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Artemis awkwardly rocked back and forth on the doorstep. With a deep breath, she raised her first up to knock once more. Before she could, though, the door swung open, and she quickly put her hand down.

Wally smiled at her and stepped aside. She walked in, and scanned the room. It was empty, and spacious. She could hear a door shut down the hall and jumped in her spot.

"So, where are we-" Wally cut her off by running over to the living room couch. Artemis just raised her eyebrow and nodded, before following him.

He pulled out a book and folder and set it on the desk. They worked for about an hour and a half, until Lawrence demanded Artemis would be home.

They mainly worked in silence at first, but Wally attempted to break said silence and was very successful, it ended with Artemis laughing so hard her sides hurt, which was relatively new to her.

"So, can we meet at your place next time?" The redhead questioned, leaning against the doorframe. Artemis quickly shook her head "N-No!" Wally gave her a confused and surprised look, Artemis let out a small laugh.

"Its just that-my dad doesnt like me having people over." She explained quickly and Wally nodded. "My parents are going to be out of town for the rest of the week, starting tomorrow, I dont think theyll take to kindly to me having a girl over alone."

Artemis gave him that look. Wally could feel his heart beat faster. "Park?" He suggested and she shrugged before nodding. "Sure." She turned around and started walking down the street.

Wally closed the door before holding his head in his hands. He did not have feeling for her! No way! He would not accept it. Could he even say that they were friends?

Just watching Artemis made Wally get butterfly's in his stomach. Though, he still refused the attraction.

The next day, Artemis waited patiently on the park bench. She texted Lawrence, saying she would be back 7 PM sharp. Which was the usual time he wanted her back.

Wally sat next to her, and she gave him a small smile, before pulling out a few things from her bag. Wally followed her actions, though, he didnt want their meet ups to end so he purposely tried to take it all slow.

"So, Artemis," he began, and the blonde hummed in response, before looking up to him. "How was your day?" She raised an eyebrow at him, but after a few moments she shrugged.

"The usual." She sighed out, and Wally could feel his heart jump. His brain practically screamed at himself, no, no, no!

"You know its very-" he was cut off by Artemis' head quickly turning to him, an aggravated look on it. "I just want to get this project done." She stated, before looking back to the paper and jotting more notes down.

She didnt have a rude tone in her voice, that he noticed she did have with most the other people at their school.

Actually, now that he thought about it, she had more patience with him than she did with everyone else. Except for Zatanna, who turned out to be pretty close to the blonde. He just nodded, and followed her lead.

When it was 6:40 she stood up and put her stuff away, claiming she had to go, and he stood up also, doing the same as her.

"I-uh-Im sorry?" Wally said unsurely, putting a hand on the back of his neck. Artemis shook her head. "I'm just in a bad mood-it had nothing to do with you." He nodded, and a wave of relief washed over him.

"I'll call you!" He called out to her, and she turned to him, furrowing her brows in thought. Wally mistaked this action as confusion or anger, and he panicked."A-as like-for the project I mean!" He quickly added on.

Artemis couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed, but nodded nonetheless, before turning back around and walking. Wally sighed, and went his own way home.

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