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They turned the project in today, and honestly? Wally was a bit disappointed that they no longer had an excuse to hang out anymore. Now it was back to square one, where they barely talked. The only difference now is that Wally caught feelings.

"I was thinking we could meet up, like icecream?" He spoke confidently, staring at himself in the schools bathroom mirror. "Who am I kidding?" He groaned, holding his head in his hands.

It was a bit to late now, though. He texted her to meet him after school. There was no point in quitting now. Besides, what's the worst that would happen?

Sighing, he left the bathroom and went back to class, his eyes lingering on Artemis when she would pass by, though she wouldn't notice, Zatanna definitely would.

Meanwhile..."He likes you!" Zatanna tried, but Artemis just laughed. "I dont need a relationship right now." She stated, taking a bite out of the school lunches sandwich.

"But you want one." Zatanna stated, a knowing smile across her face. Artemis rolled her eyes "What about you and Dick?" The raven-haired girl laughed.

"He asked me out on a date." She shrugged it off, but they both knew that she was ecstatic. "Maybe we could go on a double date with you and Wally?" Artemis shook her head and sighed.

"Not gonna happen, he doesnt have feelings for me, and I can do without a relationship." Zatanna raised an eyebrow at her. "You never said that you didnt like him." The blonde didnt say anything, and just took another bite out of the sandwich.

"He looks at you like your the most amazing thing hes ever seen! He likes you, whether you accept it or not." She still didnt respond, but Zatanna knew that what she said would stick. She was right after all.


Wally stood outside of the school, tapping his foot impatiently, and looking around for Artemis. "You wanted me?" He turned around swiftly, and smiled at the blonde.

"Uh, yeah!" She crossed her arms over her chest and he took a deep breath. "I was just wondering if we could-uh-well," he put his hand on the back of his neck embarrassed, but Artemis didnt change her expression.

"It was fun to hang out with you during the project, you're a cool person. I was wondering if we could hang out?" He looked scared, and Artemis suddenly noticed what Zatannas been telling her all along.

"I'll text you, it'll be nice to hang out with a friend more often." She walked off, and he couldn't help but feel disappointed. Why though? She agreed to it.

"Friends?" He muttered to himself, a long sigh leaving his mouth as he walked off.

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