on the plane

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Stephanie and Peter were trying to find their seats on the plane. Apparently they weren't even sitting together which upset Stephanie a little bit. They walked past the row where Daphne was sat, reading a magazine. There was an empty seat beside her. That's where Peter stopped.

"Looks like I found my seat" Peter said. Daphne momentarily looked up from her magazine, and then looked at it again with a smirk on her face. Peter but his bag in the overhead bin and took his seat next to the redhead. Stephanie kept on walking to find her seat until she came upon the empty seat next to Fred. Sitting in the seat opposite of him was Velma.

"Great" she muttered under her breath. She attempted to put her bag in the overhead bin, only to have it fall to the floor. She bent over and picked it up. She went to stand up again, only to stop halfway when her face was a centimeter away from Fred's. He had that smug smirk on his face again. "Uh, hey"

"I'm guessing this is your seat?" he asked.

"As a matter of fact, it is" Stephanie put her bag in the overhead before taking her seat. Velma leaned over and gave her a small smile. She then went back to reading. Fred, on the other hand, never let his eyes leave Stephanie.

"Not sitting with your boyfriend?"

"No. Peter is sitting next to Daphne, and what makes you think he's my boyfriend?"

"Well, you two were holding hands"

"Fine. He's my boyfriend" Stephanie said. She could see the smile on Fred's face drop. Stephanie suddenly then felt guilty. Why did she feel guilty? "Why do you care?"

"I don't" he said, but not very believably. Velma let out a laugh. Fred and Stephanie both looked at her. "What?"

"Oh, nothing. It's just that you two obviously still have feelings for each other" Velma said.

"We do not!" both Fred and Stephanie protested loudly, gaining the attention of all the passengers on the plane. That only lasted for a moment, however, before everyone went back to minding their own business.

"What do you mean still?" Stephanie whispered. Before Velma could say anything else, Stephanie felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked up and saw Scooby.

"Raggy, wants re to ritch reats with rou" he said.

"Of course, Scoob" Stephanie honestly didn't mind. Anything to get away from this awkward situation. Fred watched her leave with disappointment in his eyes. Stephanie eventually found where Shaggy was sitting. He was talking to a girl with long, wavy blonde hair. "Hey Shaggy. Mind if I sit with you guys?"

"No, not at all. Steph, this is Mary Jane. Mary Jane, like, this is my cousin Stephanie" Shaggy introduced. Stephanie and Mary Jane shook hands.

"Nice to meet you Mary Jane"

"You too Stephanie" Mary Jane said.

Meanwhile, Scooby was now seated in the same row with Fred and Velma. Fred was trying to convince Velma that he had no feelings for Stephanie, but Velma wasn't buying it. Scooby sniffed around and he could smell the distinct scent of a cat. He looked over and noticed the cat sitting in the opposite row. It hissed at him and Scooby began barking. Everyone looked towards the commotion.

"Ugh, grandma?" Velma said.

"Velma, it's simple behaviour modification. To cause a dog to discontinue any action, you simply flick it on the nose. Observe" Fred said. He turned to look at Scooby. "Scoob" Scooby stopped barking and looked at Fred. Fred flicked Scooby on the nose. In turn, Scooby punched Fred in the face. The cat got free and Scooby chased it around.

"Sit, grandma. Bad grandma. Don't eat the kitty!" Shaggy said.

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