What are we

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"At least let me take you home." Wally insisted as Artemis hurried out of the house. The rain pouring down around them. "I'm not letting you walk in this weather."

They kissed more, and next thing he knew she ran out. He stared at her, gesturing to his car, she stayed silent and entered the passenger side.

The ride home was deadly quiet. He wanted to start a conversation but was to frightened to do so. The instant they got to her house she got out. She didnt look back and just went inside.

Wally sighed, and banged his head on the steering wheel. What did he do? She kissed him after that! Clearly she had feelings too. So what's wrong now? He had the urge to go after her, but he had a feeling that it would make things worse, so he instead drove off.

The next day

Wally was angry. He had been trying to approach Artemis all day, but she always found a way to get out of it. He stomped up to her, it was a free period and he intended to use this moment to talk to her about last nights events.

Yet, when he got within a few feet of her, she loudly stated she needed to go. That was it, he tensed up and sprinted in front of her, stopping the blonde in her tracks.

"So you're avoiding me now?" He angrily accused. "I'm not-what do you mean?" He scoffed and shook his head. "Look we-" he cut himself off and looked around before leaning forward. "We kissed last night, you cant ignore that." He whisper yelled so no one else heard.

"I know what happened last night." She said, pushing past him but he caught up. "You cant ignore it! Talk to me Artemis!" He insisted, desperation beginning to seep from his voice.

She turned around quickly "Maybe I don't want to talk Wally!" She lashed out at the teen. Opening her mouth to say more but quickly shutting it and turning back around and escaping the situation.

Wally stood silently, before quickly turning and punching the wall.


Artemis layed down on her couch, staring up at the ceiling. She shouldnt have yelled at him, she knew that. She was afraid to commit. She sat up and took the towel out of her now semi-dry hair.

Her usual routine was simple. School, workout, shower, do whatever. Do whatever usually included with her watching shows and sleeping. Currently what she was wearing was a green tanktop and black sweatpants.

Artemis held her head in her hands, letting out a groan the more she thought about what she did, the angrier at herself she got. They really had something.

Then, the doorbell rang. She stood up and walked over, running a hand through her tangled semi-dry hair. Opening the door she was met with Wally, holding a bouquet of flowers.

He nervously stood there. "I saw a movie where they did this, and it worked so uh-Im sorry, I shouldnt have done what I did." She side stepped, letting him go inside, which he did.

"No, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been avoiding you." He raised an eyebrow and set the flowers on the counter. "That's not what happened in the movie." She breathed out a laugh.

"The girl hugged and kissed the guy." he said, shrugging as if suggesting it. Artemis rolled her eyes and lightly punched him in the shoulder.

He smiled, she was closed off, they both knew that. When she opens up to you it means that she trusts and cares about you. When she lashed out at him he was scared, scared that theyd never get back to where they used to be.

"So, what are we?" Wally inquired, and Artemis straitened up, clearing her throat. "I-thats up to you."

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