New Studies

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Yavier was still in recovery, and luckily, Jason's insecurity, and lack of knowledge must have counted for something. Three months had past by sense Yavier was 'taken to be healed'. Jason was unsure of that sometimes. It seemed to him like the council just had things to hide. However, over the course of the three months, Jason had been trained by enchanters, learning new spells and most importantly, how to properly enchant magical items. Jason was eighteen now... sadly he didn't have anyone to share his birthday with; well except Mitz. She had managed to find an aquamancer who began training her how to use water magic. It was interesting the philosophy she had been learning. It was certainly a shift for her, but Jason thought it seemed to fit her well. She was much wiser, calm, and collected. While Mitz was able to 'go with the flow', Jason was stuck learning from boring, old, geezers. Every time they coughed; he was concerned they would cough up a lunge. He missed Yavier. He was told he would be able to see him soon, but it just felt like more lies.

The worse part about this whole thing was that he still had to go after Myumii. Theo had people tracking her now... but they had all turned up dead, it was like Ralh, two-point-O'. EVERY DAY someone would even ask him if he was ready, it was bothersome. He was just glad Theo wasn't sending him to the wolves yet. Jason wondered if there would come a time where they would; it wouldn't be outside of what he had seen other's go through.

He sighed looking over his coin, Yavier's old coin pouch. He had grown accustom to flipping the coin in the air and hurling lighting bolts at his enemies; not only did it look cool, but it was fun. He had won a few tournaments with that trick. It was almost funny to think he had been holding onto this sense they met Ralh in that backwater town. Part of Jason just wanted to leave, to see other worlds... but he didn't want to do it this way, hunting Myumii.

"Are you just going to stare at it all day?" The man snapped.

Jason gave out another sigh, "I was thinking-"

The man cut him off, "Day-dream on your own time."

That was his new master, Melvin Ki. First off, he was a white-hair mean old man, who stank like old fish and sweaty toe-nails. Admittedly, Jason had never smelt that before meeting Master Ki. Second, he was miserable. He had no patience. Sure, Master Ki was only one of Jason's many masters, but he had to deal with him one week out of every month.

"Yes, Master Ki." Jason replied.

"Submissive, like a little bitch! HA!" The man tried, "This is why I like you Jason. Now, what are you going to enchant it with? Come now! I don't have all day!"

"I was thinking a coin pouch-" Jason struggled to hold in his anger, bleeding as he bit his tounge.

Master Ki just cut him off again, "Too bad I don't care, just do it quickly so we can both be done!"

"Yeah... I guess you have your funeral to attend today." Jason mumbled under his breath.

"What was that? You must speak up boy! My hearing isn't what it used to be!"

"I'm just trying the enchantment." Jason lied.

He really wished this old man would die already... he was a hundred something years old. All Jason knew was that Master Ki had lived too long, and as a side effect became, well him. Though thinking about the topic more made Jason wonder if it was truly a symptom of being too old, or just being born that way. At the end, he concluded it didn't matter, Master Ki was an asshole either way.

Jason focused once more on the coin pouch. He was doing an enchantment which would make coins generate from the sack. It would be epic, infinite ammo AND coin. A win-win. Normally something like this would cost a fortune... but Jason already had all the material provided for him FOR FREE. Thank goodness for Theo's rush of urgency.

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