Black Dragon

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Lilly rubbed her eyes, as she continued to sip on the concoction that Yavier had stirred up, she was feeling better, but whatever this was, made her feel like she could take on an army. Yavier smiled, able to see the positive effects it was having on her.

"Alright!" Lilly shouted, "Let's say we get out of here!"

"Take it easy Lil." Yavier replied, "You don't want to overdo it."

"Hush," Lilly replied, placing her finger against Yavier's lips.

The man smiled awkwardly as she glided to the doorway. Jason just shook his head. This was a recipe for disaster. He couldn't believe this. While he was stuck in his thoughts, he could hear the mob outside start to throw torches at the building. These people really hated mages.

"You sure we should be letting her do this?" Jason asked, looking at Yavier for approval.

The man didn't precipitate with his answer, slowly tilting his head in Jason's direction to speak, "Watch and learn."

Lilly opened the door, touching a man with the tip of her finger. The man slowly fell to the ground, unconscious. Jason's eyes went wide. Lilly was maybe 5'5, and to watch this tiny lady take down an adult man with a simple touch made this teen's jaw drop to the floor.

Yavier cracked his neck before grabbing Jason by the shoulder, "Let's go."

"What of Lilly?" Jason asked surprised.

Yavier scoffed, "She's clearing the path."

Lilly just continued to walk down the hall, as the men around her began to fall around them. All the woman had to do was stretch out her hand, and these 200 lbs. men would come tumbling to the ground. Jason looked over to one of them, he seemed to have physical aged. To top it off, the man's breathing become shallower with every breathe, Jason was unsure if he would make it.

It didn't take them long to get out side. Jason would have compared this to a walk in the park, but somehow that comparison seemed strangely inappropriate. He concluded it was because of the people potentially dying all around them, like autumn leaves in the Fall. Jason could slowly see a black aura collect around Lilly. It didn't seem normal, not even for mages.

The people outside fell back as Lilly opened the door, a wave of magical energy flooding over them. The mob coward in fear as Lilly spoke up.

"Leave us alone! Stop this foolish hunt!"

The people where to afraid to speak, up. Jason couldn't blame them. Here this sweet tiny lady was, killing people with a touch of her finger, and yelling with the softest, most tender voice. No wonder these people where afraid; it frightened Jason. It was kind of creepy.

"You have wounded inside, they will need your help. If you promise to stop your foolish hunt, I will quench the flames." Lilly reassured.

The flames suddenly dissipated. Jason glanced back, he hadn't seen Lilly sign for that spell, neither Yavier. He glanced at his master, to spy him drawing his sword. That wasn't a good sign.

"Look, it's the Black Dragon!" The towns people yelled, pointing above the inn.

From above the Inn a voice called out, "You two should leave. Haven't you taken enough of these people's lives away?"

"HEY! Don't forget me!" Jason chirped in, "Besides we were only defending ourselves!"

The man didn't seem to acknowledge Jason's words, but Jason could tell he heard him.

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