Fateful Day

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Jason kept looking outside his window, hoping that the colors would change into day. But it was the same no matter the hour. It was almost as if time didn't pass here. He wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. He leaned over, clenching at his head. He had been up for the past two hours. Why did he let the dream in? It was still bothering him.

He looked around, still no sign of Yavier or Lilly awake. He slipped out of his bed. He needed to see Mitz. He needed to see her now. This wasn't okay. She needed to supply him with answers. Jason collect his things, tossing his jacket over his body. He looked at the doorway before slipping out through the window.

He started jogging through Spire City. He made his way to the training area where he had spotted Mitz before. He glanced around no sign of her. He really wished she had said something about where she would be.

"What are you doing here?" Mitz said, as she walked down the stairs. "How did you even know I would be here?"

"It's where I found you last?" Jason shrugged.

"Do you know what time it is?" Mitz asked, looking over her shoulder.

"You're one to talk." Jason replied, with a hushed whisper.

"Jason? Right?" Mitz asked his name.

Jason nodded, "You got it."

"I'm sorry." Mitz replied, "I've been unnecessarily hostile towards you."

"Thanks-" Mitz cut Jason off.

"I'm not finished." She stared at him, "Don't make me regret saying these things."

Jason nodded slowly, waiting for her to finish.

"As I was saying. I guess if I don't want you to screw things up, I've got to be nice to you. But don't have this mistaken. I still don't like you, and you stink."

Jason's eyes went wide. Now he knew what Yavier had to deal with, "So you kissed me?"

Mitz rolled her eyes, "You ever mention that again and I will hurt you."

"You want to explain it then..." Jason let it trail off.

"You came all this way to ask that?" Mitz rolled her eyes, "Unbelievable. Never mind I take everything I said back..."

"Hey, wait, no. I was just curious. If you don't like me, what was the point?" Jason tried.

"If you were a part of the dream, you would have reacted differently. I can alter the dreams to display multiple forms of reality." Mitz replied, "It didn't work."

"So, what where you expecting to happen?" Jason asked.

"It's not important." Mitz redirected, "I don't typically try to alter my dreams. I usually just follow them along. I'm more interested in the unadulterated future than some pipe dream."

Jason grabbed the bait, "Makes sense. Okay so wait. What do I have to do with your future?"

Mitz sighed, "Okay. So, mages who are strong enough can enter my dreams if they are in the same plain of existence as me; and are directly involved with the future."

"So, I was involved someway... directly?" Jason pondered aloud.

"You were who me and Ralh were searching for. Apparently, you held a lot of meaning to him, and this directly alters your life." Mitz replied, "It all makes sense."

"Not to me. Ralh said Yavier was dead!" Jason spoke up. "Why wasn't he there?"

"Hush, keep your voice low." Mitz replied, "If Ralh said he was dead, then it's not a part of Yavier's future. Interesting. I'm more curious about how you survive."

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