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Todoroki POV

I watched Katsuki get dressed, smirk on his face. It made me happy to satisfy my mate. I was just hoping I'd be able to stand firm in my convictions. We really did need to do something about my father. And I didn't think that he was taking this seriously. I was hoping, that this would give him incentive to help solve the problem.

Not only was my father physically strong, but as the head of the council, he had a lot of pull. The only thing I could think of doing, was somehow getting him removed from the council. If that happened, I knew he'd come after us. Then it would just be a matter or whether we could succeed in killing him.

Katsuki had never gone up against him, so he had no idea how strong my father really was. I heaved a sigh before getting dressed myself. Katsuki walked over to me once I was done and looped his arms around my neck. He brought our lips together in a gentle kiss.

"It will be ok."

"I hope you're right."

Such gentleness wasn't normal for him. But I appreciated the sentiment. He pulled away with a grin, grabbing my hand.

"Now, lets go figure out how to kill the bastard."

I rolled my eyes as I followed behind him. There was the normal Katsuki. Always confident and cocky. His confidence did inspire me to feel the same though. He must have a good idea of what to do. That or he was underestimating my father. Maybe a little bit of both?

He dragged me down the stairs and past the kitchen. He peeked through the doors, then shook his head, turning away. We passed a few more rooms, and he did the same to each. Who was he looking for? We turned a corner and then a faint sound reached my ears. My eyes widened in shock when I identified what I heard. It couldn't possibly be? Could it?

"Oh Masaru!"

Katsuki stopped right in front of the door where the sound was the loudest. A woman's screams of pleasure reached my ears, soon followed by a quiet moan. No! Surely not? Katsuki just stood there for a second, frown on his face. Then he rolled his eyes and leaned against the wall next to the door. I was instantly uncomfortable. Obviously, I wasn't a prude, but I really felt that we shouldn't be standing here.

I locked eyes with Katsuki and he just shrugged. He didn't seem inclined to move so I just stood there in indecision. Only a minute passed before the door opened and a brown haired man stepped out, hurriedly buttoning his shirt. He froze when he saw us.

"Oh, uh hey, Katsuki. I'll, uh, just be on my way."

The man hurried away without a backwards glance. I blinked slowly. What the hell was that? Katsuki just smirked before storming into the room. I shook my head and followed him in. The room was some kind of office. There was a heavy desk, a few filing cabinets, and two sets of couches. Mitsuki was seated at the desk.

Her pale skin was flushed and her blonder hair in disarray. I chose to ignore her appearance. I didn't want to think too much about how she had come to look like that. Katsuki apparently had no so qualms. He threw himself onto a couch with a smirk.

"Really? Do you have to do that in here, hag?"

"Shut up Katsuki! I can have sex wherever I want. Its my fucking house. Besides, you were conceived in this room. On this desk, actually."

I wanted to cover my ears or escape this room. I really didn't need to know all that. Katsuki seemed to take it in stride. I had a feeling this wasn't the first time he'd heard that. He and his mother had the strangest relationship. I couldn't imagine having such a conversation with my own mother. She was much too gentile for that.

"Whatever hag. You say that about whatever room I find you two fucking in. It's a wonder I don't have any siblings as often as you two go at it. Though I'll never understand what you see in my father."

"You be nice now, Katsuki. While your father may be a bit timid, he is a great man. He stops me from murdering you."

"As if you could, hag!"

Mitsuki narrowed her red eyes at Katsuki, slowly rising from her seat. Katsuki glared right back, curling his lips back from his fangs. A low growl sounded in the room. I wasn't sure which one it was coming from. I got ready to intervene, in case they decided to go for each others throats. Then they were both chuckling. Like I said, they had a strange relationship.

"I know you didn't come here to talk about my sex life. So what's going on, Katsuki?"

"We need to kill Enji."

He was so nonchalant. I thought we'd discussed getting him kicked from the council. Why was he jumping right in to eliminating my father? Mitsuki raised a brow in question.

"Oh? Any particular reason why?"

"He threatened Shoto."

"Hmmm. Well you'll definitely need to kill him then. You can't let something like that slide. Although, you will have to figure out how to get him off the council first. If you kill him now, the others will come after you. And if that happened, I have to start killing people. You know how your father hates it when I kill people."

The Bakugous had definitely earned their infamous reputation. Even the humans knew them to be ruthless. I was seeing firsthand how bloodthirsty and savage they could be. They really didn't think anything of killing. I could see where Katsuki got it from. He and his mother were quite the pair. Mitsuki turned and pinned me with her red eyes.

"You seem the honest sort. Perhaps you should go occupy yourself so you don't hear the plan. My son deserves happiness. I won't let anyone stand in the way of that. Not even you."

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