The Truth Among Lies

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Jason starred up at Theo, the had been at it for weeks now. Yavier had just recently left; and the news around the Spire was all the same. The Court was hunting Myumii. It was interesting to see so much chaos over this simple matter. To over complicate things, he was starting to learn things about the Court he didn't want to.

Theo leaned up against a nearby wall as he looked down at Jason, trying to catch his breath. He body was sprawled out on the mat below. Theo sighed; he hadn't even begun to break a sweat yet. He was over all, underwhelmed with his knew pupil. Theo licked his lips, he still had to admit that Jason was the fastest learner among all he had previously tried to train.

"Alright, something's on your mind, you never lay on the mat for this long. Ask me." Theo spoke clearly.

"So, what did you guys actually do to Yavier." Jason inquired.

Jason asked the same question about once every week. Theo always ignored it; at least with a direct answer. He would simply state generalization's like them healing him. Jason knew something was up though, he could feel Theo lying to him. He hated that feeling.

"Jason. I've been over this. Yet again I'm disappointed. You're asking all the wrong questions."

Jason curled his body up, crossing his legs as he placed his hands on his feet. He gave Theo a strange look, "Okay, next question. Who's Myumii? Do you know her?"

Theo nodded, "Lilly."

Jason leaped up shocked from such a direct answer. He felt like he was missing context, something wasn't right. There was no way Myumii could be Lilly. That simply wasn't possible.

"What?" Jason asked confused.

"The Lilly you knew was an alias for a girl who was scarred by her brother's brutality." Theo began, "If I speak anymore it will make things only harder for you to kill her."

Jason watched Theo move over towards another side of the circler wall, snapping his fingers to make a cupboard appear. He began to poor himself some water from a pitcher. Jason was just trying to digest the information.

"Wait, so Myumii is Lilly?"

Theo looked back at Jason with a slightly disappointed look, "Again, telling you all this will only make things harder for you."

"I don't care! I want to know the truth! You've done nothing but lie to me sense we began training!" Jason yelled, "I just want the truth, please!"

Theo nodded, "Alright than. Here's the truth. Myumii is Lilly. Lilly was a name I gave her after I whipped her memory."

Jason waited for Theo to continue explaining, as the man paused to drink his tea, "Continue."

Theo sighed, "Yes. We figured a young girl didn't need the trauma of such death in her life, nor the burden of knowing her brother killed her parents. To add to this, we didn't want her to live with the shame other mages would place upon her; therefore, we gave her the alias of Lilly. Not to mention, the off chance that she would somehow sympathize with Ralh."

Jason starred at his hands, "So all this time, I've been training to kill one of my only friends?"

"This is why I do not tell you things boy." Theo replied, placing his hand on Jason's shoulders, "I can assure you, that Myumii is not the same, she was raised form dead with dark magic. She is twisted; and out of control. She has revealed herself to be not only a deadly opponent, but an enemy of Lamethia as a whole. The dead should stay dead."

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