First Time I Saw Him

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20 years ago

Todoroki POV

The first time i saw him was a week after my fifth birthday. I didn't know what to think. He was scrawny with a head of bushy blonde hair. And boy was he loud. I didn't like him one bit.

We were having another ball in our mansion and all the important people were there. All the grown ups were all dressed up and talking about boring things.

I was holding my mother's hand as we walked over to one of the seating areas. And thats where i saw him. All those adults huddled around a woman and a baby. Who cared about babies? I didn't like all the attention he was getting.

So I did something I knew I shouldn't. Father had always said we were the best family. We had to be proper at all times. I wasnt allowed to play like the other kids. I was a noble prince after all.

But my own mother was bent over cooing at the baby and i just had to do something. Father and i had been working on me controlling my powers. I'd developed them faster than most kids so he knew I'd be strong some day.

"Mom! Watch me!"

I managed to create a little fireball in my hand. But my mom still wasn't looking at me. So I ran over to show her and tripped, accidentally throwing the fireball. I didnt mean to almost hit the baby. He let out a wail and all the adults turned on me.

My father raised a fiery fist and struck me across the face. I screamed at the pain.

"That will teach you better control!" My father hissed at me.

My father had always been harsh. But he'd never struck me before. I used to think he was only hard on me to make sure i did my best. But now I knew the truth. He hated me. He was only using me to maintain our status.

My mother rushed over to me and grabbed my face. She placed a gentle hand over the burn and i felt her cool ice on my face. It took a lot to scar a vampire after puberty but as a child we are practically human.

I now bare a scar across the right side of my face. My perfect features are ruined forever. And its all thanks to my father. My father and that baby.

I hate him. And I hate that stupid baby too.  It was all his fault. I want nothing to do with him. Too bad we are both royals and forced to be in each others company.

Present Day

I, Shoto Todoroki, heir to the Todoroki dynasty, prince of the Todoroki clan, son of the head of the vampire council, and CEO of Todoroki Enterprise stood before my father. My hands were clasped behind my back and my legs were braced apart, as I once again listened to him rant. I kept my face expressionless. If he knew I wasn't giving him my full attention, there would be hell to pay. But I'd heard this song and dance before and I was tired of it.

He would never change and I would never be good enough for him. It wasn't my fault that damn Bakugou had stolen the deal out from under us. Yes, i was technically in charge of the company but I was hardly allowed to make decisions. My father had only named me CEO to look good in front of the other council members. If he'd just listened to me, we might not have lost the deal.

"....and so, I need you to befriend the son."

"Huh?" My eyes widened in confusion. What was he talking about?

My father narrowed his icy blue eyes at me and growled. Shit! He knew I hadn't been listening. I felt panic began to creep into my veins. No! There had to be a way to smooth this over. Think Shoto!

"What I meant was why? Why should I lower myself to become friends with someone so far beneath me?" I made sure to lace my tone with derision as I rose a brow in inquiry. 

My father sat back in his chair and looked at me closely. I must have looked disgusted enough that he didn't question my hesitation. I felt relief as he smiled at me. He must not have mentioned a reason yet so I was safe for now.

"Well my boy, to learn their secrets of course. If you befriend the brat, he's sure to invite you to their home. Once there, you can do some snooping."

I barely managed not to roll my eyes. Befriend the powder keg in hopes that he'd tell me their secrets? Get real! While Katsuki Bakugou was hot headed, he wasn't an idiot. As if he'd believe I wanted a genuine friendship.

"Of course father. I'll get started on that right away."

I had to agree. It's not like my father would listen to reason. And at least I'd be able to get out of this damn mansion. I was sick to death of always being in control. I had to step lightly and be kind to everyone. No mistakes were allowed for the son of Enji Todoroki. I turned on my heel after nodding a goodbye to the old man and made my way to my room.

I carefully selected an outfit that was fit for the club. Bakugou was a creature of habit and could usually be found in some type of club or bar. I just had to figure out which one. Good thing we ran in the same circles. I'm sure he was somewhere with Kirishima or Kaminari. They always seemed to be following him.

I sent a quick text to Kirishima to find out where he was. I'd check there first, then find Kaminari if they weren't together.

Me: Hello Kirishima. What are you up to tonight?

Kirishima: Yo! I'm pounding down drinks at Seduction. 🍻 Kami is pretty wasted. 😂 But Bakugou is still hanging. 💪 HAHAHA

I smiled to myself. Creature of habit. Of course he was with them.

Me: Mind if I join you?

Kirishima: Hell yeah! Join the party IcyHot!

I absolutely hated that name. But at least I knew where to go. I quickly showered and got dressed in a pair of black jeans and a long sleeved light blue button up shirt. I slicked my hair back and was ready to go. It would be faster to run on foot, but father would have a fit.

I'd have to take the Ferrari. Couldn't possibly be mistaken for a commoner. That wouldn't do at all. I hated my father. And this task was sure to fail. But at least I could have some fun in the mean time. With that in mind, I left the mansion and headed downtown to the new club Seduction.

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