arriving on spooky island

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The gang landed on Spooky Island. Stephanie tried her absolute best to avoid Fred, especially after what Velma said on the plane. Fred, however, made it his absolute goal to be near Stephanie. Even if that meant walking in between Stephanie and Peter. Of course, he didn't mind that. Anything to get them to stop holding hands.

"Welcome to Spooky Island! The frightfully popular spring break spot for college students. Catch our electrical torture parade. It's a dead world after all! And the world famous, Splatterhorn" a voice spoke. The gang (with the exclusion of Daphne. She hadn't caught up to them yet) stopped when voice said, "Scooby-Doo! And the rest of Mystery Inc! Oh, it's marvelous to--" The owner of the voice, who was standing behind some mechanical costume, kept swinging the costume's arms and accidently hit a woman. The man popped out after apologizing to the poor woman. "Sorry, it's a new toy. I'm just getting up to speed with it. Welcome!"

"Oh thank goodness!" Daphne said. She finally caught up to them with her many bags in hand. She dropped them on the deck. "I was afraid I was gonna have to lug those all the way up to the hotel"

"Ah, but that's what Spooky Island is all about. Realizing your worst fears. I'm Emile Mondavarious, the owner of this amusement park." the man said.

"You seem less--" Velma started.

"Spooky" Shaggy interrupted.

"Then we'd have guessed"

"Oh no, I can be pretty spooky when called upon. Oh, I can go..." Mondavarious said. He began making growling noises and putting his hands up as if they were claws. "Oh yes, you wouldn't want to run into me in a dark alley"

"So, you're the one who brought us here" Velma said.

"No. What brought you here was your insatiable appetite for a juicy mystery" 

"Well, it better be juicy because there is only so long you can spy on cheating spouses" Stephanie said. Fred couldn't help but smile at her comment. He couldn't help but smile because of her...

"The truth is, Mr. Mondavarious, Mystery Inc is broken up" Daphne said.

"But that's the beauty of something broken. It can be fixed, and therein, lies it's potential, and I need you to fix Spooky Island" Mondavarious said.

"What's the problem exactly?" Velma asked.

"I believe someone is casting a spell on the students. Now listen and look around. Can you notice any difference between those arriving and those departing" As they walked one, there was a lineup of college kids waiting to depart.

"They look like sober, well-behaved college kids" Daphne commented.

"Daphne's right. They do" Peter added.

"Precisely. They didn't before they came. They've changed, in other words, a magic spell" Mondavarious said.

"Carol!" a voice caught their attention. A young man approached a woman at the front of the line. "Hey Carol, how was the island?"

"Are you tricking on me?" the woman asked.

"Carol, it's me. It's Brad. We've known each other since we were like three" Brad put his hands on Carol's arms and she lifted him up like he was a feather. 

"Back off my grill, son!" Carol said. She then proceeded to throw Brad, leaving shocked faces on the gang. Brad landed right in front of them, and not even a second later, ran off in horror. 

"I'm terrified, and the young people that come off that barge, the people I love the most, they're in danger" Mondavarious said.

"I'm gonna solve this one first" Velma stated rather proudly.

"Not before I solve it first" Fred said.

"You guys are gonna look like total idiots when you're captured and I'm the one saving you" Daphne said. The three of them took off in their own direction. Fred gave Stephanie one last look over before he left. Stephanie noticed and she could feel herself blush. Seriously, what was wrong with her!? She loves Peter, not Fred...

"Thank you, this is marvelous. Maybe we can celebrate later by having a little spookapalooza?" Mondavarious said. 

"Rookapalooza? Ru-oh" Scooby said. Mondavarious gave one last smile before leaving Stephanie, Peter, Shaggy and Scooby alone.

"Well, I'm in no hurry. Peter, how about we go get something to eat? I'm starved" Stephanie said. He grabbed her hand with a smile, and pressed a soft kiss to it.

"Sounds good. Shaggy and Scooby, would you like to join us?" Peter said.

"Like, you know we can never turn down the offer of food. Count me in" Shaggy said.

"Re too" Scooby said. The four of them walked off together to go grab a bite to eat.

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