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Jason scratched his head as he listened to Lilly and Yavier babble. It wasn't fair that they only had one tent, for 4, yet couldn't squeeze him in. He was beginning to think this whole apprentice thing was just a sham. They just wanted him for a mule. What was knew? Jason had experienced this kind of thing all the time. He had questions, but he was unsure how Yavier would react if he asked. Jason was admittedly skittish around his master.

Lost in his thought, he wasn't expecting to find Yavier coming out of the tent. Jason paused, his horrible thoughts, caught off guard. He was thinking mean things about Yavier, giving the older man a weird look. Yavier returned the glanced before chuckling.

"You're something else kid." Yavier replied, "Well. Lilly is sick, she needs time to recover, so we are going to train!"

Jason blinked twice. "Train?"

"Yeah, as in practice magic." Yavier scoffed, both hands flying into the air.

"Well. Um, what do I do?" Jason asked.

Yavier pulled out his herb book, slamming it into Jason's hands.

Jason's head flew back as a wicked grinned was given by Yavier, "You got to be kidding me! This again?"

Yavier was actually going to teach him how to read but he was enjoying the boy's agony too much, "Yup! This time you have to pick every plant in the book!"

Jason's jaw dropped, "What!"

Yavier had noticed Jason wasn't as standoffish after the troll fight. He was thankful. Yavier slapped Jason's chest, chuckling a bit.

"No," Yavier drew out his no, "We're going to teach you how to read? You ready?"

"That wasn't funny." Jason grumbled gripping the book tightly.

He opened the book up to a random page trying to sound the words out loud as Yavier stopped him, "Eh-hem."

Jason looked up at Yavier as his master continued, "I'm teaching you remember? But I can only do that if you let me kid."

"If you stop calling me kid... sure. What could it hurt, it beats eating hay." Jason stated.

Yavier chuckled, "Well, hopefully that won't ever happen again."

Jason looked at him, "If you ever turn me back into that dumb donkey-"

Yavier cut in, "Dumb ass."

Jason gritted his teeth, "Just shut up and teach me how to read."

Yavier smiled, "Sure thing."

Yavier reviewed the alphabet with Jason, correcting any letters he was mispronouncing. After a few hours, the two began to become more comfortable with each other. The noon sun quickly turned to dawn, as the two sat around a campfire from wood they collected themselves. Yavier had them mostly staying to the path. It wasn't uncommon to have their tent a yard or two from the road; and this was one of those occasions.

"Yavier, what is Lamethia?" Jason mustered the courage to ask.

He knew it, here it came. Yavier was going to call him a dumb ass, and say he was stupid or something like that. He didn't ask questions because that was typically the response he got. Yet for some reason it was racking his brain, these past few days.

"Lamethia." Yavier smirked, "That's a good question."

"You're not gonna call me a dumb ass for asking?"

"Oh, don't be fooled, you're defiantly a dumb ass; but that was a good question."

"Alright already, shut up. If you're not going to tell me just say so."

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