.

Katsukis crimson gaze met mine and he licked his bottom lip slowly. I followed the path of his tongue with my gaze and exhaled a sharp breath. I watched him trail his hand slowly up Kirishimas chest to his throat. He slowly tilted his head and nuzzled his face into his neck. I watched Kirishimas eyes slide shut as Katsuki trailed his tongue up his throat. All the while, he maintained eye contact with me.

Those crimson eyes watched me beneath half lidded eyes as he began to suck lightly on Kirishimas neck. I helplessly let out a low growl. I was furious but at the same time turned on. How dare he put those hands on someone else. How dare he give pleasure to someone else. He was mine! I desperately tried to calm myself. I couldn't lose control. Not here. Not where these snobs could see.

"What are you doing? I'm sure Kaminari wouldn't be very happy if he saw this." There. If I just reminded him they would stop and I'd be able to get myself under control.

Katsuki lifted his head a little and smirked at me.

"Kami doesn't mind sharing, does he, love?" He nearly purred into Kirishimas ear.

Kirishima tilted his head further to give Katsukis tongue more access to his flesh. He shuddered against him and shook his head.

"We share all the time."

Rage consumed me and I let out a snarl before reaching out and grabbing Katsukis arm roughly. The champagne fell from my grasp and shattered as I yanked him towards me and away from Kirishima. I held him against my body, his ass pressing into my crotch. I rubbed my erection against him as I leaned down and licked his ear.

"You're mine! Don't let anyone else touch you."

I could feel him shiver against me and slowly rub his hips back and forth. I growled again at the feeling of his perfect ass grinding against me. I almost missed his words, I was so lost in the exquisite feel of him against me.

"I'm not yours. I could never give myself to a coward."

His tone was challenging as he turned and pushed himself away from me. He gave me a heavy lidded look and licked his lips before standing on tip toe and whispering in my ear. The heat of him seared me and had to stifle a moan.

"If you want it, come and get it. If not, I'll have to make do."

He smirked at me over his shoulder as he walked away, dragging Kirishima with him. I let out a feral growl and pounced. I grabbed Katsuki and tossed him over my shoulder. Heedless of the crowd around me, I turned and stalked away. I could feel him chuckle against my shoulder.

"Oh dear, what will daddy dearest say?"

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