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Todoroki POV

Well shit! My father was looking for me. What do I do? People had to have seen the way I behaved yesterday at the ball. Someone must have said something to him. How would I explain my actions? I wanted to keep Katsuki. He was my soulmate.

But I wasn't ready to confront my father. I wasn't prepared to deal with him yet. I'd have to think of a convincing lie to tell him. That way I could still keep Katsuki and no one got hurt. I grimaced slightly. If Katsuki found out, he'd probably never forgive me.

I'd just have to make sure he never found out. I didn't plan on lying to him forever. Just until I was ready to hash it out with my father. Maybe a few weeks. This was a horrible idea, but I didn't know what else to do. I didn't want to have to kill my father. Sure I hated the bastard, but I didn't want him dead. He was still my father after all.

I knew that if I confronted him now, it would only end in violence. I needed to come up with a plan. A plan that didn't involve me fighting my father and one that enabled me to keep Katsuki. I didn't know what I would do without him.

That fiery temper led to a compassionate heart. You just had to know what you were looking at. But I could see through him. Our bond must be getting stronger. I could almost feel him, as if he were a part of me.

I knew me rushing out of there hurt him, and I didn't want that. I'd have to make it up to him. Possibly with those toys I found in his drawer. I suppressed a shiver. I never would have guessed that he was a masochist. He was truly perfect for a sadist like me.

I could mark that pale skin as much as I wanted without fear of truly hurting him. He'd heal any damage by morning. Not that I wanted to really hurt him. I just wanted to enhance his pleasure. So lost in thought was I, that I didn't even realize I'd made it home.

Hopefully I didn't kill anyone along the way. I'd been so lost in my thoughts that I arrived here on auto-pilot. I got out of my car and headed inside. Not seeing anyone in the entrance, I quickly made my way upstairs to my room. I grabbed a pair of slacks and a button up shirt and headed to the showers.

After a quick shower and change of clothes, I headed to my fathers office. I assumed that's where he'd be. I knocked on the door and waited for entrance, trying to slow my racing heart.

"Come in."

I dutifully walked in and stood in front of my father head bowed slightly. When he was angry, it was better to play to his ego. I'd show the proper respect and maybe he'd be lenient.

"Care to explain your actions last night?"

Someone had definitely spoken to him. I took a quick peek at his face. It was expressionless while he waited for my answer. That was good. It meant he didn't suspect me of being "one of those freaks", as he called them. I didn't understand what his problem was. People should be allowed to love whoever they wanted.

I really wished I had the courage to just blurt it out. But I wasn't entirely sure I would win in a fight. His fire was way stronger than mine and was faster than my ice. He was able to melt it as fast as I could make it. I just needed to get a little stronger. Then I could tell him everything.

His "precious son" was gay. And not only that, but my soulmate was a hated Bakugou. I couldn't wait for the day when I could turn his world on its axis. I just had to bide my time, a little while longer.

"Last night was unfortunate. I was doing what you ordered, and getting close to the son. But he doesn't make it easy. I'm sorry for any disgrace I may have caused to our family name."

He grunted at me and narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

"What on earth made you carry the brat out? There are rumors spreading about a lovers spat!" He hissed the last part. Fangs bared in anger as fire crept up his arms.

"You know how stupid humans are father. Bakugou simply needed to cool off and I didn't want to cause too much of a scene. You know how uncultered they are. I felt it was best to remove us from the situation so as not to hurt the humans."

I made sure my voice was laced with disgust though the words tasted like ash in my mouth. My soul cried out as I bashed my mates character. But I sounded enough like my father that he accepted my words. He extinguished the fire on his arms and nodded to me.

"Let me know as soon as you've made progress. And Shoto."

"Yes father?"

"Do not embarrass me again. They would never find your corpse."

I bowed my head and swiftly walked away. Just being in that mans presence caused my blood to boil. I didn't know if I could keep this up. I wanted my mate. If felt wrong to talk badly about him. I went to my room and sat on my bed, trying to calm down. I pulled out my phone and sent a text.

Me: I miss you

Bakugou: You just left!

Bakugou: I miss you too.

Me: Can we meet tomorrow?

Bakugou: I'm going to the feeders in the morning with my mom. But we can meet after.

A growl escaped my throat. Unspeakable anger surged through me at the thought of Katsuki sticking his fangs in someone else. All parts of him were mine.

Me: Skip it! You can feed off me.

Bakugou: Kinky! I like it!

I chuckled softly, imagining him grinning down at his phone.

Me: Till tomorrow

Bakugou: See ya tomorrow

I tossed my phone aside with a sigh. Just the thought of him caused me to smile. He made my day brighter. What was I going to do till tomorrow? I missed him already, and we'd only been apart a few hours. This soulmate thing would take some getting used to. But it was definitely worth it, if I got Katsuki at the end.

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