Deadly Encounter

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The night sky ran cold, the stars shining brightly for such a gloomy occasion. Yavier kept walking, his face nearly smashed in. Bruises covered his face along with swollen cheeks, and lips. His skin had teared open at his forehead; he was just hoping it wouldn't scar. He kept dragging Jason along as the boy looked back to the burning village. Lilly seemed to be on her feet, but it was easy to tell she was exhausted. She was dragging her legs, limping along the root they traveled.

"Jason! Get on your feet." Yavier yelled, tossing the boy forward.

"That village is on fire, and we're going to just leave it to burn down?" Jason yelled.

"They don't want our help," Lilly replied, "I already tried."

"Besides, if we stay there, we will only be targets. Trust me on this one kid, it's better to just leave." Yavier tried.

"It just doesn't... feel right." Jason replied, staggering to gather balance.

Yavier shook his head, "I've had experiences with this kind of thing in the past. It is always better to move on as soon as one can."

"If we're the good guys, why aren't we helping them?" Jason yelled back.

"Their laws dictate that we mages be killed on sight. No trial. No mercy. No hesitation." Yavier complied, "As a member of the Order of Mages, it would be unwise to break these people laws or customs anymore than we already have. We are only here to hunt criminals; Besides, even if we wanted to help, our magic isn't trained to do that sort of thing."

Jason gave Yavier a weird look, "Are you even sure we're the good guys?"

Yavier shook his head, "Look, I've had the same question before. We're the good guys."

"What is this Ralh guy even doing that's so evil? It looked to me like he was trying to save the villagers." Jason stated.

"I won't argue that." Yavier replied, "But just think for a minute. The villagers were already against us. Helping them, would help him kill us."

"But that's not what happened!" Jason yelled back.

"I can't promise you all the reasons for his every action Jason! But it's awfully convenient that he tries to gain their favor as the whole town is trying to kill us!" Yavier screamed, pointing his finger back towards the burning village.

Jason hesitated, as Yavier took in a sigh. "Look. Jason, Ralh is destroying Lamethia. It doesn't even matter if he intends good, his every action is breaking down each world, slowly eating away at them."

"What do you mean?" Jason asked.

Lilly chirped in, "Ralh's gained the power to make tears in Lamethia, allowing him to travel through worlds at any given time. This magic isn't new, it's ancient; and it was locked away for a reason. I'm not sure of the qualifications, or the terms he has to meet to succeed with this spell, but it's destroying Lamethia's flow of magic."

"If Lamethia's magic is destroyed or depleted enough; all of Lamethia will come crashing down. There will be nothing left but death and destruction." Yavier added.

"But that's not even the worse of it." Lilly continued, "Every time a tear appears in the Lamethian Crossing, demons pour into mortal realms. The name of these demons are the Mon."

"Mon?" Jason questioned. "What exactly are they?"

"They're pitch black silhouettes based off human likeness. They have long arms, falling to their knees, with razor sharp claws. Their faceless, and immune to any known magic." Yavier replied, "That's what Ralh is releasing into this world, into all the worlds. Into, Lamethia."

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