The Truth

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The floorboards in the beaten apartment creaked as Artemis sat down in the living room. She smiled at the cooing baby. "C'mere Lian." The blonde laughed and the toddler crawled over to her aunt.

"Artemis, what the hell?" She looked up to see Jade, who had her hands on her hips, her brows furrowed. "Why'd you lie to the police?" Artemis sighed and stood up, walking away from Lian.

The truth was, Artemis wasnt at the archery range when that boy was killed. She was with Jade and Lian. Artemis didnt know how to react after seeing Lawrence behind bars, so she went to the address Jade gave her weeks ago.

"They wouldve been more suspicious." Jade rolled her eyes and walked toward her sister. "You're lucky Roy covered for you, and its not like I'm a criminal." Artemis scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Alright, I've been arrested twice. So what." Artemis began to walk to the door. "I'm leaving." She stated loudly as if Jade couldnt see her right now.

"Bye-bye Aunty Mouse!" Lian said, standing up, waving her hand rapidly, Artemis smiled before walking out of the apartment. She got onto her green motorcycle, putting her helmet on and riding down to Ollie's house.

When she opened the doors she saw familiar red hair on the couch, he turned around and smiled, running up to her. "Cissies out with her friend." Wally said, giving her a kiss.

"I'm sorry about yesterday." She muttered and he shrugged, before grabbing her hand and guiding her to the couch. "We all have emotional days." He dismissed but Artemis wasnt buying it.

"I almost broke up with you, Wally." She reminded and he flinched for what seemed like a milli-second. "And we dealt with it." He then said, facing her.

Artemis sighed and looked down before shaking her head. "Let's just forget it happened." The blonde said, a little irritated that he just passed it off as just another thing that happened.

Wally raised his eyebrow but then wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. "Whatever happens, we'll get through it." He reminded her, and she just nodded, putting her head on his shoulder.

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