the luna ghost

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(Stephanie's outfit)

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(Stephanie's outfit)

It was a typical mystery for Mystery Inc. Daphne had been captured, as usual, leaving Velma and Stephanie to come up with a plan together, which they had. The Luna Ghost was flying around with Daphne in its arms.

"Let go of me!" Daphne said, kicking her legs and letting out a shriek. "Okay, now I really have a wedgie. Fred! Velma! Steph! Would you guys hurry it up?" Daphne began hitting the ghost but it was no use. "This ghost keeps grabbing--Ah!"

Velma and Stephanie were up on the balcony. Velma had the buttons for the conveyor belt in her hands. Stephanie had a walkie-talkie.

"Jinkies" Velma muttered.

"Fred, come in Fred" Stephanie spoke into the walkie-talkie. Fred was on the floor below them, swinging a hose around. "Fred, can you hear me?" He heard Stephanie's voice in his ear.

"Fredster here Steph" he responded.

"Shockingly, Daphne's been captured again" Stephanie spoke as she watched Fred check himself out in the mirror. She shook her head and continued on. "But that's okay. As soon as the Luna Ghost rounds the corner with Daphne, Shaggy and Scooby will pop out of the barrel"

"Then Velma will activate the conveyor belt spilling the vat of oil onto the floor" Fred finished. The Luna Ghost came and everyone hid in their hiding place.

"Just remember our plan" Stephanie spoke, looking over at Velma. She gave a nod in return.

Meanwhile, Shaggy and Scooby were hiding in the barrel. Well...kind of. Scooby's tail was sticking out.

"Like, chill out Scooby-Doo, stop shaking" Shaggy said.

"Rey, rat's you!" Scooby said.

"Oh right, it's me. Sorry"

The Luna Ghost lit a match and blew the fire on to the barrel. The fire caught Scooby's tail. He jumped out of the barrel, blowing on his tail. The barrel lid then landed on his head. He looked at the Luna Ghost.

"Boo" the ghost said. Scooby screamed and Shaggy popped out.

"Scooby-Doo, what are you doing man? Like, this is no time to--" Scooby began acting like the ghost and making faces to tell Shaggy that the ghost was behind him. "Oh boy. Like, there's a ghost right behind me, isn't there?"

"Ra-ha" Scooby confirmed. Shaggy looked behind and saw the ghost. He lit up the match again. Shaggy and Scooby screamed and ducked back down into the barrel as the Luna Ghost blew at the fire. Velma started up the conveyor belt. The vat of oil fell on the floor. Shaggy and Scooby attempted to run from the ghost, but the slippery oil prevented Shaggy from doing so. "Run!"

"Like, I'm trying buddy"

"Fred, now!" Velma screamed. The Luna Ghost blew more fire but Shaggy managed to run away. Fred popped out with hose, right in front of Scooby and Shaggy.

"I've got him!" he said.

"Rook out" Scooby said. Fred got knocked back by the barrel. The ghost flew off. Fred turned on the hose and tried to spray the ghost. Stephanie and Velma managed to get sprayed. Stephanie got her foot caught in a chain and it pulled her away.

"Steph!" Velma shrieked as she tried to catch her friend. Now Stephanie was dangling upside down off the balcony. She had an annoyed look on her face as she crossed her arms. Fred got caught in a net.

"Sorry Stephanie. Sorry Velma" he said.

"We know Fred" Stephanie said.

Meanwhile, Shaggy and Scooby were still trying to evade the ghost.

"Where's the ghost?" Shaggy asked.

"He right behind--roh, skateboard!" Scooby said. Shaggy's feet planted onto the skateboard. Even inside a barrel and Scooby on his shoulders, Shaggy managed to evade every death trap and do some cool tricks. Scooby eventually grabbed a hook to avoid a crusher. Shaggy and Scooby swung right into the Luna Ghost and Daphne. They all landed in a pile of boxed toys.

Once Stephanie was let down, with the help of Fred and Velma, they ran over to the fallen pile of toys. Scooby's head was covered but his tail end wasn't.

"Daphne, are you okay?" Velma asked. Daphne popped her head off, removing her scarf from her mouth.

"I'm so over this damsel-in-distress nonsense" Daphne said.

"Where's Shagster?" Fred asked. As if on cue, Shaggy popped his head out as did Scooby.

"Like I'm right here man" he said.

"Re too" Scooby said.

"Hey Scoob, that was fun. Let's grab another skateboard and, like, do it again"

"Reah" Scooby let out a laugh. Suddenly, the Mystery Machine crashed through the wall followed by police cars. Pamela Anderson emerged from the van. She was followed by a few police officers and a flock of fans. Most of the fans called out Fred's name and he approached them with a smile and a pen in hand, ready to sign autographs. He signed a few and then Pamela approached him and hugged him.

"Thank you so much for saving the factory" she said. A reporter called out her name. "This is the victory for any celebrity who wants to make a quality, ecologically friendly action figure"

"Fred, what's the secret of your success?" a reporter asked.

"Teamwork. I do a tremendous amount of teamwork, and I always have a plan" Fred said. The smile from Velma and Stephanie's faces dropped.

"Yeah, my plan" Velma said. Stephanie looked over at her.

"I think you mean our plan?" she said. Velma just looked at her as Fred continued on.

"I knew from the beginning there was never a phantom. The Luna Ghost, is in fact..." Fred pulled the mask off.

"Old man Smithers?" Shaggy, Stephanie, Velma and Daphne said at the same time.

"The creepy janitor?" Pamela added.

"Smithers wanted revenge after you refuse to go out with him" Fred said.

"How could you Pamela? I am a lover boy of George Clooney in proportions" Smithers said.

"Fred, how was the ghost able to fly?" another reported asked. Velma and Stephanie looked at each other, and Steph motioned for Velma to step up.

"I can answer that" Velma said. She pulled the rest of the costume off of Smithers, revealing a silver suit with a red button. "These balloons fill with a highly potent helium synthesis giving the Luna Ghost his weightless appearance" Velma pressed the buttons and the balloons started to fill up. Smithers began floating.

"I would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids and your dumb dog. I'll get you for this" Smithers said.

"Scooby dooby doo!" Scooby said his famous line, earning some chuckles.

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