Troubled Waters

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Yavier made a sign as all three men drew their swords for well placed attacks. As the swords landed against the yellow energy, they each flew back from an unexpected force. The men staggered to find their balance, that was before Yavier's sword swung. Everyone was astonished at the blow, as the noble's head rolled on the ground. Yavier's shield was now gone.

"He's a druid as well!" The knights yelled in a rage. "We'll burn him at the stakes!"

Yavier looked back at Jason, "Hold on to me tight!"

Jason looked at him weird, "No way! That's weird. Besides, I'm not gay!"

"Just do it!" Yavier yelled, slamming his sword into the ground.

Jason hesitated, but reluctantly followed Yavier's words, grapping him. The earth slowly began to quail, the knights coming closer to a blow. As one tried to land his strike the ground beneath him opened. A huge fissure was made, the road cut into two. Yavier, stood up, sweet forming at his brow. He swung his sword, flicking the blood off, before sheathing it once more.

"What they hell! You've been holding out on me!" Jason yelled

Yavier ripped the teen from his body, "Okay, now it's gay."

Jason took a few steps back, "I didn't mean it like that."

Yavier laughed, "Well, how does it feel to be a wanted man?"

"Like every other day." Jason replied, "Damn it, I can't believe it. My own father..."

Yavier placed his hand on Jason's shoulder. "Look, I know this is tough, but I'm here for ya kiddo."

Jason nodded, "Thanks."

"Let's say we get going, pack up camp, I'm going to get Lilly." Yavier replied.

Jason's shoulders shrunk, he ALWAYS had to clean up Yavier's messes. He was glad to be moving, but this was annoying. Yavier was a pig, and absolute slob! All around camp were food scraps that hit his chest or belly while he laid down eating... disgusting; and to top it off, he didn't pick it up, he through everything in the fire, for a "sanitary" solution...the lies people tell themselves. That wasn't so bad, it was that he had four different blankets outside, he had used each one throughout the night, but never at the same time. Oh, and the food mess earlier? Those were allover the nice wool blankets. Jason wanted to kill himself, this was agonizing.

Yavier walked out of the tent holding Lilly, in his arms, "You feeling better?"

Lilly nodded, cuddling in Yavier's arms.

"Good," Yavier replied, "I'm going to set you down and take care of the tent, how's that sound."

"Horrible." Lilly admitted, "But from what you explained, it needs to be done."

Yavier smiled, "I love you too."

"Okay, that's nice and all, but um, I'm stuck cleaning up YOUR mess Yavier!" Jason yelled, "So, I can't take anymore of this heartwarming stuff, it makes me sick. More so then your food scrap-blankets!"

"Hey! I like my blankets to smell like ham!" Yavier yelled back.

Lilly rolled her eyes, Yavier just need to sit while he ate. This wasn't complicated. She giggled as the two continued to spout nonsense at each other. For whatever reason, it was heartwarming. It reminded her of home, her older brother. She was estranged from him. She never knew his name, but somehow could remember faintly the sound of his voice. She had other siblings, but they were all dead, dying of an illness. It was a fate all of Lilly's family suffered from, magic poisoned their blood if not controlled. It was the reason she got so sick from cast high powered spells. It had gotten better over the years, not so intense as when she was a little girl. Her master was afraid Lilly wouldn't make it through trainings most days, but with perseverance and dedication, Lilly made it work.

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