Problems & Parties

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Artemis sat on the cold seat as the hundreds of people around her applauded, the sound was almost deafening. Wally ran down the field, catching the ball and scoring yet another touch down.

She clapped also, Zatanna next to her, cheering as Dick pointed over to her. "So, are you two a thing?" Artemis asked once everyone stopped clapping and cheering.

Zatanna smiled at her best friend and nodded. "We're trying to keep it lowkey." Artemis gave her a smug look, recalling the moment before.

"Friends point to friends during their games." Zatanna defended and the blonde just rolled her eyes. "What about you and Wally?" Artemis sighed and looked down. "I dont know..." Artemis trailed off.

"You texted me right after he left, I think its pretty obvious you have feelings for him." Artemis shrugged and looked back at the game, cringing as someone got tackled.

Zatanna looked unimpressed and sighed, knowing she wouldnt get anything from the blonde. "Wallys been talking non-stop about you." The two girls turned around and saw a red haired younger girl.

"I'm Nora, Wallys sister." The girl introduced, Artemis raised a brow at her. "I mean, we argue a lot but I'd like to see him be happy y'know? And he looks happy when he talks-hell even thinks about you."

That did boost Artemis' confidence. Though, she would have lied if she said she thought he didnt like her. They almost kissed yesterday! She really needed to talk to him.

She sat anxiously and watched the game. Her phone buzzed, it was a text from an unsaved number. Telling her to meet them at the front of the school, and now.

Artemis stared blankly at the phone, not knowing whether to do it or not. She decided to get up and make her way to the front of the school. Knowing the people Lawrence works with, if she didnt listen to whoever this was, it could cause trouble pretty soon.

"I thought you'd never show." A voice said, it was smooth and mysterious. "What makes you think that?" Artemis inquired, a small laugh escaped the other woman. It was almost familiar.

She walked out of a shadowy corner and up to the blonde. "Hey sis."


Wally ran off to the bench and sat down next to Dick, Conner running in for defense. "27 to 10, were doing good." Dick said, high-fiving Wally.

They usually do better, Wallys head wasnt in the game right now, it was in his 'moment' with Artemis last night.

He needed to confess his feelings, she must've had feelings for him too, the possibilities of what would of happened if they did kiss raced through his mind.

Wally looked back to where Artemis was earlier, the seat was empty. Zatanna saw him and shrugged to the redhead. Sighing, Wally dropped his head, she probably just went to the restroom, no big deal, she'll be back by the time hes back on the field.


Artemis backed up, slowly going back toward the football stadium. "Artemis, I know you're a bit shocked but-" Jade was cut off by Artemis sprinting away from her.

Jade groaned, it's fine, she'll just sneak into Artemis' house tonight, no big deal. She pulled her phone out when it started ringing.

"Can I not trust you to take care of Lian for half an hour, red? She's your child!" Jade said, before the man on the other side of the phone could say anything.

"I wasnt calling about that." The man said, sighing. "Get some milk and more bread before you come back." Jade rolled her eyes.

"Only because you asked so nicely, Roy."


"Where were you?" Zatanna whisper yelled to Artemis, who shrugged in response, to many things to think about.

Why did she run away? That wasnt like her at all, she usually faced her problems head first. Well-not all of her problems.

She should've done that differently, maybe she should go back-no, no, that wouldn't do anything but leave more unanswered questions.

"Wally was looking for you." Zatanna said and Artemis raised her eyebrow, looking down for Wally, who was now back on the field.


Cheering took over the arena. When silence fell over them all, one of the linebackers raised his phone in the air. "Party at my house!" He screamed out, and everyone cheered once more.

"You should go." Zatanna said, nudging the blonde with her elbow. "Jonahs partys are always fun-besides, Wally will be there."

Artemis sighed, "I hate you so much." She groaned and Zatanna just smiled, "You know you love me." She grabbed onto the archers arm and dragged her out of the stadium.

Jonahs House

No one was extremely dressed up. Artemis wore leggings, a green crop top and a black leather jacket, an outfit she usually finds herself wearing.

She and Zatanna were about half an hour late and the house was packed. "You're here!" The two turned to see the football team and some girls sitting around a table.

"Dare or dare." Artemis turned quickly, but smiled when she saw a familiar redhead. "I usually stay out of it, but, be my guest." He said, gesturing to the circle.

"C'mon Artemis! Wally says shes cool." Jonah yelled out, motioning for the blonde to join the circle. Zatanna nudged her over, and reluctantly, Artemis knew she had to break out of her shell, Zatanna joined in too, sitting next to Dick.

So, she put on a fake smile and sat down in the large circle. "Okay Artemis, dare or dare?" Zatanna inquired. The blonde rolled her eyes, that was a stupid question.

"Dare." She said boredly, and Zatanna smiled. "Go in the closet alone." Artemis let out a laugh "Easy, how long?"

"That's up for you, and Wally West, to decide." Artemis glared at the raven-haired girl, but Wally had a smile on his face. "So, like seven minutes in heaven?"

"More like unlimited time in heaven." Sighing, the blonde stood up and walked over to a door everyone pointed too. Wally close behind her.

The door shut and Wally flipped the light on. "So, we can just leave now." Artemis suggested, staring up at Wally.

"We could, or," he began, stopping himself as he started to lean toward Artemis, her eyes widened for a moment.

She was not going to back out this time. She did the same as him, his index and thumb now gently holding her chin.

Sparks flew as their lips touched, it was gentle, and both wished the moment would last a life-time, but, both pulled away rather quickly.

"I've wanted to do that for so-" Wally was cut off by Artemis, who gained a sudden amount of courage, and their lips met once more. He was shocked but his hands soon rested on her hips and he gave the kiss a warm welcome.

Finally, I know!!

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