Blood On The Ground

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Yavier looked about the fiery world. Lava spewed from volcanic rock and obsidian lined the floor of where they stood. They were traveling through a village, the locals knew who they were, which wasn't common. They were called Bantazor, or more commonly referred to as rock people. Their name gave away their appearance, their skin being rock, forged under fire and lava, with the ancient magic traditions of their forefathers.

Bantazor were elementals, inside their rocky flesh was a heart of magma and blood of fire; literally. While the race struggled with the use of most magics, even the humblest could easily manipulate fire, and produce it in small amounts. They were a curious people, but quiet. They spoke many languages but refused to speak to outsiders like Yavier.

The 'Hospitality' and heat just made Yavier feel like this was the perfect vacation. Who needed nice cool 70-degree weather and some ice-tea, or lemonade, when you could have 120-degree temperatures in the winter of the Bantazor people? These people were notorious for eating fire, it just wasn't right.

Jason tugged at his collar, "Does it have to be a bazillion degrees here?"

"Jason, please just quit it." Lilly replied, "We're all dying from this heat."

Jason gave out a sigh, "If hell exist, I think we found it. I'm just waiting for the king of devils to greet us!"

"Hush boy!" Yavier whispered furiously back, "These people can hear your words, you best show them respect."

Jason looked at one of their rocky torsos, "They don't even wear shirts... and you want me to give them my respect?"

"NOW!" Yavier replied strictly.

Jason gave out a sigh in reply, but untimely complied to Yavier's wishes. Ralh was a fire mage, from what he had gathered, but why would he choose a place like this to settle in? Sure, it was a deterrent, but there was no way he could stand in lava and be comfortable. Whatever he was after, it must have been important.

A giant rocky figure came out from a stone carved hut; he held a crude war-hammer made of some mysterious grey rock, like some scepter of sorts.

"Come wizards, speak with me; for you frighten my people." His voice called out like gravel.

"Speak off the devil..." Jason trailed off.

The rocky figure either didn't care or didn't hear Jason. Either way, Jason was still regretting it from the look Yavier shot back at him. This wasn't exactly good. Jason knew his training was going to be extra hard when this was over.

Yavier followed the stone stairs, he was hoping this would be over soon. "Thank you for the welcome sire."

"Respect not often found with your kind. Grateful." The rock pile replied.

"I'm Yavier of the Enlightened Mage Hunters." Yavier gave a quick bow before introducing his companions, "This is Lilly, and this is my apprentice Jason."

"A pleasure to meet you woman and boy." The giant replied, "My name is Garrith."

Yavier gave a small nod, but Garrith just waved it away.

"So, where are all the girl rocks?" Jason asked.

Yavier slapped the back of Jason's head, "How rude."

Garrith gave out a huge below, his hands folding over his stomach, "It is fine. It is a good question to a new comer. There are no 'girl rocks', Bantazor are strictly male. We are not like human. We do not mate. We summon our children into life."

"Uh?" Jason trailed, "what?"

Garrith scratched his head, wondering about his communications when Yavier jumped in, "He doesn't understand the process; but we're not here to learn more about your people. We are here to ask about a certain man, his name is Ralh."

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