Troll Bait

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Yavier laid comfortably in the grass as Lilly glared at him. If her eyes were knives, they would be stabbing Yavier in the heart. She grumbled and mumbled, hoping Yavier would just magically understand her thoughts. She sighed, closing both her eyes dramatically; only to peak to see Yavier still chewing on a long blade of wheat. Lilly repeated herself, the same actions as before. She rolled her eyes. Yavier smirked, knowing that Lilly had something to say, but was waiting for him to start the conversation; too bad he didn't want to talk about the subject.

Finally, Lilly gave in. She couldn't stand it anymore. "Okay, WHY, is he a donkey?"

Yavier chuckled, looking at the boy, now transformed into a mule. He was tied to a tree, he had been making quite the fuss. On his back was all Lilly's and Yavier's travel equipment. Yavier had never seen such an upset, beast before; but he was a human after all, no mere beast of burden, at least not while he wasn't transformed into one.

"Look, I turned him into the ass he is." Yavier justified.

"He's been like that for three days Yavier!" Lilly replied, "Besides, that joke isn't any better the third time as it was the first."

Yavier could tell this was starting to grind her gears. "Fine. But you know if I turn him back, I'm ACTUALLY going to have to teach him magic?"

"I don't care. I can't sleep at night while he's making..." Lilly paused not knowing the name for donkey noises. "Whatever the heck that noise is called. Besides, this isn't humane! You're better than that."

Yavier sighed. "Fine."

Lilly watched the man slowly get off his back, and to his feet. He tossed the half-chewed wheat straw to the ground, dusting off his clean pants and slowly walking towards the donkey. Yavier's body was clumsy, almost as if he needed to relearn how to walk. He was stalling.

"Yavier!" Lilly yelled, as the donkey continued to make anguishing racket.

Yavier leaned his head back, dreading this action. Lilly couldn't believe it. There was a grown man, in his thirties acting like a five-year old.

"Fine, I'm going." Yavier replied.

The mage hunter came close to the mule. He couldn't help but chuckle a bit as he stood over him. It was funny to think of this mule as Jason. Yavier suddenly leaped back as the mule attempted to kick him.

"Hey! What did I say about kicking? You really want to continue being an ass?" Yavier yelled.

"NO!" Lilly yelled. "Change him back. I'm using my favor. You owe me."

Yavier glanced back with a dirty look. He had promised Lilly a nice dinner but had to leave for this trip instead. So, he had instead made a deal to give her anything she wanted, a favor for later. He was starting to regret it. Yavier quickly removed the bags from Jason's back, before removing the magical mark on his forehead.

Slowly, the young man was transformed from beast to human. Jason looked down, his clothes were still cleanish, not any dirtier than when he was transformed. He was bitter. He sat on the ground, rope still around his neck. He glared at Yavier furiously. HOW COULD HE? He transformed him, his so-called pupil into a mule! FOR A JOKE! He didn't deserve this... and all because he called Lilly an ugly bitch.

"So, are you ready to behave?" Yavier asked.

"You're the one who should be the mule. Asshole!" Jason yelled.

"Hey! I have all day punk! Besides this rope is still around your neck."

"Let him go." Lilly said in a sing-song voice.

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