what the heck is going on?

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The next morning, the gang woke up on a pier. Mary Jane had attempted to make a rescue call the night before but it wasn't any help. Something was off when they had woken up. It was like the monsters were never there.

"Uh guys, do you see what I see?" Stephanie asked.

"Like, what happened to the shattered windows and the busted walls?" Shaggy asked. A volleyball had hit Daphne.

"Yo, Red. Ball?" a blonde girl with pigtails said. Daphne picked up the ball and threw it over to the blonde. Everyone looked around. There was a band playing and everyone was dancing and having fun as if nothing happened last night.

"Anyone else think this is strange?"

"Okay gang, let's split up. Mary Jane, you go that way see if you can find Peter. Daphne, you and I will look over there to see if we can find Velma. Shaggy and Scooby, you two start looking for Fred" Stephanie said.

"Can't we go with you two?"

"Reah" Scooby said.

"If we split up, we'll cover more ground and find them faster" Stephanie said.

"Steph's right. Let's meet back here if we find them" Daphne said. Mary Jane walked off in one direction, Stephanie and Daphne went the other way, and Shaggy and Scooby stayed put.

"Well Scoob, I guess we should start looking" Shaggy said. Scooby nodded and put his nose to the ground. He began sniffing and following a scent, while Shaggy followed behind him. The scent trail eventually came to and end. Scooby recognized it right away. Actually he recognized two of the scents. Scooby looked up.

"Red? Reter?" Scooby said.

"Yo, yo! The beotch was like "what!?" and I was like "later on!" Fred said. Shaggy caught up with Scooby.

"Fred! Peter!" Shaggy said. The two men turned around to look at them. Both of them were acting really strangely.

"What up, dawg?" Peter spoke. He looked to Scooby. "And..uh..dog?"

"Keepin' it real!" Scooby said, holding up a peace sign. Peter gave a grin and nodded at him.

"Like, what happened last night?" Shaggy asked.

"Man, we got beats like it was the lizznizz on Earth!" Fred said.

"You know what my man's saying, G?" Peter asked. Shaggy gave a nod and an awkward smile, but really he had no idea what that hell they were talking about.

"No" Shaggy said. That was a huge mistake. There was a loud scream, which caught Shaggy's attention. "Did you hear that?" Fred, Peter, and their crew were now staring at Shaggy and Scooby. Fred and Peter screamed, and the same green mist from the monsters came out of their mouths. Shaggy and Scooby screamed and then ran off.

"Get the dog" Fred said. He, Peter, and the others began to run after them.


Stephanie and Daphne looked around for Velma. They had no luck until they eventually came across a locker room. There was music coming from inside it so they decided to investigate it. There Velma was, wearing a bathing suit and dancing. Stephanie furrowed her brows and stayed put as Daphne approached Velma and a bunch of other girls.

"Velma! You're wearing makeup. What's going on?" Daphne said.

"Is everything alright?" Stephanie spoke up.

"I'm just getting my swerve on! Right, ladies? Give it up!" Velma said.

"You go girl!" the other girls chanted. Velma continued on with her dancing. Stephanie and Daphne looked at each other, very confused. This wasn't like Velma at all.

"What about the..." Stephanie started.

"Creatures" Daphne finished for her.

"Hold up!" Velma said. She stopped dancing and the music stopped playing. She turned her head and looked at the two girls. "There's one thing I do remember those creatures doing" Velma stepped down from the bench she was dancing on. She approached Steph and Daph, cracking her neck. "That naff scream"

"Scream?" Steph and Daph said at the same time. Velma cracked her neck the other way.

"Uh-huh. Kind of like..." Velma let out a loud, shrill scream. Stephanie and Daphne quickly ran out of the locker room. They closed the door before the group of girls could leave.

"Daphne, give me that broom!" Stephanie said, pointing to a broom with a metal handle. Daphne grabbed it and gave it to her friend. Stephanie put it through the handles of the doors so that they couldn't open. They then began to run.

"Steph, what's wrong with Velma?" Daphne asked.

"What's wrong is that she isn't Velma" Just as the two of them got outside, the wrestler man from before got to them. He grabbed both of them.

"Ah hah! Damsels in distress!" He managed to get the Daemon Ritus out of Daphne's purse. He wasn't done with the girls though. He picked them up and walked away with them both.


Meanwhile, Shaggy and Scooby were still trying to get away from Fred, Peter, and their crew. They found some sort of shed where they took refuge.

"Hurry, get the door!" Shaggy said. He and Scooby closed the door before Fred and Peter could get to them. Peter managed to punch a hole in the door. He began to feel around for Scooby. Fred had broken through the round glass window and found Shaggy's neck.

"Why are Red and Reter in a rad rood?" Scooby asked.

"They're not in a bad mood Scoob! They're monsters!" Shaggy said. He managed to break free from Fred's grip. As the crew began to break through the shed, Scooby spotted something that they could use.


"I know! Yikes!"

"No, rikes!" Scooby pulled a white sheet off of a couple of four wheelers. Shaggy and Scooby got on them, and drove right through the door. As they were driving, Mary Jane appeared out of the bushes. Shaggy put on his brakes just in time.

"I just saw my friend, Beth Ann. There's something wrong with her eyes!" Mary Jane said.

"Like, hop on!" Shaggy said. Mary Jane hopped on the bike with Shaggy. Some of Fred and Peter's crew came out of the bushes. Shaggy, Scooby, and Mary Jane continued off on the bikes as they were pursued. "Like, duck!" Mary Jane got whacked in the face by a branch. When Scooby looked at her, he noticed her demonic looking face. She pulled on her face and snapped the skin, making her face return to normal. She giggled as she rested her head on Shaggy's back. They eventually made it to safety. When they got off the bikes, Shaggy and Mary Jane hugged each other. Scooby started barking at Mary Jane. He got in between the two of them. "Scooby Doo, like what are you doing, man?"

"Raggy, Rary Rane is a ran in a rask!" Scooby said.

"Mary Jane is a man in a mask?"

"Scooby..." Mary Jane said. Scooby started growling at her when she tried to get close to him.

"Dude!" Shaggy stepped in between them. "Like, what are you doing man? Step off, Scoob"

"Raggy, rou're ripped!" Scooby said, standing on his hind legs.

"I'm whipped? Oh yeah, well why don't you say that to my face man!"

"Rokay, ri rill! Rour rother reats rat roop!"

"No Scooby Doo, your mom eats cat poop!" They continued taunting each other right up until the floor opened beneath Scooby Doo and he fell into a hole. Shaggy got on the ground and peeked his head into the hole. "Scoob!" He stood up. "Scoobys been eaten. I gotta save him. You stay here, I'll be right back!"

"No Shaggy!" Mary Jane said, in a weirdly deep and demonic voice. "I mean..." Her voice was normal again. "It's too dangerous"

"I've got to. He's like my best pal. Friend's don't quit!" Shaggy dived into the hole and then found himself in some strange cave.

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